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IT Hardware and Software Policy

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Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) The purpose of this policy is to:

  1. Provide a framework for the acquisition and support of all desktop and laptop computers, mobile devices, tablets and slates, operating systems, email system and software suites.
  2. Promote the use of standard software and hardware to:
    1. ensure the University leverages assets effectively and
    2. ensure business operations are supported.
  3. Inform staff and students of software usage and licensing obligations.
  4. Provide the principles that govern the management of University Business and Research Applications.
  5. Provide guidance to Colleges and business units for the management of leased IT equipment.
  6. Ensure the correct disposal and data cleansing of Victoria University desktop computers, laptops and other IT equipment.
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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(2) This policy applies to all Victoria University staff and students.

(3) The copyright licensing for software covers the use of software by all staff and students of Victoria University and any person that has a legitimate business relationship with the University. All users must abide by the terms of license.

(4) This policy applies to all University procured and supplied Information and Communications Technology (ICT) hardware, software and electronic devices such as smart phones and tablets.

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Section 3 - Definitions

(5) Nil

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(6) All users of University procured and supplied Information and Communications Technology (ICT) hardware, software and electronic devices must conform to the IT Appropriate Use Policy.

Part A - Procurement and Support of PCs and laptops/tablets

(7) ITS conducts periodic reviews of brands of desktops and laptops/tablets to provide a list of supported standard equipment that has been tested and recommended by ITS.

(8) PCs and Laptops/tablets can be purchased through Procurement and must conform to the University's Purchasing Policy, Contracts Policy and to relevant Operational Health and Safety policies.

(9) ITS will provide support for PCs and Laptops/tablets which are University assets and ITS recommended brands that meet the stated minimum standards for the purpose for which they are to be used.

(10) PCs and Laptops/tablets that are University assets will be under lease agreements that will cover the replacement of damaged or faulty IT equipment or equipment that is due for renewal at the end of the lease.

(11) PCs and Laptops/tablets that are not ITS recommended brands cannot be guaranteed to run standard software and therefore will not be supported by ITS or connected to the University network without prior approval from the Director, IT Operations.

Part B - Procurement and Support of Smart Phones, desktop phones and hand held devices

(12) All applications for smart phones, desktop phones and hand held devices must follow the procurement processes in the Procurement of Hardware and Software Procedure unless otherwise approved by the Vice-Chancellor, or as delegated by the Vice Chancellor.

(13) All requests for smart phones and hand held devices must be authorised by an approved cost-centre delegate.

(14) Smart Phones and hand held devices will only be supported if purchased through Victoria University.

Part C - Procurement and Support of Software

(15) ITS coordinates the acquisition of commonly used software at the University. Victoria University holds a site license, restricted site license or bulk license for standard software.

(16) ITS provides full support for the University's Management Operating Environment (MOE) that consists of a standard network operating system, anti-virus software, email system, desktop operating system, specific utility packages and administrative software.

(17) ITS provides full support for standard software that is commonly used within the University and recommended by ITS. The use of alternative and equivalent software is discouraged.

(18) ITS provides assistance with the acquisition of software packages that are not part of the University's standard software suite to ensure reduced costs.

(19) ITS will provide installation only support for non-standard software.

(20) Service Level Agreements have been developed which detail the support that will be provided for privately purchased software for individual Business Units. If no Service Level Agreement exists, this policy applies.

(21) The use of external file synchronisation and sharing tools (Cloud Storage Services) cannot be fully supported by ITS given the service is engaged by VU employees through a personal subscription. Cloud Personal Storage Guidelines have been developed for the use of cloud storage services by individuals at VU.

Part D - Licensing and Use of Software

(22) The University provides legitimately acquired standard software to meet justifiable client needs and does not permit nor tolerate the making or use of unauthorised software copies within the University under any circumstances.

(23) Victoria University staff and students will comply with all licensing terms and conditions regulating the use of any software that the University acquires. Victoria University purchases licenses to software that allows staff and students to use the software for legitimate client needs. Victoria University does not own the rights to this software.

(24) Victoria University will enforce stringent controls to prevent any unauthorised copying or use of software or the making or use of unauthorised copies of software. These will include operating effective measures to verify compliance with pertinent standards and initiating appropriate disciplinary action for any violation of these standards.

