(1) This procedure outlines the requirements for TAFE teachers in the planning and conducting of assessment, and in the processing of unit assessment outcomes. (2) This procedure applies to all nationally recognised VET programs. While Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is referenced in this procedure for resulting purposes, the processes around RPL are documented in a separate procedure. (3) Assessment means the process of collecting evidence and making judgements on whether competency has been achieved, to confirm that an individual can perform to the standard required in the workplace, as specified in a training package or VET accredited course. (4) Assessment system is a coordinated set of documented policies and procedures (including assessment materials and tools) that ensure assessments are consistent and are based on the Principles of Assessment and the Rules of Evidence as defined in the Standards for Registered Training Organisations, 2015. (5) Student Assessment and Progess Policy (6) Managers must ensure that all teachers conducting assessment have the required vocational and training and assessment competency and currency, as required by the Standards for Registered Training Organisations, 2015. (7) Managers must ensure that all new teachers to the delivery department are fully inducted into VUIT's assessment procedure, system and documentation requirements. (8) Wherever possible, assessment strategies should be developed in consultation with industry and other relevant stakeholders. Records of any such consultation must be retained within the program area. (9) Prior to enrolment, students must be informed about assessment options including Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL), Recognition of Current Competency (RCC) and Credit Transfer (CT). Where a student decides to pursue these options, applications must be completed and processed as quickly as possible so that students who do not achieve a successful outcome for the relevant units are not disadvantaged by missing the scheduled training and assessment block. (10) Prior to or at the commencement of each new unit or cluster of units, students must be provided with information about: (11) If the assessment is to take place in the workplace, any other relevant parties (e.g. employer or supervisor) must be given all relevant information about assessment events in a timely manner (12) Before conducting any assessment activity, it must be ensured that the student is the correct person. An identification check may be required. ID is checked at enrolment so if a teacher has been working regularly with the student then no formal identification processes are required. However, in other delivery modes such as fully online, a process of identification for the purpose of authenticating the student's work will be necessary. (13) Other strategies to authenticate the work of students when completed outside normal classes include: (14) The assessor must ensure that students have easy access to any tools or equipment necessary to complete the assessment. They must also ensure that, as far as possible, the environment in which the assessment is being conducted is free from unnecessary noise or distraction. (15) Assessors must provide students with an opportunity for re-assessment if they do not demonstrate the required knowledge and skills in their first attempt. Assessors are responsible for communicating this information in writing to the student. (16) Assessors must store electronic copies of all assessment documentation on the program area Y: drive according to program area procedures. (17) Teachers / assessors must ensure that assessment resources are version managed through the updating of the right hand side of the footer and in the file names used. (18) Completed assessments must be retained by the teacher: (19) Teachers/assessors must be mindful of any additional needs that a student may have when determining the assessment approach and schedule. They must provide as much flexibility as possible within the constraints of the particular delivery framework (i.e. class schedules, enrolment periods etc.) and make adjustments to assessment tools/methods/timing/location etc. as appropriate while at the same time ensuring that the integrity of the assessment against unit requirements is not compromised. That is, notwithstanding any additional needs of the student, evidence must still be gathered to support competency against all unit requirements. (20) Reasonable adjustments made to support a particular student's assessment must be fully documented in the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book for the relevant student. (21) Designing effective and compliant assessment requires a systematic approach which is achieved using the tools provided within VUIT's assessment system. (22) Assessment for a unit of competency or cluster of units must cover all aspects of the relevant unit/s, including (23) Assessment tools must then be developed. Each assessment tool contains a number of components, including (24) In VUIT's assessment system, the following mandated documents for each unit or cluster combine to provide all of the above requirements: (25) Assessment tools should be quality assured prior to use. In this process, an assessor (not necessarily the one who developed the tools) must complete the Unit / Cluster: Assessment Pre-delivery Check Template. Where possible, assessments should also be piloted before use. (26) After each assessment tool has been implemented, the assessor should record in the space provided in the Assessor Guide any issues, suggestions for improvement or feedback received from students or other assessors. This information is then provided to the next teacher/s undertaking the unit or cluster so the assessment tools and process can be improved prior to their next use. (27) The VUIT assessment system also allows for grading of outcomes for courses at Diploma level or above, where not grading may disadvantage a student seeking entry to Higher Education courses at providers other than Victoria University. The use of grading must be approved in writing by the Centre Director on a course-by-course basis. (28) Grading can only be used after the assessment for competency is completed. Where grading is used, this must be clearly documented in the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book