
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

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Remission of Debt and Post-Census Amendment of Enrolment Policy

Section 1 - Summary

(1) This Policy outlines the administration of the remission of HECS-HELP, the re-credit of FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP and VET Student Loans, the refund of upfront fees and the post-census amendment of enrolment.

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Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment

(2) HESF: 1.1 Admissions, 2.4 Student Grievances and Complaints, 7.2 Information for Prospective and Current Students

(3) ESOS Act: Part 3 Division 2; Part 5 Division 2.

(4) Standards for RTOs: Standard 5; 7; Schedule 6.

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Section 3 - Scope

(5) This Policy applies to:

  1. All students and former students;
  2. Staff who administer enrolments and remissions.
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Section 4 - Definitions




(9) VET Student Loans

(10) VET

(11) SA-HELP

(12) OS-HELP

(13) Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF)

(14) Low Completion Rate: students who commenced their course of study in 2022 or later are subject to a 50% or greater pass rate rule, as defined by the Commonwealth Government on their Study Assist website.

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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(15) Students may seek a re-credit, remission and/or refund of fees where exceptional, compassionate or compelling circumstances apply, or where there are Special Circumstances in relation to a Low Completion Rate.  For a description of these circumstances, please refer to Assessment of Compassionate, Compelling or Special Circumstances and the Remission of Debt and Post Census Amendment of Enrolment Procedure.

(16) SA-HELP and OS-HELP loans cannot be remitted, however a SSAF may be refunded when paid up front.


(17) To be eligible for a re-credit, remission and/or refund students must, where possible, lodge an application in writing:

  1. Within 12 months of the withdrawal date of the unit of study; or
  2. Within 12 months of the end of the period of study in which the unit was, or was to be undertaken if the person has not withdrawn; or
  3. Within 12 months of the end of a leave of absence period if granted by the University; or
  4. At the discretion of Victoria University if it is determined that it was not possible for the person to make an application before the end of the stated periods.

(18) Where a student failed a unit and did not formally withdraw it is at the discretion of the institution to accept applications in excess of 12 months.

(19) The student must not have completed the requirements for the unit. If the student passed the enrolled unit(s) they are not eligible for a remission or refund.

(20) The supporting documentation must support:

  1. That the student's circumstances were beyond their control;
  2. That the circumstances did not make their full impact on the student until on or after the census date for the unit;
  3. When it became apparent after the census date that the student could not continue with their study; or, if the circumstances existed prior to the census date, how the student's circumstances prevented them from withdrawing from study before the census date.

(21) If an application is submitted for some, but not all, enrolled units the documentation must state why the student can complete some units but not others.

(22) Each application is assessed on its merits and in accordance with the Commonwealth Government Guidelines

(23) Students who are enrolled in two courses or institutions simultaneously (i.e. via cross-institutional study) must apply separately to each course/institution.

(24) Students applying for their HELP balance to be re-credited under VET Student Loans Act 2016 (Cth) should refer to the Remission of Debt and Post Census Amendment of Enrolment Procedure

Supporting Evidence

(25) Students must submit any independent, original or certified copies of supporting documentation, such as a letter from a doctor or medical specialist. Medical documentation must:

  1. Be signed and on printed letterhead;
  2. Include the medical provider number.

(26) Documents and supporting statements made by an independent person must be witnessed by a Justice of the Peace.

  1. Letters from family members or other students are not considered independent.

(27) Only original or certified copies of supporting documentation will be accepted.

(28) The Coordinator Student Financials will assess the application and will advise the student of any information that is incomplete or missing.

(29) Remission applications are managed according to the University Privacy Policy. Where a student chooses not to complete all questions or submit supporting documentation in the application it may not be possible to assess the application.

(30) Information within the remission applications will be disclosed to the Commonwealth department of Education and the Australian Tax Office (ATO) as appropriate.

Post-Census Amendment of Enrolment

(31) Students should refer to the Enrolments Policy and Procedure regarding enrolment timelines, including census dates.

(32) Staff may amend a student’s enrolment where special circumstances exist at the discretion of the manager of the Enrolment team. 

(33) A student’s enrolment will be amended where a remission is approved and reported where applicable to the Commonwealth Department of Education.   

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Section 6 - Procedures

(34) Remission of Debt and Post Census Amendment of Enrolment Procedure