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Enrolments Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) Nil.

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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(2) Nil

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Section 3 - Definitions

(3) Nil

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(4) See Enrolments Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedures

Part A - Enrolment: General

(5) Enrolment is the process by which a person becomes a student of Victoria University.

(6) A person is eligible to enrol in a course or unit at Victoria University if they:

  1. have met the specific criteria for admission for that course or unit; and
  2. have met all University requirements for admission into that course; and
  3. have been formally offered a place in that course or been admitted to a course as per the relevant Vocational Education (VE) / Further Education (FE) process;
  4. have appropriate visa with study rights if an international students;
  5. have a Unique Standard Identifier (USI) if a VE student;
  6. do not have an encumbrance due to having an outstanding debt to the University; and
  7. are not excluded from being a student at Victoria University.

(7) To be an enrolled student, a person who is eligible to enrol must have met all requirements of the enrolment process as prescribed by the Academic Registrar by the relevant enrolment deadline, including :

  1. completing, signing and lodging the most current version of the Victoria University enrolment form (either in hard-copy or electronically); and
  2. accepting the conditions and responsibilities of a student as detailed in the most current statements of Privacy and Student Responsibilities
  3. enrolling into units by each relevant deadline; and
  4. providing verifiable proof of their identity, citizenship and date of birth as required by the University and relevant legislation.

(8) A person who has received an offer of study in a domestic onshore higher education place may provide written authorisation for another person to act as a proxy to complete the enrolment form and enrol into units on their behalf. Proxy enrolment is not available for VE / FE students.

(9) A student who is enrolled by proxy remains liable for all transactions made by the proxy on their behalf in completing their enrolment.

  1. International onshore students cannot enrol for the first time via proxy. However, re-enrolment may occur via proxy if permission is sought and granted by VU International.
  2. Inbound study abroad and exchange students may enrol via a VU staff member proxy as an interim measure if online enrolment into the required units is not available.
  3. Proxy enrolment must be completed via the paper-based enrolment process and a proxy must not enrol online.

(10) A proxy cannot complete the following actions on the student's behalf:

  1. Defer fees via a Commonwealth Assistance scheme
  2. Complete any other internal, external or legislative requirement where the University is required to interact directly with the student

(11) A person must not receive teaching, training or delivery in any units in which they are not currently enrolled, unless via an approved auditing arrangement, where a student has received permission to listen in to a unit they are not enrolled or assessed for.

(12) A person must not be permitted to enrol later than the end of week two of a standard teaching semester in higher education due to an increased likelihood that they will not receive sufficient teaching to succeed.

  1. For VE students, Education Managers will determine how late from a unit start date students can commence without being academically disavantaged.

(13) Individual courses or units may restrict enrolment from the commencement of delivery at an earlier date after which it is considered by the College that students would be disadvantaged in commencing their study.

(14) Enrolment after the end of week two may be permitted with relevant College approval, where it is considered that the student would have a realistic chance of success in the unit/s. In such cases, an intervention strategy to support the student would need to be developed.

(15) Where teaching is delivered outside of standard semester dates, enrolment after delivery of teaching has commenced should only be permitted where it is considered that the student would have a realistic chance of success in the unit/s.

(16) After enrolment a person remains an enrolled student at Victoria University until :

  1. they formally withdraw from the course
  2. they have been conferred from the course
  3. they have been withdrawn from the course by the Academic Registrar for not having maintained an active enrolment in the course
  4. they have been formally excluded from the course by the University.

(17) An enrolled student may be enrolled in one or more single units (as a non-award student) or in an overall course of study towards an award.

Part B - Responsibilities and entitlements of an enrolled student


(18) It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they are correctly enrolled by the relevant enrolment deadline in line with the published requirements of their course, the advice of their college, the Academic Registrar, and any other external registration or legislative requirements that relate to their study.

(19) A student admitted to a particular course must not enrol in units that will not contribute to the completion of that course award, including units that they have already passed. Any additional study must be undertaken separately, or via a non-award, short course or alternative arrangement.

(20) Higher education students seeking to enrol into a unit that they have already successfully passed for purposes of external accreditation may do so with the permission of the relevant College Dean and the enrolment must be in line with all relevant legislative framework.

  1. International students may be restricted from doing so if it will have the effect of increasing the duration of their CRICOS-registered course.

(21) All enrolled students will be active participants in their studies and in matters of their student administration.

(22) It remains the student's responsibility to ensure that they have enrolled correctly, or completed all required enrolment actions, by the relevant deadline.

(23) Enrolled students are required to ensure that all personal information including identity and citizenship and contact details on the University record are correct, and to update the University as soon as practical where these change.

