(1) This Procedure outlines the requirements and processes for the effective validation of assessment used within national training package qualifications and VET accredited courses. (2) Standards for RTOs: Standard 1 (specifically 1.9 to 1.11). (3) This Procedure includes all training products on the scope of registration and applies to all teaching areas and all staff in VET programs within Victoria University (VU) Polytechnic. (4) Refer to relevant definitions provided within the Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth). (5) For the purpose of this Procedure (refer Section 6) - Responsible Person refers to the staff member delegated by the Manager to be responsible for the validation of the required qualification according to the Program Area Validation of Assessment Plan. (6) For the purpose of this Procedure a statistically valid sample is one that is: (7) Nil (8) Assessment validation is an essential process to ensure the integrity of VET assessments at VU Polytechnic and across the broader VET sector. (9) All training products on VU Polytechnic's scope of registration must undergo validation at least once every five years. (10) The validation activities covered by this Procedure include validation of assessment tools and validation of assessment processes and judgements. (11) Validation of teaching and assessment strategies with industry is not covered in this Procedure. This process is part of the VET Industry Engagement Procedure. (12) Validation must be led (Lead Validator/Responsible Person) by individuals who have the requisite vocational competency and currency and training and assessment competency and currency; and who were not part of the delivery and assessment being validated. This may mean that validators have to be sought outside VU Polytechnic. It may be necessary, in some cases, to share the lead validator role between two individuals to ensure that this requirement is met. (13) Trainers and assessors who have been part of the delivery and assessment of the units being validated may participate in the validation process but must not undertake the role(s) of Lead Validator/Responsible Person, however can organise and set-up for the validation activities. (14) Additional requirements exist for the validation of qualifications from the Training and Education (TAE) training package. (15) Rectifications and improvements identified in validation activities must be listed on the Continuous Improvement Register, along with appropriate actions, timelines and responsible parties. These must be monitored and signed off when completed. (16) Rectifications and improvements identified in validation activities must be applied across the whole qualification, as appropriate. (17) This plan is the five-year master plan for assessment validation activities across VU Polytechnic. (18) The plan specifies: (19) The plan is published on the VET Quality Sharepoint site. (20) For each teaching program area, Managers must develop a Validation of Assessment Plan (Five-Year Validation Plan) that is consistent with VU Polytechnic's five-year plan for Validation of Assessment. The plan should contain: (21) The sequencing of units in the program area plan should take into account applicable risk factors to ensure units with a higher risk rating are validated earlier and/or more frequently. Risk factors may include, but not limited to: (22) The Responsible Person nominated by the Manager must: (23) Validation of the assessment tool/s (Part A) and the assessor judgements (Part B) can be conducted together or separately. (24) The Responsible Person must: (25) Manager responsible for each program to determine the sample size based on enrolment data and table below. (26) The process is: (27) Collect completed Validator Competence Verification forms from any external participants and ensure evidence is attached. These documents become part of the validation record to be stored on file. (28) Use VU Polytechnic Validation of Assessment form to guide the validation meeting and provide each participant with copies. (29) Appoint one validator as the official note taker. (30) Work through the form, checking for each item whether or not the evidence is there to support compliance. For validation, note evidence of compliance and non-compliance as appropriate, and also identify opportunities for improvement. (31) At the end of the meeting, compile a list of the agreed rectifications or improvements that have been identified, seeking input from all validators. (32) All validators should sign the official version of the validation form. Alternatively, these may be completed following the meeting and distributed electronically to all participants for their email approval. (33) The Responsible Person is to collate the following documentation: (34) Scan the relevant documentation above. Save the scanned / electronic documentation onto the Y: drive in the designated validation folder for the program area. Use the filename. (35) File the physical copies of the above in the location designated by the Manager. (36) Provide the list of identified rectifications and improvements, and suggested actions to the Manager to ensure that they are added to the Continuous Improvement Register. (37) Managers must work with relevant staff to ensure actions identified as part of the validation process are fully implemented. Even though only a small number of units from the qualification are officially validated at each meeting, rectifications and improvements identified should be made to all units delivered as part of the program, as appropriate. (38) Click here to view these references (under Validation of Assessment section) -VET Assessment Validation Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - TEQSA/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 5 - Policy/Regulation
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Vocational Education and Pathways
• Review annual validation performance report in-line with Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) requirements and Annual Declaration of Compliance requirements.
• Provision of resources as operationally determined to continually meet the requirements of validation.
Pro Vice-Chancellor, Vocational Education and Pathways
• Annually review the five-year master plan for assessment validation activities across VU Polytechnic.
• Oversee the completion of program area validation to ensure that each training product in the college is fully validated over a five-year cycle.
General Manager, Quality, Risk and Compliance
• Develop and maintain a five year Polytechnic validation plan that includes all the program areas validation plans for training products listed on the scope of registration.
• Develop, maintain and oversee the implementation of VU Polytechnic Annual Validation plan that includes all training products delivered and check each training product is fully validated over a five-year cycle.
• Identification of training products at critical risk of not meeting Validation requirements and implementation of quality support resources to Colleges/Departments as operationally identified.
• Develop, maintain and oversee the implementation of a program area validation plan that includes all training products delivered within the program area and ensure each training product is fully validated over a five-year cycle.
• Annually determine a statistically valid proportion of assessments that needs to be validated.
• Ensure program area five-year validation plan is revised each calendar year.
• Ensure rectifications and improvements identified in validation activities are listed on the Continuous Improvement Register.
• Oversee the implementation of the associated actions according to specified timeframes.
Lead Validator / Responsbile Person
• Set up validation meetings with competent and relevant participants according to the program area plan.
Lead Validator
• Conduct validation meetings and ensure identified rectifications and improvements are recorded and passed on to the Responsible Person / Manager for inclusion on the Continuous Improvement Register.
• Participate in scheduled validation meetings.
• Provide evidence of vocational and training and assessment competency and currency as required.Part B - Overview
Part C - Victoria University Polytechnic Validation Plan
Part D - Validation of Assessment Program Area Plan
Part E - Preparing for Validation for each Training Product
Part F - Determine Statistically Valid Sample Size
A – Number of Assessment Judgements
B – Mandatory Sample Size
All Assessment Judgements must be sampled
Number of assessment judgements to be reviewed
(sample size provided by table above, as per ASQA requirements)Number:
Part G - Conducting the Validation Meeting
For both Part A and Part B whether conducted separately or together
Part H - Follow-Up from Validation Meetings
Part I - Additional Requirements for Training and Education qualifications
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The above table has been calculated based on Error level of 15% and Confidence level 95%, as per ASQA, recommendation from the Validation Fact Sheet, reference – https://www.asqa.gov.au/resources/fact-sheets/conducting-validation. (This information is current as at March 2021 Version 1.0.)