(1) This Procedure specifies the key stages and responsibilities involved in the comprehensive review of Higher Education (HE) coursework courses at Victoria University (VU). (2) This Procedure should be read in conjunction with the Courses Lifecycle - Annual Course Monitoring (HE) Procedure. (3) HESF: 1.4.1, 1.4.3 and 1.4.4 Learning Outcomes and Assessment; 5.3.1 – 5.3.4 and 5.3.7 Monitoring, Review and Improvement. (4) This Procedure applies to all: (5) This Procedure does not apply to: (6) Nil (8) The Comprehensive Course Review (CCR) is an integral part of the VU Learning and Teaching Quality and Standards (LTQS) Framework. The CCR process ensures continuous improvement and quality assurance of courses and is informed by the Annual Course Monitoring (ACM) process. (9) All HE coursework courses are accredited for a period of five years. VU requires all active HE coursework courses (and the non-awards referred to earlier) to be comprehensively reviewed at least once every five years from the date of the first enrolment (not approval). In the penultimate year of the course’s accreditation period, the course will undergo a CCR to ensure the course reflects: (10) CCR applies to all active HE coursework courses (and as above) offered by, or on behalf of, VU at all domestic and off-shore locations. It takes into account course quality as experienced by significant cohorts of students. (11) Where one or more College contributes to the design and delivery of the course, the administering college is responsible for the oversight of the CCR. (12) AQS maintains a five-year CCR schedule to ensure that all HE coursework (and as above) courses are comprehensively reviewed. Where possible, the CCR and internal re-accreditation processes will be scheduled in the same year as professional (external) accreditation processes. (13) In October each year, the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer will notify the Executive Deans of the courses that are scheduled to be involved in a CCR in the following year. As a result of this advice the Executive Dean can decide to: (14) There are three stages involved in the CCR process: (15) Self-review is a collegial and consultative process that is designed to enable all staff associated with the course to critically review the performance of the course. (16) At the commencement of the Self-Review process, AQS will provide the CCR team with: (17) The CCR team will provide current students and recent graduates with an opportunity to provide feedback and input on their experience with the course and areas for improvement. (18) The CCR team will undertake external referencing in accordance with the requirements Courses Lifecycle - External Referencing Procedure . External referencing is undertaken against appropriate comparator institutions and must use comparison data that is credible, tenable and recent. It should include: (19) Utilising all the data provided and obtained, CCR teams complete the self-assessment report, which asks them to consider: (20) The CCR Self-Review Report is endorsed by the Director of Learning and Teaching (or equivalent) and approved by the Executive Dean (or equivalent). (21) The CCR Self-Review process must be completed within eight weeks of the review commencing. (22) A CCR Validation Panel will be convened to consider the information provided by the college in the CCR Self-Review Report. (23) The CCR Validation Panel will, as a minimum, comprise: (24) An Executive Officer, from AQS, will be appointed to support the panel. (25) It may be appropriate for the panel to review CCR Self-Review reports as a group for similar disciplines, or where there is significant overlap in course structure and curriculum. (26) A CCR Validation Panel Report will be developed as an outcome of this process and will document the panel’s: (27) The CCR Validation process must be completed within four weeks of the CCR Self-Review report being submitted to the panel. (28) CCR recommendations will be implemented and noted in the CCR Action Plan. This will be developed by AQS in collaboration with the College. It will detail: (29) CCR recommendations will be actioned via: (30) The CCR Action Plan must be fully implemented within 18 months from the conclusion of the CCR Validation process. (31) AQS is responsible for the maintenance of all CCR records, including: (32) The Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer will report on an annual basis to the Learning and Teaching Quality Committee and Academic Board on completed CCR reviews and action plans. (33) The Academic Board standing committees will monitor the implementation of the CCR Action Plan.Courses Lifecycle - Comprehensive Course Review (HE) Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Dean of College (or equivalent)
- Responsible for the standard and quality of all courses offered by the College.
- Responsible for the initiation, conduct and implementation of comprehensive course reviews for all award courses.
- Ensures that the CCR team is resourced to enable a quality review outcome.
Director, Learning and Teaching (College)
- Nominates the CCR Self Review Leader.
- Determines the membership of the CCR team including all academic staff who are involved in the delivery at the main location and interstate; off-shore and online locations (as applicable).
- Ensures input into the CCR from the First Year College, and other Colleges where they contribute to the design and delivery of the course.
- Liaises with central service teams to advise and support the college through the CCR process.
- Ensures the CCR team completes the Self-Review Report within agreed timelines.
- Endorses the recommendations detailed in the CCR Self Review Report thus ensuring they align to College, university, and strategic initiatives.
- Ensures the CCR Action Plan is implemented no more than 18 months after the validation process has concluded.
CCR Leader
- Consults widely to seek feedback from a broad range of stakeholders, including the First Year College.
- Reviews previous CCR, ACM and course amendment actions and include details on the impact achieved.
- Analyses the CCR and ACM course data snapshot and identifies course strengths gaps and areas for improvement.
- Sources additional data from Data Analysis and Reporting that is not included in the CCR and ACM Data Snapshot.
- Collaborates with the Partnerships Unit (or equivalent) and including location specific recommendations for interstate and/or off-shore locations.
- Develops a succinct CCR Self-Review Report with assistance from peers as required and recommendations for course improvements.
- Forwards the CCR Self-Review Report to the Executive Officer of the CCR Validation Panel by the agreed due date.
Academic Quality and Standards (AQS)
- Prepares customised resources, including the CCR Self Review Template, Course Review and Monitoring Data Snapshot, and Assessment Matrix.
- Advises and supports the College to complete the CCR Self-Review process.
- Provides Assistance with interpreting data; aligning to VU policies and strategies.
- Reviews the draft CCR Self-Review Report and provides constructive feedback and suggestions for changes and/or inclusions.
Director, Academic Quality and Standards
- Plans and manages the CCR process.
- Provides the central point of CCR advice and data analysis.
- Maintains the five year CCR schedule and the repository of CCR information on VU’s CCR SharePoint page/intranet.
- Collaborates with colleges and relevant stakeholders in relation to the CCR process.
- Supports the College with focus groups (i.e. student, staff, graduate).
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
- Initiates and oversees the CCR process.
Part B - Comprehensive Course Review Principles
(11) Generally, courses will be reviewed as a single entity. It may be appropriate to group courses and/or locations for similar disciplines, or where there is a significant overlap of course outcomes and/or units.
Part C - CCR Stage
Stage One: CCR Self-Review
The Data Snapshot provides evidence of course performance, student experience and outcomes from data sets, including (but not limited to):
Stage Two: CCR Validation
Stage Three: CCR Implmentation and Action
Part D - CCR Reports
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(Larger panels can be convened where particular expertise is required.)