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(1) This Procedure establishes a framework for Work Integrated Learning (WIL) activities in higher education courses at Victoria University. (2) HESF Standard 5.4.1 - Delivery with Other Parties: Work-integrated learning, placements, other community-based learning and collaborative research training arrangements are quality assured, including assurance of the quality of supervision of student experiences. (3) HESF Standard 1.4.2 c and d – Learning Outcomes and Assessment: Knowledge and skills required for employment and further study related to the course of study, including those required to be eligible to seek registration to practice where applicable, and skills in independent and critical thinking suitable for life-long learning. (4) ESOS Act - National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018: Standard 1.2.2 - Marketing and Information Practices: The registered provider must, in seeking to enter into written agreements with overseas students or intending overseas students, not provide any false or misleading information on any work-based training a student is required to undertake as part of the course. (5) ESOS Act - National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018: Standard 2.1.2 - Recruitment of an Overseas Student: Prior to accepting an overseas student or intending overseas student for enrolment in a course, the registered provider must make comprehensive, current and plain English information available to the overseas student or intending overseas student on the CRICOS course code, course content, modes of study for the course including compulsory online and/or work-based training, placements, other community-based learning and collaborative research training arrangements, and assessment methods. (6) ESOS Act - National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018: Standard 3.3.1 - Formalisation of Enrolment and Written Agreements: In addition to all requirements in the ESOS Act, the written agreement must, in plain English, outline the course or courses in which the student is to be enrolled, the expected course start date, the location(s) at which the course will be delivered, the offered modes of study for the course, including compulsory online and/or work-based training, placements, and/or other community-based learning and/or collaborative research training arrangements. (7) This Procedure applies to: (8) This Procedure does not apply to: (9) Fitness for placement: Students are fit for placement if they can attend placement without endangering themselves or others. (10) Work Integrated Learning Policy (11) Offsite supported WIL activities require an agreement or contract, signed by the relevant designated figure and by a senior staff member of the partner organisation. Further, this requires: Use of either the standard university agreement A or B; or (12) Conditions of and requirements for student participation in WIL will be clearly stated in online course pages reflecting the approved unit and in College WIL handbooks, including: (13) Prior to curricula WIL activities commencing, students and external supervisors will be provided with a learning plan that sets out: (14) The responsibility for managing the police check and/or working with children check process and ensuring that a satisfactory police check record and/or working with children check is made available to an employer providing WIL activities to a Victoria University student lies with the student. This includes: (15) The University takes no responsibility for a student's police record and/or working with children check in regard to the employer who offers work experience, particularly as the University does not know the content of any of the student's police record and/or working with children check. (16) Victoria University acknowledges that it has a legal obligation to take reasonable and proportion measures to eliminate discrimination and prevent discriminatory practices. Accordingly; (17) Monitoring student progress and safety, and the safety of the public, during offsite activities will be assured through provision of a College level WIL Handbook to students and partners that includes: (18) Determinations as to whether a student meets the fitness for placement requirements will be made at the College level. The processes for making this assessment will be set out in each College in WIL handbooks. The following requirements apply to these handbooks: (19) Any adjustments which are to be implemented in order to enable the student to participate safely in WIL will be documented in an Accessibility Action Plan. (20) A signed fitness for placement declaration form, and if applicable a copy of the Accessibility Action Plan, will be lodged with WIL team (Career Education and Employment) Course Chairs and Unit Convenors. WIL coordinators are responsible for ensuring that this occurs. (21) Where two or more events of unfitness for practice are recorded, students are advised to contact a Student Advisor to construct a success plan. (22) All WIL activities undertaken by on-shore international students will comply with Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth) (or ESOS Act) and visa requirements. Please refer to the Study in Australia website for further information. All offshore WIL activity for international or domestic students will evidence: (23) Particular care should be taken with the provision of information to prospective International onshore students who may face difficulties with the police checks requirement. Some Australian employers may not accept overseas police check records. (24) All WIL activities undertaken by on-shore international students will comply with ESOS legislation and visa requirements. All offshore WIL activity for international or domestic students will evidence: (25) The WIL activity undertaken by students will be reported by Unit Convenors or other staff responsible for placement administration, including:Work Integrated Learning Procedure (HE)
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
2. Provide additional information through VU Collaborate as is required for successful participation including (for example Preparation for WIL digital module for OHS awareness, COVID-19 requirements etc.).
3. Develop and apply a Fitness for WIL activity process where applicable, referenced and aligned with appropriate Inherent Requirements for the course. Submit via the Director of Learning and Teaching to the VU WIL System prior to students commencing WIL activities.
4. Develop College level WIL handbooks that comply with these procedures. Ensure assessment of the WIL activities have identified any potential hazards, developed appropriate controls and ensure the controls are implemented. Refer to documents on the WIL intranet and WIL policy/OH&S/Risk management procedure.
5. Ensure that clear and agreed rubrics, agreed standards or externally referenced measures are evidenced for WIL.
6. Ensure all students receive an OHS induction prior to WIL activities and OHS checklist template is completed by the students.
7. The agreements will specify that the provider would require students to complete the OHS induction. If students do not complete OHS or have queries they are directed to contact the Lead Administrator, WIL System, in Career Education and Employment.
8. Develop, apply and communicate processes for monitoring student progress and safety during offsite WIL activities, (e.g., site visits).
9. For Onsite Clinics and partnered projects, refer to College based guidelines for requirements. There is an expectation that these types of WIL activities are aligned to the Key Principals of WIL as described in the WIL Policy.
10. Develop, apply and communicate processes to ensure all students have access to WIL opportunities.
11. Provide data on type and duration of WIL activities in the Course Approvals and Management system.
12. Evaluate WIL programs in accordance with the Learning and Teaching Quality and Standards Framework including internal college and other relevant stakeholders as required.
External Organisations
Part B - Partnered Offsite Activities
Part C - Learning and Teaching Arrangements
Police Checks and Working with Children Checks
Part D - Access, Inclusion and Fitness for Placement
Part E - International Students and Offshore WIL Activities
Part F - Data Collection and Reporting
Part G - Data Collection and Reporting