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Police Checks for Students Undertaking Industry Experience Policy and Procedures

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) To outline the limits of the University's responsibility vis a vis the police check requirement.

(2) To articulate the responsibility of the University to inform prospective and enrolled students of the requirement for satisfactory police checks for industry experience in courses where industry experience is a requisite for the award.

(3) To outline the support the University provides students who require satisfactory police checks for industry experience.

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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(4) The Policy will apply to enrolled and prospective students in courses that include, as part of the requirements for the awarding of a Victoria University award, industry placements in agencies or workplaces that require satisfactory police checks. The Policy will also apply to staff who teach and administer these courses.

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Section 3 - Definitions

Industry experience

(5) Remunerated or non-remunerated work in an organisation within an occupational sector relevant to the study for a TAFE or Higher Education award of the University. Active participation in or completion of such experience is often a mandatory requirement for the issuing of the award.

Police Check

(6) Formal National Police Certificate from the Victorian Police (or the Police of another jurisdiction, where that is relevant) of disclosable court outcomes and any pending matters against a particular person.

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Section 4 - Policy Statement


(7) Federal and State government legislation has made it mandatory for organisations providing services such as child care, nursing, teaching and paramedic support, or where there is access to dangerous materials, such as drugs of addiction, to require remunerated and non-remunerated employees to provide satisfactory police record checks to the employer. Many of the employer organisations and agencies that provide industry experience for Victoria University students have such a requirement.

(8) The requirement for satisfactory police checks on students is not a University requirement , but is in many cases essential for industry experience, which in turn may be a core requisite for a Victoria University award.


(9) The requirement for police checks is not a University requirement and the University carries no responsibility to the student or industry experience employer to provide a satisfactory police check for any student.

(10) The University carries no responsibility for the fairness of the Police process or for the potential risk that any employer takes by engaging a Victoria University student.

(11) It is the responsibility of the student to determine general industry requirements for a police check and the specific requirements of the enterprise in which the industry experience is sought and all associated arrangements.

(12) Staff of the University may facilitate the administrative arrangements pertaining to the lodging of a request for a police check. This does not transfer responsibility for securing a satisfactory police check record from the student to the University.

(13) The University has a responsibility to inform prospective students and enrolled students:

  1. of the requirement for a satisfactory police check in any University course that has such a requirement;
  2. that failure to obtain a satisfactory police check will impact on the likelihood of gaining the award in the first instance;
  3. that failure to obtain a satisfactory police check will impact on the likelihood of gaining employment in the industry in the longer term.

(14) The requirement for satisfactory police checks is not a University requirement and therefore shall not be utilised as an entry criterion for any Victoria University course.

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Section 5 - Procedures

(15) These procedures are to be applied according to the principles of the Victoria University Policy on Police Checks for Industry Experience.

(16) The responsibility for managing the police check process and ensuring that a satisfactory police check record is made available to an employer providing industry experience to a Victoria University student lies with the student. This includes:

  1. the responsibility to become acquainted with the specific industry requirements for experience in industry;
  2. the responsibility to ascertain the period for which an individual Police check record is valid;
  3. the responsibility for initiating the request to the Police;
  4. the responsibility for any associated fees;
  5. the responsibility to make sure the police check record is forwarded to the student's address.

(17) The University takes no responsibility for a student's police record in regard to the employer who offers work experience, particularly as the University does not know the content of any of the student's police records.

(18) Individual teaching areas may assist students and employer institutions with some of the administration associated with police checks; for example, where this facilitates the processing of a large number of students and/or where students may receive fee discounts by being identified as students to the Police.

(19) Teaching areas will disseminate information to prospective students about the requirement for satisfactory police checks related to any award that has a mandatory industry experience component. The information will be available on the web, in hard copy information documents and in briefings to schools.

(20) Teaching areas will inform enrolling students at the time of enrolment about the requirement for satisfactory police checks related to any University award that has a mandatory industry experience component.

(21) Teaching areas will inform prospective, enrolling and enrolled students in courses that have a mandatory industry experience component that failure to obtain a satisfactory police check will impact negatively on the likelihood of gaining the Victoria University award in the first instance and gaining employment in the industry in the longer term.

(22) In cases where an enrolled student of the University fails to secure a satisfactory police check and consequently is unlikely to gain the University award for which the student is studying, the teaching area will refer the student to available career counselling.

(23) Particular care should be taken with the provision of information to prospective International onshore students who may face difficulties with the police checks requirement. Some Australian employers may not accept overseas police check records.

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Section 6 - Guidelines

(24) Nil