Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) This Procedure outlines the requirements for monitoring and analysing student results and outcomes for students in VRQA registered non-school foundation and senior secondary programs. (2) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth) (3) Guidelines for non-school providers: Minimum standards for registration to provide an accredited senior secondary or foundation secondary course (4) This Procedure applies to all non-school foundation and senior secondary programs delivered by Victoria University (VU). (5) On Track – Department of Education Survey which tracks the destination outcomes of Year 12 completers. (6) SAC – School Assessed Course Work. (7) VASS – Victorian Assessment Software System. (8) VRQA – Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority. (10) Student progress in all non-school foundation and senior secondary courses is monitored and reviewed at a minimum in the line with the Academic Progress - VET Student Progress Review Procedure (Domestic Students). (11) At each fortnightly staff meeting student progress is reviewed, utilising information from the student progress reviews, attendance data and assessment outcomes. (12) At the end of each academic cycle the VASS Administration Officer provides the following reports from VASS to the Education Manager and Senior Educator for review: (13) The Education Manager and the Senior Educator meet annually to examine all available data including further education and training data available through On Track. (14) Data is analysed to identify: (15) The Education Manager and Senior Educator discuss the data with subject teachers to support program improvements and/or professional development requirements. (16) All actions arising from analysis of available data are documented in the department’s Continuous Improvement Register. (17) The Education Manager and Senior Educator regularly review the Continuous Improvement Register to monitor the implementation of required actions. (18) The Education Manager reports actions and progress to the Executive Director. (19) Using all available data sources, the Education Manager develops an annual report documenting participation and completion rates, and student outcome information. (20) The Chief TAFE Officer/Executive Director approves the report for publication on VU’s website by July 31 of each year. VET Non-School Foundation and Senior Secondary Provider - Monitoring and Analysis of Student Progress, Results and Outcomes Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Director
Monitors program analysis activities and continuous improvement actions.
Approves annual participation, completion and outcome data report for publication.
Education Manager
Leads semester/Unit reviews of non-school foundation and senior secondary programs.
Leads annual review of non-school foundation and senior secondary programs.
Identifies, monitors and documents program issues, results, outcome data and continuous improvement actions.
Reports program issues, results and outcome data and continuous improvement actions to the Executive Director.
Prepares an annual report documenting student participation and completion rates, and outcome data.
Education Manager / Senior Educator
Meet with subject teachers to identify course development and delivery improvements.
Implement continuous improvement actions as per the department continuous improvement register.
Senior Educator / Teachers (including ongoing or fixed-term, sessional or teaching contractors)
Participate in semester/unit reviews of non-school foundation and senior secondary programs.
Participate in annual review of non-school foundation and senior secondary programs.
Utilise available data and feedback to improve course design and delivery.
VASS Administration Officer
Provides reports from VASS and On Track in relation to student participation and completion rates, and outcome data.
Part B - Monitoring and Analysis of Student Progress, Results and Outcomes
Part C - Use and Reporting of Data