(1) This Procedure outlines the steps for students and Victoria University staff to follow in resolving complaints by students or people who seek to enrol in a course of study. The governing policy for this Procedure is the Student Complaints Policy. (2) This Procedure applies to students or prospective students who wish to raise concerns or lodge complaints about: (3) Nil (4) Nil (5) Complaints will be addressed according to the Student Complaints Policy. Student complaints of discrimination, harassment or bullying (which are governed by the Discrimination and Sexual Harassment Prevention and Management Policy and the Bullying Prevention and Management Policy), will also be addressed using this Procedure. (6) When a student has a concern or complaint, there are three key internal processes that may be employed to resolve the matter. (7) Local level, self-managed resolution: Staff and students are expected to try to resolve most problems at the local level (if reasonable and appropriate to do so) before making a complaint through the Student Matters Office. (8) University-managed resolution: When a matter has cannot be resolved at the local level, or if a student is dissatisfied with the outcome at the local level, the student may lodge a complaint via the Student Matters Office. The Student Matters Office will seek to resolve the matter at the lowest appropriate level. (9) Appeal: If a student is not satisfied with the determination, he/she has the right to lodge an appeal provided there are grounds as set out in the Student Appeals Regulations 2014. (10) Students are expected to attempt to resolve matters in good faith at the local level, where it is reasonable and appropriate to do so, before lodging a complaint with the Student Matters Office. (11) Students are encouraged to identify their problems and, if possible, think of some solutions. Once a student has identified the problem and thought about solutions, either by themselves or in conjunction with a support service or person, they are encouraged to speak directly to the staff member concerned or responsible for the particular issue. (12) When a staff member becomes aware of an student issue they should: (13) Students may also raise their concerns with a senior officer from the within the relevant College/business area. In attempting to resolve a student concern at the local level, the senior officer may employ a range of strategies, including but not limited to: (14) Students have free and confidential access to Student Advocacy Services, who can help the student speak to a staff member about their issues/concerns. Students also may access the following support services to assist with problems: (15) The outcome of the local level resolution is considered to be a determination or decision by the University which is capable of review via the University-managed process below. (16) If an issue cannot be resolved at the local level or where a student is dissatisfied with the local level determination or decision, they may contact the Student Matters Office or make a complaint through the Student Matters Office using the University's online Complaint form. (17) Online lodgement will generate an immediate acknowledgment. Other methods of lodging complaints will also be acknowledged in writing as soon as possible following receipt. (18) Complaints must be raised in a timely fashion. (19) Students unable to use the online form may contact the Student Matters Office, VU Support Services for assistance or staff may provide a hard copy. Students may lodge the form at student.matters@vu.edu.au or submit to a Student Service Centre in a sealed envelope addressed to: (20) The process of addressing the complaint will begin within 5 University business days of receipt of the written complaint. (21) In assessing and addressing the complaint, the Student Matters Office may: (22) Wherever possible, complainants should be involved in resolving their own matters. If a third party, including a parent, seeks to act on behalf of a complainant, the Student Matters Office will seek written verification of the complainant's authorisation for this contact. (23) If a complaint is not appropriate for local-level resolution, cannot be resolved with the assistance of the Student Matters Office as set out above, matters may be referred to a senior officer or investigator external to the area of complaint as determined by the Registrar. (24) Staff designated or approached to resolve a complaint must be free from bias and not have a real or perceived conflict of interest, including prior involvement in handling the complaint. Staff must advise the Student Matters Office of actual or potential conflicts of interest, or any circumstances that could reasonably give rise to a perception of bias. (25) The University may also conduct its own investigation regardless of whether a formal complaint has been lodged and may refer a matter to another process at any stage if this is more appropriate. (26) Students can seek advice from the Student Matters Office and are encouraged to use the Student Advocacy Service for advice, representation or support. (27) The senior officer or investigator will conduct an investigation with due regard to procedural fairness, timeliness, and the individual's safety and well-being. This will include: (28) Where a complaint involves a staff member's conduct, the senior officer or investigator will also liaise with People and Culture who may choose to deal with the matter as personnel issue. (29) Depending on the particular circumstances, the person responsible for investigating and determining the complaint may recommend to the parties that mediation or other alternative dispute resolution methods may be suitable to resolve the matter. (30) At the end of the investigation, the senior officer/investigator will prepare a report setting out (31) The investigation will result in a decision, which will be communicated to the student or prospective student and any other relevant party via the Student Matters Office. The decision and the reasons for it will be recorded within the Student Complaints management system. (32) A determination that the complaint is substantiated may lead to any combination of the following outcomes, or any other outcome deemed appropriate in light of the circumstances: (33) The investigation phase of the complaint will be take no more than 15 University business days, unless there are exceptional circumstances which make this timeframe impracticable. All reasonable measures will be taken to finalise the process as soon as practicable. The length of the student's visa and students enrolment in future subjects should be taken into account. (34) If the process results in a decision that supports the student, the University will immediately implement any decision and/or corrective and preventative action required. (35) The complaints process will, in most cases, be concluded within 60 days. If this is not possible, the complainant will be informed in writing of the delay, and the reasons for it, and kept informed as to the likely timeframe for completing the matter. (36) VU will make a record of, and follow up on, the causes of the complaint, and put in place suitable remediations to mitigate against a recurrence. (37) If a student is not satisfied with outcome of the student complaint process and they meet the grounds prescribed in the Student Appeals Regulations 2014, they may lodge an appeal. (38) The appeal process is detailed in the Student Appeals Procedure. (39) Students can seek an external review by the Victorian Ombudsman of the decision making process exercised by the University. The Ombudsman will consider if the University's stated process was followed in the particular instance, but will not review the substance of the decision. Students may also access other external organisations such as the Victorian Equal Opportunity and Human Rights Commission and the Australian Human Rights Commission.Student Complaints Resolution Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Responsibilities
Senior Officer
Responds to and/or investigates student concerns and complaints. This will be a senior member of staff delegated by the Vice Chancellor.
makes reasonable efforts to resolve matters before making a complaint if it is possible to do so;
is open to identifying and/or considering solutions;
follows the appropriate process in lodging and responding to a complaint, and cooperating with reasonable requests from staff involved under this Procedure
Student Matters Office
provides information to both staff and students
facilitates the resolution of complaints and provides administrative oversight of the referral process to Senior Officers
operationalises the responsibilities of the Registrar under this Procedure.
College or responsible business unit
responds in a timely and appropriate manner to complaints
makes reasonable efforts to resolve matters, is open to identifying and/or considering solutions and follows the complaint resolution process
oversees the Procedure
has the discretion to determine risk and instigate alternative means of resolution
Support person
provides assistance and support to the complainant
Student Advocate
provides advocacy, advice and assistance to the complainant
Part B - Overview
Part C - Local level resolution
Part D - University-managed resolution (Complaint)
Part E - Investigation
Part F - Appeal
Part G - External review
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Student Matters Office
Footscray Park Campus
Victoria University
PO Box 14428
Melbourne VIC 8001
The report should be provided to the Student Matters Office.