Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the relevant Manager and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Higher Degrees by Research Procedure 3 Pre-Candidature and Candidature

Status Historic
Effective Date 30th August 2018
Review Date 30th August 2021
Approval Authority Vice-President (Research)
Approval Date 27th July 2018
Expiry Date 17th April 2019
Responsible Officer John Price
Dean, Graduate Research
+61 3 9919 2046
Accountable Officer Andrew Hill
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Impact
Enquiries Contact Elizabeth Smith
Manager, Candidature
+61 3 9919 4228

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

Organisational Structure and New Titles reflected throughout the Procedures: - Flagship Research Institute replaced College - Office for Researcher Training, Quality & Integrity (ORTQI) replaced Graduate Research Centre (GRC) - Deputy Director, Flagship Research Institute replaced College Deputy Director • Advanced Candidature removed from this Procedure and inserted in Procedure 1. • Extensions beyond 3 years to be managed via the Towards Submission Review in the first instance to streamline the candidature process. • Inclusion of a Late Submission clause identified as a standalone process to more efficiently monitor this process. • Inclusion of Candidature Milestones: Mid-Candidature Review and Towards Submission now monitors academic progress, thus replacing the annual progress report (previous HDR 4- Progress Procedure/Part A-Progress Reports). • Inclusion of Post Maximum Duration Fees.

Clauses Amended:Procedure: All