(1) The VU Develop process provides a structured opportunity for staff to plan for and reflect on individual goals and professional development and is integral to the growth of staff and their accountability with the University. The process links closely to career planning and development, promotion, probation, succession planning and mechanisms for identifying and addressing poor performance. (2) This process reflects the University’s commitment to providing staff with forward-looking opportunities for personal and professional growth. Through this, organisational capacity and capabilities will be strengthened which will in turn support the achievement of the University outcomes in engaged teaching, learning and research. (3) All ongoing and fixed term staff members will have an individual VU Develop Plan annually agreed no later than March each year. (4) VU Develop Plan – a structured, individualised approach to managing performance and developing capability in the University. The process is designed to allow supervisors and staff to create simple, effective performance and development plans and to easily review performance against those plans where performance refers to both the application of skills and conduct/ behaviour. (5) Professional development – A systematic approach to professional and career development to ensure that all staff have the capabilities necessary to fulfil their roles, develop themselves and their careers, adapt to change and assist in developing others. (6) Review – (7) Plan - an abbreviation for the VU Develop Plan, usually referred to when discussing an individual’s plan as part of the annual performance and development cycle. (8) The VU Develop process focuses on growth and aims to provide every staff member with personal and professional development opportunities. (9) The VU Develop process is based on feedback where every staff member has regular meaningful performance conversations with their supervisor and engages in a process of giving, seeking and receiving constructive feedback. (10) The VU Develop process is intended to be a dynamic, interactive and transparent one based on the principles of : (11) The VU Develop process is approached in a manner that is fair and transparent, consistent with the values of the University and that encourages trust and regular, open communication. (12) The process aligns the individual’s annual objectives and performance with the University’s Strategic Plan and values, setting clear goals, targets, expectations and standards for both performance and behaviour. Performance and conduct/ behaviour is then assessed in relation to these goals and targets and consistent with both the individuals’ position description and with the workload allocation as agreed each year. (13) The University encourages and supports a culture of continuous learning and performance improvement through ongoing professional and career development of its staff. (14) The VU Develop process will encourage staff to perform at their best. (15) The VU Develop process will assist staff who are not performing at the required level through the identification of guidance, support and professional development opportunities required for their performance to improve. (16) Participation in the VU Develop process is mandatory for all ongoing and fixed term staff, irrespective of time fraction and/or length of contract. (17) The process is based on an annual planning and review cycle coordinated with VU’s planning to effectively align individual goals with University objectives. The involves at least two formal performance meetings between a staff member and supervisor during each cycle. However, it is expected that a staff member and his/her supervisor will informally discuss performance more regularly as a means of supporting continuous improvement practices (18) In establishing the annual Plan, supervisors and staff will set clear performance objectives reflecting workplace priorities, team and organisational plans and individual career plans. In this way the process closely links the priorities of the University Strategic direction and priorities and associated unit strategic plans to the individual’s Plan. (19) The Plan encompasses continuous learning, improvement and individual career progression. (20) The Plan focuses on performance standards using evidence/data (eg a portfolio approach) through such mechanisms as peer and student evaluations or other documented evaluation tools, and values staff, student and client feedback. (21) The Plan supports the development of strategies to: (22) The Plan is integral to the University’s procedures for salary increments and its policy framework on rewards and recognition; the performance review ratings will have a direct correlation with these policies and procedures. (23) Opportunities for professional and career development, including Higher Education academic promotions processes, can be identified through the Plan. The action undertaken by both the staff member and the supervisor in relation to these opportunities, as well as the outcomes, are documented as part of the VU Develop review process. (24) The VU Develop process is undertaken by a staff member’s usual line manager (“Supervisor”) unless alternative arrangements are more appropriate for the purposes of the VU Develop. (25) If a staff member is aggrieved by the process and all efforts to remedy the situation at the local level are exhausted, the staff member may request that the Senior Officer (Supervisor) of the organisational unit reviews the situation. The Senior Officer (Supervisor) will then determine the matter. If the staff member’s supervisor is the Senior or Principal Officer (Supervisor), then the relevant Principal Officer (Supervisor) or the Vice-Chancellor respectively will review the situation and determine the matter. (26) The Staff Member is responsible for: (27) The Supervisor is responsible for: (28) Where a staff member has more than one supervisor, the nominated primary supervisor is responsible for consulting with the other supervisor(s) to determine the plan and review comments. (29) People and Culture is responsible for: (30) VU Develop guidance and support will be provided by the People and Culture (P&C) unit throughout the year and in particular during the VU Develop rounds. (31) Additional support and assistance with the VU Develop process will be provided by P&C Business Partners and P&C Advisory Services. (32) The VU Develop comprises several key steps (see Appendix 1 below): (33) The Plan recognises that an individual’s responsibilities, duties and key performance indicators may vary over time according to changing organisational needs. Accordingly the process allows for reasonable and agreed modifications to be made. (34) An outline of the objectives of, and processes associated with, the VU Develop will be incorporated into the University’s induction and orientation processes for all new staff. (35) The Vice-Chancellor, who has online access to the plans for all staff members, reserves the right from time to time to undertake a check on the quality of individual plans to ensure consistency and quality of approach to the VU Develop process.VU Develop Policy and Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose/ Objectives
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Time line
December – March
“VU Develop Round”
By end March
VU Develop plan agreed for coming year.
“Mid Cycle Review”
Section 5 - Procedures
VU Develop - Learning and Development
Appendix 1 - Summary of the VU Develop Online Process
December - March
Staff and supervisor draft a plan in preparation for their one on one discussion
Supervisor & Staff member
December - March
One-on one meeting to discuss draft Plan and agree final Plan
Supervisor & Staff Member
July - August
Formal mid-year review of objectives and progress to date
Supervisor & Staff Member
December - March
Supervisor & Staff Member
View Document
This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.
Review prior year’s objectives and consider outcomes.
Set objectives for coming year.
Agree professional development.
Review of objectives and progress to date through the Mid Cycle Review process.
Opportunity for updating objectives or re-setting priorities for second six months of the Plan.
Formal end of year review.
Cycle starts again and new plans developed.