Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
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(1) This Policy states the University's commitment to meeting its obligations under the Public Interest Disclosures Act 2012 (Vic) (the PID Act). (2) Staff and students should note that the processes and obligations established by the PID Act are significantly different from those created by its predecessor legislation, the Whistleblowers Protection Act 2001. (3) Any member of the University community considering making a disclosure should carefully read both this Policy and the accompanying Public Interest Disclosures Procedure. (5) This Policy applies across the University. (6) Improper Conduct is defined in the PID Act to mean either ‘corrupt conduct’ or (7) Corrupt conduct means one of the following: (8) Victoria University (the University) is a public body subject to the PID Act. The purpose of the PID Act is to encourage and facilitate the making of disclosures of improper conduct by public officers and public bodies, including the University and its employees. (9) The University is committed to the aims and objectives of the PID Act. It recognises the value of transparency and accountability in its administrative and management practices, and supports the making of disclosures that reveal improper conduct. (10) The University does not tolerate improper conduct by the organisation, its employees, officers or members, nor the taking of detrimental action in reprisal against those who come forward to disclose such conduct. (11) VU will take all reasonable steps to protect people who make such disclosures from any detrimental action in reprisal for making the disclosures. It will also afford natural justice to the person or body who is the subject of the disclosures. (12) Disclosures may be made about: (13) The conduct or action being disclosed may have taken place, still be occurring, or is believed will occur or be engaged in. (14) Any individual natural person (e.g., not organisation or company) may make a disclosure under the PID Act. The individual could be a person within the organisation, or any member of the public externally. (15) Disclosures may be made in a number of ways set out in the PID Act, including anonymously, in writing or orally. A discloser need not identify the person or body about whom the disclosure is made. (16) According to the Independent Broad-based Anti-corruption Commission (IBAC), Victoria University is not permitted to receive disclosures made under the PID Act. Therefore, if you wish to make a disclosure about the University, its officers, members or employees, you will need to make that disclosure directly to the IBAC. (17) If the University believes a disclosure may be a public interest disclosure made in accordance with the PID Act, it will ask you to make that disclosure to the IBAC. The IBAC will deal with the disclosure. (18) It is important to note that the IBAC is not required to contact the University about any disclosure you make, so you should not discuss any disclosure you make to the IBAC with the University or any person in the University unless: (19) As required under the PID Act, the University has established a Public Interest Disclosures Procedure to facilitate and encourage the making of disclosures under the PID Act, and how the University will manage the welfare of persons connected with public interest disclosures. (20) While the University is not able to receive public interest disclosures, the University wants all staff to be free to engage the University's internal processes in the first instance when issues of concern arise. Some concerns may not involve matters that would give rise to public interest disclosures, and may be able to be resolved constructively and transparently within the University's own structure. (21) The Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator (Lisa Filippin, General Counsel, 9919 5280), will remain available for individuals to make reports or raise concerns with the assurance of confidentiality. (22) If these conversations raise matters that could form the subject of a public interest disclosure, the Public Interest Disclosure Coordinator will advise the staff member that they should make the disclosure to the IBAC following the process detailed in the Procedures. (23) Victoria University takes its obligations under the PID Act seriously. This includes the requirement to protect the identity of the discloser and the matters disclosed by a discloser. (24) Maintaining confidentiality in relation to public interest disclosure matters is crucial, among other things, in ensuring reprisals are not made against a discloser. (25) It is a criminal offence under the PID Act to disclose information connected with a disclosure made in accordance with the PID Act, including the identity of the discloser. The penalties for breaching confidentiality obligations include financial penalties and imprisonment.Public Interest Disclosures Policy
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Top of PageSection 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
that the person or associate would not have otherwise obtained; or
Top of Page
that they would not have otherwise obtained; orSection 5 - Policy Statement
Part A - Who can make a disclosure?
Part B - How to make a disclosure
Part C - Confidential Conversations
Part D - Confidentiality
Section 6 - Procedures