  1. International students must notify the University of changes to residential address and visa status within 7 days.

(24) Enrolled students are required to check and pay their invoice in full by the due date, or else ensure that they have formalised their financial arrangements by not later than the relevant deadline .

(25) Enrolled students are required to check their student email account at least weekly during teaching periods for coursework / VEFE students, and during their candidature for research students. Students must respond to all calls to action relevant to their enrolment.

(26) Enrolled students are responsible for managing the financial arrangements related to all fees generated as a part of their enrolment and study, ensuring that all fees are paid or correctly deferred by the relevant deadline. Where fees are paid by sponsors, the sponsor has responsibility for managing fee payments.

(27) All students of the University are expected to attend and participate in all scheduled classes and learning activities, including any online or electronically delivered learning.

(28) Students who are not required to study by course work are expected to manage their learning activities toward completion by the relevant deadline.

(29) After initial enrolment, in order to maintain their status as an enrolled student for the duration of their studies student must:

  1. maintain current personal, address and contact details on the University record; and
  2. at least annually and by the relevant re-enrolment deadline complete, sign and lodge the most current version of the Victoria University enrolment form (either in hard-copy or electronically) to provide confirmation of their required statistical data and acceptance of the conditions and responsibilities of a student as detailed in the most current statements of Privacy and Student Responsibilities; and
  3. pay all money owed by the required dates; and
  4. make satisfactory academic progress; and
  5. for higher education, maintain their enrolment in units in each subsequent compulsory semester by the relevant enrolment deadline, or take an approved leave of absence for any compulsory semester they do not wish to study in by the relevant enrolment deadline in order to maintain a continuous record of active enrolment for the duration of their studies.
    1. Note that international students may only take leave of absence for compassionate and compelling circumstances which are generally beyond the student's control, which must be documented and provided to VU International.

Entitlements of an enrolled student

(30) An enrolled student is entitled to be provided with the best opportunity to succeed in their studies.

(31) An enrolled student is entitled to access the teaching, services and resources made available to students by the University.

(32) An enrolled student is entitled to vary their enrolment in line with the requirements of their course or advice from their College, apply for intermission or withdraw their course before the relevant census date deadline without academic or financial penalty. However, international students may forfeit application fees and deposits paid in this situation.

(33) An enrolled student is entitled to seek a review of a decision by the University to discipline, suspend or exclude them. The student remains an enrolled student until all relevant review and appeal avenues, both internal and external, are exhausted.

Part C - Enrolment load, attendance and requisites

TAFE Students

(34) Domestic Students must be enrolled in 540 hours per year, or 270 hours per semester, to be considered full-time. Enrolment hours are provided on the Enrolment Offer or Tax Invoice which is provided after enrolling.

(35) International Onshore Students' attendance must average at least 20 hours per week over a semester with no less than 36 weeks in an academic year.

(36) VU English students studying English Language Intensive Courses of Study must attend 80% of classes in each study period and must inform the University immediately of any absence of 5 consecutive days or longer in order to maintain their enrolment.

Higher Education Students

(37) Domestic students are considered full-time when the Equivalent Full Time Study Load (EFTSL) is between 0.375 and 0.5 EFTSL for a semester. Below this value, a student is considered part-time. The EFTSL totals are displayed on the Enrolment Offer, Tax Invoice or Commonwealth Assistance Notice (CAN).

(38) International onshore students are considered full-time if they are enrolled in at least 48 credit points for both Semester 1 and Semester 2.

(39) Inbound study abroad or exchange students are considered full-time if they are enrolled in at least 36 credit points for Semester 1 or Semester 2.

(40) Students will not be permitted to study in more than a full time load in any semester except by permission of the College Dean (or nominee). Approval by VU International is also required by inbound study abroad or study exchange students who wish to enrol in more than a standard load.

Attendance — University requirements

(41) Victoria University will inform all students to whom attendance requirements apply of these requirements as well as the potential impact of attendance not in line with these requirements .

(42) Victoria University will monitor and the attendance of students studying in Australia where required to in compliance with the ESOS Act .

(43) Victoria University will monitor the attendance and participation of specified student cohorts where required for recording and /or reporting to external funding or accrediting bodies, or in line with Third Party arrangements.


(44) Enrolment into units is subject to the student meeting the published pre or co-requisites for the unit.

(45) Where a student enrols into a unit, but does not meet the published requisites, it is the student's responsibility to vary their enrolment in line with the requirements of the course.

(46) Requirement for an individual to meet or have met the published pre or co requisites for specific units may be waived at the discretion of the College for higher education students where it is the opinion of the College that the student will not be disadvantaged in their learning outcomes by doing so.

