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Supporting Documents and Information

This page contains links to relevant associated policies, procedures, guidelines, regulations, codes of practice and Australian (AS, AS/NZS) and International Standards (ISO); and any other resources identified as having a direct association with this document.

Safety and Welfare of Children and Young People Procedure

( View Historic Versions )

Child Wellbeing and Safety Act 2005 (Vic)
Worker Screening Act 2020 (Vic)
Victorian Child Safe Standards (Vic)
National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (Cth)
  Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy
  Health and Safety Policy
  Privacy Policy
  Privacy Procedure
  Recruitment and Selection Policy
  Recruitment and Selection Procedure
  Risk Management Policy
  Risk Management Procedure
  Safety and Welfare of Children and Young People - Staff Code of Conduct
  Safety and Welfare of Children and Young People Policy
  Sexual Harassment Response - Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT) Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Procedure
  Work Integrated Learning - Practical Placement Procedure (VET)
  Work Integrated Learning Policy
  Work Integrated Learning Procedure (HE)
Website Links
  A Guide for Creating a Child Safe Organisation
  Child Protection and Child Safe Standards (PROTECT)
  Commonwealth Child Safe Framework
  Cultural safety for Aboriginal children
  Empowerment and participation of children
  Failure to Disclose Offence Fact Sheet - Department of Justice and Community Safety
  Failure to Protect Offence Fact Sheet - Department of Justice and Community Safety
  Mandatory Reporting - Department of Families, Fairness and Housing
  policies and procedures
  Preventing Sexual Exploitation, Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Policy
  Reportable Conduct Scheme
  Safety of children from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds
  Safety of children with a disability
Other Electronic Publications
  Appendix 1 - Child Safety Reporting Process  (108.01 KB)
  Appendix 2 - Child Safety Reporting Guidelines  (230.40 KB)
  Children's Centre Child Protection and Child Safe Policy  (2.52 MB)
  National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023  (1.73 MB)