Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) This Policy outlines the University’s approach to controlling fraud and corruption in and against the University. (2) HESF: 6 Governance and Accountability; 7.1 Representation; 7.3 Information Management (3) Standards for RTOs: Standard 6, Standard 7, Standard 8 (4) This Policy applies across the University, to all people who are part of the University community, including: (5) Any research and academic misconduct by staff and students will be dealt with under the Research Integrity - Guide to the Management of Potential Breaches of the Australian Code Procedure, Research Integrity Policy and Procedures, and the Student Misconduct Procedure. Special procedures and protections apply to any person making a public interest disclosure under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic), as detailed in the Public Interest Disclosures Policy. (7) (8) (10) The University is committed to the principles of honesty and integrity, and operates in an environment in which the highest standards of legal, moral and ethical conduct are expected, encouraged and supported. The University prohibits fraud, corruption and improper conduct of all kinds (including misconduct in public office). (11) All persons to whom this Policy applies must report suspected fraud, corruption or improper conduct, as required by the Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy. Any external parties are also encouraged to report reasonable suspicions. See Part B below for further details on how to make reports. (12) In response to breaches of this Policy, the University will investigate, take appropriate disciplinary action including dismissal, seek prosecution or civil action against offenders, and seek to recover funds or assets. Further details regarding recording and reporting incidents can be found in the Fraud and Corruption Control Procedure. (13) Examples of conduct prohibited by the University include (but are not limited to): (14) The University seeks to implement a robust risk management system to prevent, detect and respond to fraud and corruption risks. The University will: (15) For further information on procedures to prevent, detect and respond to incidents, refer to the Fraud and Corruption Control Procedure. (16) All persons to whom this Policy applies must report suspected fraud, corruption or improper conduct. The Fraud and Corruption Control Procedure provides direction on the mechanism for reporting and investigating allegations of fraud and corrupt conduct. If a member of the University community has a suspicion of fraud or corruption, they must make a report via: (17) The reporting system establishes the arrangements for dealing with allegations that are not public interest disclosures. Staff wanting to make a public interest disclosure should refer to the Public Interest Disclosures Policy and may consult with the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator to make their report direct to IBAC. (18) The Fraud and Corruption Control Officer is available for individuals to make reports or raise concerns with the assurance of confidentiality. If these conversations raise matters that could form the subject of a public interest disclosure, the Fraud and Corruption Control Officer will involve the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator to advise the staff member that they should make the disclosure to the IBAC. (19) In accordance with the Standing Direction 3.5 2018 under the Financial Management Act 1994 (Vic) the Fraud and Corruption Control Officer will ensure all instances of fraud and corruption are recorded on a central register, including details of any remedial actions planned and taken. (20) Subject at all times to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission Act 2011 (Vic) and the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic), should the report of suspected fraud or corruption involve a senior officer of the University, or be significant in terms of value or complexity, the Fraud and Corruption Control Officer will refer the report to the Chancellor via the Chair of the Audit and Risk Committee (ARC) immediately. Otherwise the Fraud and Corruption Control Officer will report all suspected or actual fraud and corruption incidents to the ARC on a periodic basis. (21) It is prohibited to undertake detrimental action against, or victimise those making disclosures. Any person named will be treated fairly and not disadvantaged if the results of the internal review show they were not implicated in improper behaviour. (22) See the Fraud and Corruption Control Procedure for further details.Fraud and Corruption Control Policy
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Part A - Principles
Part B - Reporting Suspect Fraud Corruption or Improper Conduct
Section 6 - Procedures