(47) VE students must meet training package qualification rules in order to receive their award. No waivers of requirements can therefore be made.

Part D - Variation to Enrolment

(48) After initial enrolment, a student may add units to or withdraw units from their enrolment in line with the requirements of their course, study load, and advice or instructions provided by the College.

(49) International students studying in Australia must only vary their enrolment in line with the requirements of their visa and relevant legislation, and must ensure:

  1. That each semester they are enrolled in study equal to 100 percent of the published full time study load, unless they have obtained written permission from VU International for a reduced study load; and
  2. that each semester they are enrolled in at least one unit that is delivered face to face; and
  3. they do not enrol in units delivered via online or distance modes totalling more than 25 percent of the total course duration.

Adding units

(50) A higher education student may generally add units to their enrolment until the end of week two of standard teaching semester. The Senior Vice-President, Future Students and Planning or nominee must approve the addition of units by onshore international students.

(51) VE/FE students may add units at any time.

(52) A request to add units may be submitted via a Unit of study amendment form, or may be actioned by the student using the online enrolment system if the course is configured for online enrolment.

(53) Requests to add units to enrolment after the end of week two of a standard teaching semester (or equivalent) should only be permitted with relevant College and, if relevant, VU International approval, where it is considered that the student would have a realistic chance of success in the unit/s.

Withdrawing from enrolled units

(54) A student may withdraw from units that they are enrolled in before the relevant date without academic or financial penalty. However, International students may forfeit application fees and deposits paid in this situation. (See Fee Adjustments Procedure - International).

(55) Withdrawal from units after the relevant census date will incur financial and academic penalties.

(56) A request to withdraw units may be submitted via a Unit of study amendment form, or may be actioned by the student using the online enrolment system if the course is configured for online enrolment. International students must seek permission from VUI for a reduced load before the course variation is processed.

(57) Students who wish to withdraw from all units in mandatory teaching period are required to either apply for intermission, or to formally cancel their enrolment by the relevant census date using the prescribed form for this purpose.

(58) The relevant College Dean may instruct a student to vary their enrolment where:

  1. The unit is not part of the approved course structure or does not contribute to the successful completion of the course requirements; or
  2. The unit is not being delivered in the semester; or
  3. The student does meet the unit pre or co-requisites; or
  4. This unit is contrary to the advice or instruction provided to the student by the College or University; or
  5. The unit is not part of the agreed training plan for an apprentice or trainee; or
  6. The unit is not part of the agreed enrolment as defined in the Third Party agreement; or
  7. The student is seeking to repeat a unit that they have previously successfully completed, without permission.

(59) Instruction to a student to vary their enrolment must be issued in writing, with a prescribed deadline for action and allowing the student an appropriate amount of time to vary their enrolment without jeopardising their ability to succeed.

(60) VE / FE students will be withdrawn by the University when:

  1. Students are not attending classes and teacher attempts to contact the student are unsuccessful;
  2. Students have not submitted all required assessments (in compliance with AVETMISS reporting guidelines).

(61) The University may enforce the variation to a student's enrolment under the authority of the Academic Registrar.

(62) The relevant College Dean may request the Academic Registrar vary a student's enrolment where the student fails to do in line with 7d.

(63) The University may only vary a domestic higher education student's enrolment after the relevant census date, where this variation results in a recalculation of the student's FEE-HELP balance, in the following circumstances:

  1. under conditions as defined by the Higher Education Support Act ; or
  2. as a formal outcome of an application for special consideration; or
  3. as an outcome of a formal College or University Review; or
  4. to correct an error made by the University.

Part E - Intermission: Coursework students

(64) Intermission is available to research students in line with the provisions, policies and administrative requirements that govern research studies. Therefore, the following provisions do not apply to research students.

(65) A student may be permitted to take approved intermission leave from their studies for a period of up to one year at a time via a formal application for intermission, submitted to the University by the relevant enrolment deadline.

(66) Intermission for a period longer than one year must be approved by the College Dean or relevant authority.

(67) A student is generally entitled to no more than a total of two years of intermission in any course.

(68) Any request for intermission beyond a total of two years in the course must be approved by the College Dean or relevant authority.

(69) When seeking a period of intermission, it is the student's responsibility to ensure that they are able to continue their studies in line with the program requirements at the conclusion of their period of leave.

(70) Intermission is available to domestic coursework students at the discretion of the relevant College, and is not normally permitted until at least one semester of study is completed unless exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated.

(71) In exceptional circumstances a period of intermission for a domestic student may be approved by the Academic Registrar.

