Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the relevant Manager and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Contract Best Practice Guidelines

Status Historic
Effective Date 21st February 2017
Review Date 21st February 2020
Approval Authority Senior Lawyer
Approval Authority - Admin Changes Senior Lawyer
Approval Date 21st February 2017
Expiry Date 2nd March 2020
Responsible Officer John Lambrick
Head of Legal Services
+61 3 9919 5280
Accountable Officer John Lambrick
Head of Legal Services
+61 3 9919 5280
Enquiries Contact John Lambrick
Head of Legal Services
+61 3 9919 5280

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

21/2/17 Clause (70) c amended - "….., a copy ….” amended to “….., an electronic copy ….”


02/03/20 This guideline was removed as approved by Head of Legal Services (John Lambrick) on 26/02/20 as a consequence, the guideline is now a pdf attachment to the Contracts Procedure and can be view under supporting documents section.