
Document Feedback - Review and Comment

Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document

How to make a comment?

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2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.

3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.

4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.


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IT Appropriate Use - Mobile Phone Usage Reimbursement Procedure

Section 1 - Summary

(1) The purpose of the Mobile Phone Usage Reimbursement procedure is to support the IT Appropriate Use Policy and define the process for the reimbursement of costs and charges as a result of excessive personal use of VU issued mobile phones and devices.

(2) VU mobile phones are issued primarily for official University business, however a small amount of personal use is permitted. The University will cover the costs of all relevant University business related voice and data charges as well as charges related to limited personal use of VU mobile phones. Where personal voice and data charges incurred exceed the personal use limit, these costs are to be reimbursed by the staff member according to the Mobile Phone Usage Reimbursement Procedure.

(3) Individual cost-centres may develop their own specific procedures for the responsibility and usage of mobile phones and for the reimbursement of personal voice and data charges. Where no specific procedure exists, the Mobile Phone Usage Reimbursement procedure applies.

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Section 2 - Scope

(4) This procedure applies to:

  1. Members of VU issued with a VU mobile service contract.
  2. Voice and data charges incurred on VU contracted mobile phones and/or hand held devices.
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Section 3 - Definitions

(5) International Roaming: International Roaming is the ability to make and receive mobile phone calls and access the Internet (from an Australian mobile service) whilst overseas. It allows you to take your mobile phone and mobile device services overseas and use it via other mobile networks without changing service plans.

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Section 4 - Policy/Regulation

(6) IT Appropriate Use Policy

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Section 5 - Procedures

Part A - Summary of Roles/Responsibilities

Staff member Responsible for exercising good judgement when using VU issued mobile phones for personal use. Responsible for the reimbursement of personal voice and data charges to VU that exceed the personal use limit.
Management Approve arrangements for personal use of VU mobile phones while the staff member is travelling on official VU business.
Departments Departments acquiring VU mobile phones must retain accurate usage records, including personal calls, for transmission to Finance and ITS if and when required.
Cost-centre Cost-centres can set their own personal use limits. VU recommended personal use limit is $300 per year.

Part B - Procedures

Personal Use Limit

(7) Mobile phones are exempt from Fringe Benefits Tax where they are primarily used in employment and where costs of personal calls are reimbursed to the University. Minor benefits valued at less than $300 including GST (e.g. Limited personal use of phones) are also exempt.

(8) VU recommends a mobile phone personal use limit of $25 per month including GST ($300 per year).

(9) Individual cost-centres may develop their own specific procedures for the reimbursement of personal charges including determining a personal use limit.

Staff Personal Use Reimbursement Procedure

(10) Staff will receive a copy of their mobile phone account each month and are required to highlight all personal calls/charges on their mobile phone account.

(11) If the total personal charges exceed the personal use limit set by the cost-centre or the recommended limit of $25 per month, the staff member is required to complete a Deposit Slip which is available on the Finance intranet site and select the GST Taxable Status to Code "C".

(12) Staff members must forward the completed deposit slip, highlighted mobile phone account and payment to one of the University's Student Services Centres for processing. Payments can be made with cash, credit card or cheques.

(13) Receipts should be attached to monthly phone statements and filed in a secure and safe place for a period of 7 years for auditing purposes.

International Roaming Reimbursement Procedure

(14) Mobile phones on University contracts can be enabled for international roaming for voice and data services. International roaming costs are excluded from the standard plans. Any relevant VU business related international roaming costs incurred is paid by the University as well as all reasonable personal usage in accordance with the IT Appropriate Use policy.

(15) Any non VU business related (personal use) international roaming charges incurred whilst utilising any VU contracted mobile phone or device when travelling internationally must be reimbursed to VU by the staff member. The following process applies:

  1. ITS receives exceptional international roaming report that summarises excessive usage costs from Optus/Telstra.
  2. ITS identifies service owner cost centre and forwards the invoice report to the individual and their supervisor.
  3. Staff member and the supervisor will reconcile the usage report (identifying and separating business related activities from personal activities). The personal component of the international roaming costs incurred is to be reimbursed to VU by the staff member through an agreed payment plan.
  4. The staff member is to complete a deposit slip which is available on the Finance intranet site. Forward the deposit slip and payment at one of the University's Student Services Centres. A receipt is to be provided to the cost centre manager as proof of payment.
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Section 6 - Guidelines

(16) Nil