(72) Intermission is only available to international students where compassionate and compelling circumstances can be demonstrated as determined by VU International, in line with the ESOS legislative framework.

(73) Where an international student is approved for a period of intermission negotiation must also be made with the relevant College to ensure that the student is able to resume their studies at the time they are scheduled to return from intermission.

(74) All approved intermissions for international students will be reported to the relevant government authority and may affect the visa of an internationals student studying in Australia and the student's ability to remain in Australia.

(75) Colleges may elect to not permit intermission in circumstances where:

  1. the duration or delivery of the course would make a formal period of leave administratively cumbersome; or
  2. the period of leave would not permit the student to be able to reasonably complete the course delivery before it is no longer offered; or
  3. the course is not expected to be delivered upon the student's scheduled return.

(76) Where a student is approved for an intermission, they shall be withdrawn from all units in the relevant compulsory semesters.

(77) An application for intermission is an enrolment action and is subject to the same enrolment deadlines as enrolment, variation to enrolment and unit or course withdrawal. Where an enrolled student is approved for intermission after the relevant semester deadline, they will be subject to all relevant academic and financial penalties.

(78) Where approval for intermission is granted, the date the request is received by the University will be considered the date from which the intermission becomes effective.

(79) A coursework student on intermission remains a student of the University and is entitled to all the services and resources made available to students by the University.

(80) As a student of the University, the requirements of a student as outlined in Part B of these Procedures also remain applicable.

(81) It remains the student's responsibility to ensure that they are enrolled by the relevant deadline at the conclusion of their period of intermission. Failure to do so may result in forfeiting their place in the course.

(82) A student who is denied a request for intermission may seek to have the decision reviewed by the relevant authority as indicated in the Delegations section of the Enrolments Policy.

(83) A request for review must be submitted in writing to the appropriate authority within the timeline offered by the relevant process. The student will be advised of the outcome of this review in writing and this outcome will be final.

Part F - Cancellation of Enrolment


(84) Students who are considering withdrawing from study at Victoria University should seek advice from their College, Student Wellbeing and/or Student Connections about alternative options that may be available to them.

(85) Students seeking to withdraw from study in any course must do so only by submitting a formal request to the University in writing.

(86) Where a student submits a formal request to withdraw from a course, they shall be withdrawn from all enrolled units in current and future semesters in that course.

(87) A course withdrawal is an enrolment action and is subject to the same enrolment deadlines as enrolment, variation to enrolment and unit or intermission. Where an enrolled student requests a course withdrawal after the relevant semester deadline, they will be subject to all relevant academic and financial penalties.

(88) The date the request is received by the University will be considered the date from which the withdrawal becomes effective.

(89) International students studying in Australia are advised to contact the Department of Home Affairs for information about their visa prior to requesting to cancel their enrolment.

(90) International students studying in Australia who have been enrolled for a period less than six calendar months in the principal course are generally not permitted to cancel their enrolment for the purpose of undertaking study at another Australian provider, other than where exceptional circumstances can be demonstrated in line with relevant legislative and policy frameworks. Please see the International Student Release Policy for further details.

(91) For international students, the principal course is defined as the highest level course of the offer that the student has accepted.

(92) University acceptance of exceptional circumstances and approval is obtained in the form of a letter of release.

(93) Where an international student has completed more than six calendar months in the principal course they may choose to cancel their enrolment without need for a letter of release.

(94) Where an international student is cancelling their enrolment in order to return to and remain their home country they may do so at any time without need for a letter of release.


(95) Victoria University may initiate a cancellation of a student's course enrolment, withdrawing the student from their course enrolment in any current and future semesters in line with the terms of any relevant funding contract, third party agreement, and legislative requirement, or as a formal outcome of a discipline process.

(96) Vocational Education students for whom the University receives Government funding are required to have their course enrolment cancelled where they are no longer participating in or receiving training.

(97) Apprentices and Trainees may have their enrolment cancelled if their training agreement is cancelled. Any such action must be in line with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority guidelines for training delivery for apprenticeships and traineeships.

(98) Where a HDR candidate exceeds the maximum duration their course, the relevant Research authority may recommend unsatisfactory progress proceedings be invoked, which can result in the discontinuation of candidature.

Part G - Concurrent, cross-institutional and study abroad

Concurrent enrolment

(99) Where a person or student has been admitted or is eligible to enrol into more than one course at Victoria University at the same time, concurrent enrolment in two or more standalone courses may be permissible where the relevant College Dean(s) are satisfied that the student is not disadvantaged and has a realistic opportunity to succeed in their studies in all courses.

(100) Approval to undertake concurrent study in more than one course at Victoria University in any semester is conditional on the student maintaining satisfactory academic progress in both courses, and may be revoked where the student cannot continue to meet this requirement.

