(1) Ensure that Victoria University has a system established to eliminate or risk of injury, as far as reasonably possible, to all employees, students, contractors and volunteers from hazardous manual handling; (2) Describe what manual handling is and how it may be hazardous to people; (3) Prescribe a system of identification of hazards involved in manual handling tasks; (4) Provide instruction on controlling hazardous manual handling for all tasks in relation to work at the University or in relation to any activity under the control of the University. (5) This procedure applies across the University and to all University employees. (6) Manual Handling: refers to the physical exertion required by a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any object. (8) Manual handling is physical exertion by a person to lift, lower, push, pull, carry or otherwise move, hold or restrain any object. Most manual handling activities are not hazardous if undertaken for limited periods of time and are within the ability of the individual. Identifying those tasks which have the potential to cause injury is necessary to establish safe work practices as required in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), and the Occupational Health and Safety Regulations 2017 (Vic). (9) The risk of injury associated with manual handling increases with tasks that involve: (10) The identification and control of manual handling tasks must be a regular part of business for all employees. The identification, planning and implementation of controls should be done in consultation with employees directly performing the tasks for all activities. The process of hazard identification and risk control for manual handling will be recorded using guidance documents provided on the OHS intranet site which include: (11) Control measures for minimising the risk of injury due to hazardous manual handling include: (12) All students, staff, contractors and volunteers should be briefed on manual handling hazards inherent in their role during their inductions and the correct procedures, use of equipment or other controls that may be necessary.Health and Safety - Manual Handling Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - Accountability
Accountable/Responsible Officer
Accountable Officer
Vice-President, People and Culture
Responsible Officer
Vice-President, People and Culture
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Resonsibities
Everyone working at VU
Take care to avoid injury by knowing their own ability and limitations. Follow instructions on minimising hazardous manual handling tasks. Attend training on manual handling and risk minimisation if required to carry out their roles safely. Identify manual handling tasks in relation to their own work and environment. Assist others in minimising hazardous manual handling in all aspects of work.
Executives and Leaders
Encourage discussion and the identification and control of hazardous manual handling tasks. Monitor information on manual handling injuries, ensure controls are reviewed and that reasonable resources are allocated for implementation.
Managers and Supervisors
Identify hazardous manual handling tasks within job descriptions and particular tasks. Use hazard identification tools prior to any purchase and/or before introducing any new task or equipment to the workplace or activities. Ensure induction, instruction, training and supervision is provided to all employees, students and others to eliminate or minimise hazardous manual handling. Provide mechanical and other aids to control hazardous manual handling in the workplace and in relation to work related activities. Continually review the risk control measures.
Teachers, Academic Staff and Researchers
Provide induction, instruction, training and supervision to minimise hazardous manual handling tasks for themselves and their students. Use hazard identification tools prior to any purchase and/or before introducing any new task or equipment to University activities.
OHS Team
Provide advice on minimising hazardous manual handling as requested. Ensure distribution of any information on innovative manual handling controls, issue alerts and improve procedures where necessary. Source and coordinate appropriate training for the minimisation of hazards in manual handling tasks. Monitor results when new controls have been introduced as required.
Part B - General
Section 7 - Guidelines
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