Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the relevant Manager and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Travel Procedure

Status Current
Effective Date 20th September 2024
Review Date 20th September 2027
Approval Authority Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance
Approval Date 20th September 2024
Expiry Date Not Applicable
Responsible Officer Michael Lapolla
Director, Financial Systems and Services
+61 3 9919 2935
Accountable Officer Lucy Franzmann
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance
+61 3 9919 5256
Enquiries Contact Michael Lapolla
Director, Financial Systems and Services
+61 3 9919 2935

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

The updates provide clarify regarding FBT obligations during combined business and private travel and per diems paid for reasonably short periods.

Clauses Amended:Procedure: 68,80,81,82,84,96, 99 (deleted).