(1) This Procedure establishes: (2) HESF: 6.2.1 Corporate Monitoring and Accountability (3) Standards for RTOs: Standard 7 (4) This Procedure applies to: (5) Approving Officer: usually means the cardholder's supervisor but may refer to another person nominated by the supervisor or the Responsible Officer to review and approve the cardholders' expenses. (6) Responsible Officer: refers to the employee nominated by the Policy Owner with overall management responsibility for credit cards and the Concur system. (7) Finance Systems Administrator: means the person nominated by the Responsible Officer, responsible for processing credit card applications, suspension of credit cards and cancellation of credit cards as required in accordance with this Procedure and maintenance of employee access to the Concur system, including support and training in the Concur system functionality. (8) Employee: means a person who is employed by the University and paid by the University through the University payroll. This does not include students, casual staff, sessional staff, or external contractors or Victoria University Council Members, but does include the Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor of the University. (9) Cardholder: An employee of VU issued with a University credit card. (10) Expense Delegate: can only be an individual who is employed by the University and paid by the University through the University payroll. This does not include students, casual staff, sessional staff, or external contractors. (11) Credit Cards Policy (12) Employees provided with a University credit card (a cardholder), are only to use the University credit card in accordance with the rules set out in the University’s Credit Cards Policy and this Procedure. (13) The liability for any charges on a University credit card rests with the University and not the individual cardholder. Consequently, these procedures must be strictly adhered to and will be fully imposed as a means of limiting the risk of financial exposure of the University. (14) Each person involved in the issuing, use and monitoring of a credit card has obligations and requirements as part of their role. This Procedure outlines responsibilities for: (15) Employees who wish to apply for a credit card must: (16) When required and approved, a credit card will be issued with a specific spend limit. The credit card limit must not exceed $2,000 or 20% of the limit of the cardholders assigned Financial Delegation Band (before any exceptions), whichever is the greater, to a maximum $25,000. Refer to the VU Delegations Schedules. (17) Temporary increases up to 20% of the cardholders Approving Officer’s limit, to a maximum $25,000 may be provided where adequately justified. Where cardholders seek a temporary increase to their credit card limit, the cardholder must present the Finance Systems Administrator with written evidence and endorsement from the cardholder's line manager recommending the temporary increase in the credit card spend limit and justifying why it is requested. (18) A credit card limit is to be determined based on an applicant’s monthly expenditure activity and approved on a case by case basis by an Approving Officer with the appropriated financial delegation. The Director, Financial Systems and Services has the final approval. (19) Credit card transactions are downloaded from the financial institution usually within a day or two after transacting. Therefore, transactions can be viewed in Concur within a day or two following the day of transacting. (20) Cardholders are strongly advised not to wait until month end to process expenses as this can be done at anytime, anywhere in the world, using a smartphone, iPad, laptop, or another device with web access. (21) In any month where one or more credit card expenses are incurred: (22) All transactions charged to the credit card must be fully substantiated. There are no materiality thresholds in relation to this requirement. Cardholders must provide: (23) At the time of incurring the expense, photograph the invoice/receipt, or as soon as possible after that, scan the invoice/receipt. (24) Attach the photograph or scanned copy to the expense item in the monthly expense claim. (25) Retain the hard copy original receipt until the expense has been approved within Concur. (26) In exceptional circumstances where an invoice or receipt under $82.50 (including GST) is unable to be obtained, complete a CBA Declaration of Missing Tax Invoice/Receipt Form, and if an invoice or receipt is over $82.50 (excluding GST) is unable to be obtained complete Statutory Declaration. Scan and attach it to the expense item in place of the missing invoice/receipt. (27) Ensure each transaction in the monthly Expense Claim was incurred for University business purposes (see Credit Cards Policy, Part B). (28) If an expense is reimbursable to the University, refer to clauses (19)-(24) above. (29) Follow up discrepancies/disputes in credit card transactions immediately with the financial institution by completing the Dispute Form and email to IBGOVT@cba.com.au and cc on the email or notify the Finance Systems Administrator. (30) Ensure goods or services paid for using the credit card were actually delivered or will be delivered. (31) Where goods or services were not delivered or not provided in accordance with original expectations, ensure a reversal of the expense is processed by the provider as soon as possible. (32) Ensure photographic or scanned evidence of original supporting documentation for each transaction is electronically attached to the expense item within the expense claim. (33) Retain the hard copy original receipt until the expense has been approved within Concur. (34) Forward the completed expense claim to the Approving Officer within five days after the month-end close. (35) Monitor the submitted monthly Expense Claim to ensure the Approving Officer reviews and processes the claim within five days of submitting. (36) Advise the Finance Systems Administrator of any change in your details, e.g. name, contact details, campus base, cost centre, financial authorisation level, Approving Officer, etc. (37) Where a change in position occurs, request the new Approving Officer to assess and confirm with the Finance Systems Administrator, the ongoing requirement for the credit card. (38) Cut in half and immediately return the credit card to the Finance Systems Administrator: (39) Expired cards should be cut in half and disposed of securely