(101) Approval to undertake concurrent study in more than one course at Victoria University is subject to all relevant external requirements and legislation.

(102) Vocational Education students seeking to undertake concurrent study in more than one course acknowledge by doing so that this may impact their eligibility for government funding.

(103) Concurrent study where at least one course is delivered by Victoria University and others are delivered at any other institution may be permissible where the relevant Victoria University College Dean is satisfied that the student is not disadvantaged and has a realistic opportunity to succeed in their studies at Victoria University.

(104) Approval to undertake concurrent study where at least one course is delivered by Victoria University and others are delivered at any other institution in any semester is conditional on the student maintaining satisfactory academic progress in their Victoria University studies, and may be revoked where the student cannot continue to meet this requirement.

(105) International students studying in Australia may be permitted to undertake concurrent study where each course is CRICOS registered and the student maintains progression to complete their studies by the "course end date" on their electronic Confirmation of Enrolment.

(106) In addition to the academic approval, International students seeking to undertake concurrent study must also gain the written approval of the Senior Vice-President, Future Students and Planning or nominee.

(107) It is the student's responsibility for obtaining approval prior to undertaking concurrent study. Where this approval has not been sought or not been granted, the student is responsible to enrol accordingly.

Cross-institutional study: Outbound

(108) Higher Education students currently studying in a course at Victoria University may apply for permission to study individual unit offerings with another recognised higher education provider, and to have this study credit towards their VU course requirements, on a cross institutional basis. International students must also provide evidence of a valid CoE.

Cross-institutional study: Inbound

(109) Higher Education students currently studying at another Australian provider may apply to study individual unit offerings at Victoria University on a cross institutional basis. Inbound international cross-intuitional students must also provide evidence of a valid CoE from their home institution.

Study abroad / Exchange

(110) Higher Education students currently studying in a course at Victoria University may apply for permission to study as an exchange student at an overseas institution with whom Victoria University has a formal exchange agreement recognised.

(111) Where there is no such agreement between Victoria University and another overseas provider, Higher Education students currently studying in a course at Victoria University may apply for permission to study under a Study Abroad arrangement.

(112) Students who are permitted to study at overseas institution under an Exchange or Study Abroad arrangement remain enrolled students at Victoria University and must maintain compliance with all enrolment requirements of their VU course.

(113) Victoria University students studying at an overseas institution under an Exchange or Study Abroad arrangement are subject to the relevant rules, policies and procedures of the host institution.

(114) Students from overseas institutes may apply to study at Victoria University under an Exchange or Study Abroad basis. Whether there a exists a formal exchange agreement between the overseas institutes and VU, this will determine whether such study is by Exchange or Study Abroad.

(115) Students studying at Victoria University under an Exchange or Study Abroad arrangement are subject to the relevant rules, policies and procedures of VU and will have the entitlements and responsibilities of a VU student for the duration of their study.

(116) International students who enter into a study abroad / exchange arrangement are still required to maintain a full-time load and finish within course duration.

Part H - Non-award courses

(117) A person may seek to enrol in one or more units of study on a non-award basis. Students enrolled on a non-award basis are not entitled to be admitted into a Victoria University course solely on the basis of this study.

(118) Students currently enrolled in units on a non-award basis are students of the University and are subject to the relevant rules, policies and the same conditions for this study as any other student of the University while they are enrolled.

(119) Non-award students are entitled to access the services of the University as a student while they are enrolled.

(120) Students enrolled in a short course are students of the University and are subject to the relevant rules, policies and the same conditions for this study as any other student of the University while they are enrolled.

(121) Short course students are entitled to access the services of the University as a student while they are enrolled.

(122) International students are not permitted to enrol in non-award courses unless the course has CRICOS approval (eg. English Language Intensive Courses of Study).

Part I - Change of citizenship and impact on enrolment and fee type

(123) Students studying at Victoria University are required to notify VU International where there is a change to their citizenship or immigration status during their study.

(124) Where a student's change to citizenship or immigration status impacts their eligibility for government funding, other external sponsorship or scholarship, or a HELP loan, the date that notification and evidence of this change was received by the University will determine effective date that a student's changed eligibility can be assessed from.

(125) Where a higher education students submits confirmation of a change to their citizenship or immigration status to the University before the census date may be entitled to a changed funding arrangement for that and future semesters.

(126) Where a Vocation Education submits confirmation of a change to change to their citizenship or immigration status, eligibility for government funding will be assessed in line with the all current eligibility criteria for government funding. This occurs at course commencement.

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Section 6 - Guidelines

(127) Nil