Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the relevant Manager and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

ICT (Appropriate Use of) Policy and Procedures

Status Historic
Effective Date 14th October 2014
Review Date 14th June 2017
Approval Authority Vice-Chancellor
Approval Date 14th October 2014
Expiry Date 30th March 2015
Responsible Officer Lisa Line
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Enterprise and Digital
Enquiries Contact Lisa Line
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Enterprise and Digital

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

This is the current version of this policy and procedures carried across from the discontinued Central Policy Register (disestablished September 2014). This policy is under review. This Policy came into force with an Operational Date of 4 April 2012.

Clauses Amended