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Credit Cards Policy

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Section 1 - Summary

(1) This Policy establishes clear rules and conditions on the use, administration and management of Victoria University credit cards.

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Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment

(2) HESF: 6.2.1 Corporate Monitoring and Accountability

(3) Standards for RTOs: Standard 7

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Section 3 - Scope

(4) This Policy applies to:

  1. All University credit cardholders and to all other University employees involved in the use, administration and management of University credit cards.
  2. The requirements of the Standing Directions of the Minister for Finance issued under the Financial Management Act 1994 (Vic) in regards to procedures for the use of credit cards.
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Section 4 - Definitions

(5) Accountable Officer: Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance or their representative who will have absolute discretion to determine who may receive (and/or retain) a credit card.

(6) Approving Officer: usually means the cardholder's supervisor but may refer to another person nominated by the supervisor or the Responsible Officer to review and approve the cardholders' expenses.

(7) Responsible Officer: refers to the employee nominated by the Policy Owner with overall management responsibility for credit cards and the Concur system.

(8) Finance Expense Management Administrator: means the person nominated by the Responsible Officer, responsible for processing credit card applications, suspension of credit cards and cancellation of credit cards as required in accordance with this Policy and maintenance of employee access to the Concur system, including support and training in the Concur system functionality.

(9) Employee: means a person who is employed by the University and paid by the University through the University payroll. This does not include students, casual staff, sessional staff, or external contractors or Victoria University Council Members, but does include the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University.

(10) Cardholder: An employee of VU issued with a University credit card.

(11) Expense Delegate: can only be an individual who is employed by the University and paid by the University through the University payroll. This does not include students, casual staff, sessional staff, or external contractors.

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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(12) Any employee issued with a University credit card (a cardholder) must only use the credit card in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in this Policy and its associated Procedure.

(13) The cardholder is responsible for the monthly coding and submission of the credit card expenses.

(14) The University is liable for any legitimate/approved/permitted charges on the credit card and not the cardholder.

(15) The University can track, account for and manage its expenditure systematically and robustly. The terms and conditions of this Policy must be strictly adhered to.

Part A - Who is issued with a Credit Card? 

(16) Provision of a University credit card is a privilege, not a right. The University may issue a card to an ongoing or fixed term employee of the University or its entities. The University will not issue a Corporate Credit Card to visiting or casual employees.

(17) An employee will not be issued with more than one credit card.

(18) Credit card application criteria includes:

  1. The employee has a financial delegation of authority equal to or greater than the proposed credit card transaction limit. If the employee does not have sufficient financial delegation of authority they must apply for and be approved with one first; and,
  2. Where there is an operational need, eligible credit card holders will include the Vice-Chancellors Group (VCG), their direct reports and the next level of management; and,
  3. Endorsement from the relevant VCG Member (application form).

(19) Exceptions will include:

  1. Staff who regularly travel for work purposes will be able to apply for a credit card. 
  2. Staff who can demonstrate an operational need, approved by the relevant VCG member and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance.

Part B - Credit Card Conditions of Use

(20) A University credit card must only be used for legitimate University Business, and where the University does not have a contract with a preferred service provider, as listed on the Procurement intranet site, for the provision of the goods or services being purchased.

(21) If in doubt about whether the expense can be incurred on a University credit card, the cardholder should seek advice from the Approving Officer or the Procurement Department before they incur a University credit card expense.

(22) These conditions apply regardless of:

  1. the amount of the transaction involved, or
  2. the transaction method, e.g. purchases by mail, telephone order, internet, etc.

(23) The cardholder will be held personally liable for any unauthorised use of the credit card unless the unauthorised use is the result of a lost or stolen the credit card (provided the cardholder took adequate measures to prevent the credit card from being lost or stolen) or is otherwise the result of fraud on the part of some third party.

Part C - Prohibited Credit Card Use

(24) A University credit card must not be used:

  1. While a cardholder is on annual leave, long service leave, extended sick leave, or leave without pay.
  2. To purchase goods or services which do not comply with the requirements of the Purchasing Policy;
  3. To purchase goods or services where VU already has a preferred supplier in place. If in doubt, contact Procurement for advice. This includes but is not limited to the following categories of expenditure:
    1. Stationery and furniture
    2. Print/copy, printers, and printer toner or ink cartridges
    3. Computer software, equipment, tablets, peripherals or audio visual equipment
    4. Mobile phones and accessories or repairs
  4. To purchase the following goods or services:
    1. alcohol for consumption for the card holder or guests, at university or non university functions
    2. furniture or equipment including computers and accessories for remote working at home 
    3. air travel
    4. private mobile phone services & call charges 
    5. private internet services or connection charges
    6. catering, meals and beverages for non-business related activities. Celebrations of end of year, festive calendar events, birthdays, staff leaving VU are not considered business related activities.
  5. To obtain cash, or purchase any form of Gift Cards regardless of whether the intent is for business or student purposes. Examples include: iTunes cards, store-branded cards, gift certificates, debit cards, movie tickets or other prizes (Virtual or Physical);
  6. To acquire gifts for employees or third parties, except as permitted within the Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Policy and Gifts, Benefits and Hospitality Procedure, Part C- Providing gifts, benefits and hospitality and with supporting documentation specifying the name of the recipients; and for purchasing of Gift Cards on the Procurement intranet site.
  7. The payment of tips and gratuities within Australia is not permitted. If employees wish to give a tip or gratuity, then it shall be at the employees own expense and must be reimbursed to the University. An exception can be made where a set percentage service charge is added to the bill in an overseas country where it is culturally expected and appropriate;
  8. To pay personal parking and traffic fines including for university owned vehicles (the payment of which is the responsibility of the individual);
  9. To circumvent the requirements of the Delegations and Authorisations Policy.

(25) An exception to using the credit card for prohibited items as in clause 24 requires pre-approval from the Executive Director Procurement and Finance Operations. Gift Cards can only be procured through the Procurement Hub.

(26) The University expects all cardholders to comply with all University policies, procedures and guidelines when using a University credit card, including the University’s Appropriate Workplace Behavior PolicyFinancial Code of Conduct Policy, and Delegations and Authorisations Policy.

Part D - Personal expenditure 

(27) If a cardholder inadvertently charges a personal expense to a University credit card, the cardholder must immediately reimburse such credit card charge to the University together with any fringe benefits tax (FBT) liability which may have been incurred by the University as a result of the personal expense.

(28) Where coincidental University business and personal expenditure are recorded on a single credit card account, cardholders must settle all such personal expenses before charging the balance on the University credit card. For example, when a cardholder makes private telephone calls or purchases goods for private consumption subsequently charged to the hotel’s account.

Part E - Approvals and Acquittals

(29) Cardholders must retain evidence of an expense incurred on the University credit card. Cardholders must acquit and submit for approval of their expenses every month. It is the Approving Officer’s responsibility to review and approve monthly as outlined in the Credit Cards Procedure.

Part F - Loss, Theft or Credit Card Fraud

(30) The cardholder must take adequate measures to protect the credit card from being lost, stolen or misused.

(31) The cardholder must immediately notify any loss, theft or credit card fraud to the financial institution who issued the University credit card, Commonwealth Bank (CBA). This can be done by using the 24-hour emergency number provided when the card was issued (on the back of the MasterCard).

(32) A cardholder must retain any notification number or other acknowledgment provided by the financial institution as evidence of the date and time of the notification.

(33) A cardholder must also, as soon as possible, report the loss, theft or fraud of the cardholder's credit card to the Finance Expense Management Administrator.

Part G - Advise Changes in Cardholder Particulars

(34) The cardholder must keep up to date all information about the cardholder, including name, contact details, campus base, cost centre, delegation, Approving Officer. Any changes should be notified to the Finance Expense Management Administrator.

(35) When the cardholder changes position within the University, it is the responsibility of the cardholder to advise their new supervisor to assess the requirement for the ongoing issue of the credit card to the cardholder.

Part H - Suspension and Cancellation of Credit Card

(36) Credit cards will be suspended for the following reasons;

  1. The cardholder fails to provide valid supporting documentation for their transactions;
  2. The monthly expenditure is not acquitted within 30 calendar days from the transaction date. Any credit card expense not acquitted after this period will automatically be suspended and will only be re-activated when all available transactions have been acquitted; and
  3. The employment of a cardholder is suspended, pending disciplinary action.

(37) Credit cards will be cancelled for the following reasons:

  1. The cardholder refuses to comply with relevant University policies and procedures; and
  2. The cardholder regularly fails to provide valid supporting documentation for any outstanding transactions.

Part I - Return of Credit Card when Required or Requested

(38) The cardholder must cut their credit card in half and immediately return the credit card to the Finance Expense Management Administrator:

  1. At least 10 days before the cardholder ceases employment with the University;
  2. When the Responsible Officer or Approving Officer determines that the cardholder no longer requires a credit card; or
  3. When the credit card has been cancelled.
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Section 6 - Procedures

(39) Credit Cards Procedure