(25) All changes to client software installed on a VU PC or Laptop/Tablet, server or smart phone must be reported to ITS for licensing and audit purposes.

(26) Refer to Licensing and Use of Software Guidelines for further information including penalties that may apply to staff, students and other users that are found to have violated this policy.

Part E - Business and Research Applications

(27) All University Software Applications for business and research must be selected, managed and utilised in a manner that achieves the objectives of the University and according to the principles outlined in the Software Application Procedure.

(28) Software Applications will be classified according to the degree of importance to University operations. This classification will inform but is not limited to the amount of resources applied to maintain the Software Application.

(29) Any requests for new Software Applications will need to undergo a Software Application Selection process to ensure the Software Application meets the requirements of the University and complies with the selection criteria.

(30) All approved Software Applications must adhere to the Change Management Framework.

Part F - Management of Leased IT Equipment

(31) The Asset Management team within the Professional Services department is responsible for the procurement and returns of all leased IT equipment. The Asset Management team must be promptly notified of any change to the location of leased equipment to ensure the movement is recorded in the University's asset management system.

(32) Hardware and Software must be replaced at regular intervals due to obsolescence or as a result of major upgrades. Leasing arrangements are in place to ensure that equipment is maintained at a consistently high standard.

(33) The lease term for an item is not to be extended beyond the maximum lease term for a relevant category of equipment set by the University. Organisational units are responsible for tracking leased assets to ensure they are returned at the end of the lease.

(34) In the case of loss or destruction or damage of leased IT equipment by burglary, housebreaking, larceny, theft or any such attempt, the police are to be notified immediately. The Asset Management team should also be notified promptly to ensure the damage, destruction or loss of equipment is reported to the leasing company.

(35) All reasonable precautions are to be taken for the safety, protection and appropriate use of leased IT equipment. The costs associated with returning leased equipment that has been tampered with, defaced or permanently marked to its original state will be borne by the Organisational Unit responsible for the leased equipment.

(36) All University data is to be removed from leased IT equipment prior to return to the lessor.

Part G - Disposal and Cleansing of VU IT Equipment

(37) Victoria University IT equipment including all desktop PC's, laptop computers, servers and other electronic storage devices must be disposed of according to Finance Services procedures for the disposal of capital assets and/or attractive items and the Disposal and Cleansing of VU IT Equipment Procedure.

(38) Organisational Units must ensure that no equipment contains confidential, proprietary or other sensitive information when sold or otherwise disposed, regardless of the value of the asset.

(39) Computer software is provided by the University for use on University equipment by University staff and must be removed prior to the disposal of the equipment to avoid breach of copyright or software licensing agreements.

(40) Mobile phones and hand held devices that are no longer required are to be returned to the Asset Management team within the Professional Services department.

Part H - Return of ICT hardware, software and electronic devices

(41) All University procured and supplied ICT hardware, software and electronic devices remains the property of VU and must be returned to Asset Management upon termination of employment unless otherwise agreed with the staff member's manager or stated in the individual's contract of employment.

Part I - Sale of ICT Equipment

(42) Authorisation for the sale of ICT equipment including hardware and electronic devices to a VU staff member must be obtained from a University officer with appropriate financial delegation unless otherwise approved by the Director IT Operations.

(43) The sale of ICT equipment to a VU staff member must produce maximum benefit for the University. Evidence of the determination of the ICT equipment sale price as well as the original purchase price is to be documented as part of the sales process. Sale price of an ICT equipment item is to be set according to:

  1. Intrinsic value based on 30% per year off of the original value of the item for 3 years; and
  2. Residual value based on 10% of the original value of the item on the 4th year.

(44) There must be no perceived conflict of interest in the sale of ICT equipment in accordance with the Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy. Sales and payment processes for ICT equipment are to be followed in accordance with associated Finance Policies and Procedures.

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Section 5 - Procedures

(45) Procurement of Hardware and Software Procedure

(46) Software Application Procedure

(47) Disposal and Cleansing of VU IT Equipment Procedure

(48) Cloud and Managed Services Procedure

(49) Attractive Items Procedure

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Section 6 - Guidelines

(50) Cloud Personal Storage Guidelines

(51) Licensing and Use of Software Guidelines