within the business unit. They do not need to be returned to the Finance Systems Administrator. (40) When a cardholder submits an expense claim, an electronic Concur system message will be sent advising that an expense claim awaits approval. If an expense claim remains unapproved, on the 10th day, it will be escalating to the Approver’s Line Manager. (41) An Approving Officer will review each expense item and ensure adequate and appropriate documentation is attached. (42) Where an expense appears not to have been incurred for legitimate University business purposes, the Approving Officer will reject the expense item and seek further information from the cardholder. (43) Where an expense claim contains legitimate expense items, the Approving Officer will approve the legitimate expense claim items within five days of the cardholder submitting the claim. (44) The Finance Systems Administrator will initiate a review of the University's credit cards every year, usually by August of each year. The Finance Systems Administrator will write to all Approving Officers, providing details of cardholders who submit claims to them. (45) Approving Officers will: (46) The Finance Systems Administrator will: (47) The Responsible Officer will: (48) Cardholders, Expense Delegate and Approvers involved in the use, acquittal or approval of the expenses are advised to undertake Concur Expense Management System Training. (49) The Concur system is designed to perform invoice/receipt compliance checks on all-expense items in accordance with the rules and regulations outlined in the Credit Cards Policy and this Procedure to meet the University's statutory obligations. (50) Compliance reviews will be conducted periodically by Finance Services – Financial Compliance Team to assess the level of compliance with this Procedure and the Credit Cards Policy. Non-compliance will be reported to the Responsible Officer to implement the appropriate corrective actions to remedy the audit issues identified. (51) Where non-compliance occurs, regarding submission and approval of expense claims, reminder notices will be sent via bcc email to the relevant cardholder and their Approving Officer, advising what action will be instigated. (52) An auto-email reminder notice will be sent from Concur to the cardholder on the 10th day of each month for: (53) Email body message will read as per the following: (54) Future non-compliance will result in the suspension of the credit card. (55) Where an expense claim has still not been submitted and approved (or rejected) within five (5) business days of the 1st Policy Breach Notice date, a follow-up reminder will be sent to the cardholder and their Approving Officer, requesting the expense claim be submitted and approved (or rejected) within the next five (5) business days from the date of that notice. (56) Any cardholder or Approving Officer who does not respond to the 2nd Reminder Notice will be referred to the Responsible Officer who may apply either of the following conditions: (57) Where the cardholder has a history of non-compliance with this Procedure, the Responsible Officer will immediately suspend the cardholders, credit card. If the expense claim is not acquitted within one month the credit card will be cancelled. (58) Where a Cardholder has their credit card cancelled for breach of this Procedure, they will not be afforded the privilege of a new card in the future. (59) A credit card may be cancelled or suspended pursuant to clause (57) above. In addition, whereas part of a review process, it is deemed that the level of card usage is insufficient to warrant the holding of a credit card or that the current level of the card limit is excessive, and a credit card may be cancelled or suspended or have its credit limit reduced to an appropriate level. (60) Where the issue of a credit card to an employee is considered likely to expose the University to unlawful financial loss, the credit card will be cancelled immediately. (61) Where a cardholder becomes aware they have lost their credit card, they must notify the financial institution credit card provider, by contacting them via the number on the back of the Corporate Card and notify the Finance Systems Administration immediately. (62) Where a credit card has been lost (misplaced, destroyed or stolen), the credit card will be cancelled. Where suspected fraud appears on a credit card, the credit card will be suspended until the matter has been investigated. If fraudulent activity is confirmed the credit card will be cancelled. (63) Where a Cardholder or their Approving Officer believe extenuating circumstances prevent them from finalising an expense claim they must advise the Finance Systems Administrator by email immediately stating the circumstances and committing to a date when the expense claim will be finalised. (64) The Finance Systems Administrator will refer the matter to the Responsible Officer who will consider and advise accordingly on a case-by-case basis. (65) Non-compliance with the Credit Cards Policy and this Procedure regarding the approved use and prohibited use of a credit card will result in the following consequences under Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy and Financial Code of Conduct Policy:Credit Cards Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Top of PageSection 2 - HESF / AQSA / ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Responsibilities
Part B - General
Part C - Credit Cardholder Procedures and Responsibilities
Application for Credit Cards
Applications for a temporary increase in Credit Card limits
Create and Submit Expense Claim
Provide Expense Item Supporting Documentation
Review Credit Card Transactions
Advise Changes in Particulars
Return Credit Card
Destroy expired cards
Part D - Approving Officer Procedures and Responsibilities
Review of Credit Card Transactions
Annual Review of Credit Cards
Part E - Finance Systems Administrator Procedures and Responsibilities
Part F - Responsible Officer Procedures and Responsibilities
Part G - Accountability Support
Training Plan
Compliance Audits
Part H - Non-compliance: Expense Claim Approvals and Acquittals
1st Policy Breach Notice
2nd Policy Breach Notice
3rd Policy Breach Notice - Referral to the Responsible Officer
Cancellation or Suspension of a Credit Card
Extenuating Circumstances
Part I - Non-Compliance: Credit Card Use
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Approving Officer
Finance Systems Administrator
Responsible Officer