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Hire of University Facilities Policy

This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click on the 'Historic Versions' tab above.

Section 1 - Summary

(1) This Policy outlines Victoria University’s (VU’s) requirements in relation to the hire of University facilities to internal and external clients. 

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Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment

(2) n/a

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Policy applies to the hire of University facilities including the use of University grounds for purposes such as:

  1. Bookings by University Colleges and Departments for activities such as symposia, conferences and public lectures.
  2. Bookings by VU Community members, inclusive of:
    1. Students.
    2. Employees.
    3. Any member and/or Society of the Student Union.
  3. Bookings by external organisations or individuals for events such as symposia, conferences, public lectures or other approved uses.

(4) This Policy excludes the use of University facilities for regular activities such as timetabled classes or standard business meetings.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(5) Nil.

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Section 5 - Policy Statement

(6) The use of University facilities will be prioritised for University core activities including teaching, learning and research, engagement, enrolments, graduations, Open Days, exams and orientation.

(7) Where facilities are not being used for core University activities, and particularly during non-teaching periods, the University may make its facilities available for hire to external clients.

(8) The University supports the use of its facilities, outside of core University usage, for purposes which:

  1. align with the strategic goals and values of the University;
  2. further the educational purposes of the University; and,
  3. positively promote the University and support the community.  

(9) All facilities hire is subject to the terms and conditions in the University’s Facilities Hire Agreement & Conditions.

(10) Hire fees for internal and external bookings of University facilities will be determined by the relevant business area, as part of the annual VU review of fees and charges. 

  1. The hire of University facilities to external organisations will generally incur a venue hire fee.
  2. The hire of University facilities to internal users may incur a venue hire fee.
  3. Student clubs, associations and societies which are approved by relevant Colleges, Students Services and, as required, by the relevant University Governance committees, will not be charged a venue hire fee.

(11)  As a condition of hire, all users must ensure all activities related to the use of the premises are lawful, comply with all VU policies and procedures, and hold appropriate public liability insurance to a minimum of $20,000,000, if not covered by the University’s insurance. The University may request a copy of the certificate of currency at any time.

(12) The University reserves the right to decline or cancel any booking request at any time without providing a reason.

(13) Any decision to refuse to allow a person or organisation to hire University facilities on the grounds that to do so may breach the University’s Freedom of Expression Policy or the Model Code for the Protection of Freedom of Speech and Academic Freedom in Australian Higher Education Providers, must be made by the Vice-Chancellor or a delegate.

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Section 6 - Procedures

(14) Hire of University Facilities Procedure