as described above. Those students who meet the competency requirement may then be eligible for a higher grade, based on VU's defined grade set "Grades for units using Graded Assessment". (29) Where grading is to be used, one or more of the assessment tasks used within the unit of competency must be used as the determinant for the overall grade. This must be clearly documented near the start of Section 2 — Assessment Information of the Unit Guide or Cluster Guide in the box under the heading "Graded Assessment". This meets the obligation to fully inform the student about which tasks will be graded. (Note that where grading is not used, this section should be deleted) (30) In addition, for each assessment task that will be graded: (31) Students must be informed of the outcomes of assessment tasks within 10 days of the completion of the task. This includes information on whether or not the student has demonstrated the required skills and knowledge for the task, as well as a graded outcome where applicable. (32) Students must acknowledge the outcomes of each assessment task. Preferably this is done by the student signing in the appropriate space after each task in the Unit / Cluster Assessment Record Book. However if this is not possible, an email to the student informing them of the outcome, with a request to acknowledge by return email must be sent. Copies of the email sent to the student, along with their email response (if received) must be attached to the relevant pages of the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book. (33) In some cases, teachers may prefer the students to complete their assessment in a template that they provide, and to use a "cover sheet" with the assessment task instead of recording details and getting student acknowledgement in the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book. This is permissible, but the teacher must include the relevant sections on the cover sheet, as they are shown for each task in the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book. When completed, the student completed work, feedback and signoff must be attached to the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book. (34) The overall outcomes for the unit/s must be recorded on the Unit/Cluster Assessment Summary page, at the back of the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book. Since this may not be completed until after the students have stopped attending classes it may be difficult to get the student to personally endorse the outcome of the unit/s. In this case, an email to the student informing them of the unit/s outcome, with a request to acknowledge by return email must be sent. Copies of the email sent to the student, along with their email response (if received) must be attached to the final page of the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book. (35) Student requests for extensions to assessment must be made in writing, and supporting documentation provided where possible. (36) Teachers must review extension requests and supporting documentation, and notify the student in writing as early as possible of either (37) The extension request, subsequent decision making and communication with the student must be documented and stored in the student file. (38) There may be times when granting an extension to assessment requires the extension of the unit end date. See section Extending Unit End Dates below. (39) When a student does not demonstrate the required skills and knowledge for a particular assessment criterion, they must be offered the opportunity for re-assessment. Clear information on re-assessment options must be provided in feedback to the student. The following must be noted: (40) If a student fails to attend a scheduled assessment activity (or submit work on the scheduled date) without valid reason, this may be considered as their "first attempt". They must be provided with a second opportunity to demonstrate competency. (41) If the student does not attend a second scheduled opportunity for the assessment activity (or submit work on the new scheduled date) without valid reason, this can be considered as their final attempt. (42) Teachers must communicate clearly with students about consequences for non-attendance at scheduled assessment activities. Two non-attendances or two non-submissions of assessment may result in withdrawal from the unit. (43) It is at the discretion of the teacher or Manager whether or not to accept student work submitted after the required date, without a formal extension. (44) Assessing student work after the results have already been entered may involve amending the result already entered. A unit result amendment form must be used for this purpose. (45) Amended assessment outcomes must be recorded in the relevant Assessment Record Book, along with the work itself. Students must be given the opportunity to sign off the final assessment outcome and unit outcomes. (46) Where a student submits work after the end of the calendar year for a unit whose end date was in the previous calendar year without valid reason or a formal, documented extension, the student must re-enrol in the unit, and pay appropriate fees to have their work assessed. In this circumstance, the student is only being assessed (ie no additional training) so the RPL process should be utilised. (47) Where a student submits work after the results have been finalised and published (ie AQF certificates or statements of attainment has been issued to the student) without valid reason or a formal, documented extension, the student must re-enrol in the unit, and pay appropriate fees to have their work assessed. In this circumstance, the student is only being assessed (ie no additional training) so the RPL process should be utilised. (48) After any assessment activity or at the end of the unit / cluster, the student may request a review of the outcome/s of their assessment/s. This must be done in writing by including this request in the student comment space of relevant assessment task in the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book, or by ticking the "I request a review of this Assessment" in the Student Endorsement section of the Unit /Cluster Summary Page of the Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book, before signing the endorsement. (49) Where a student requests such a review, the Manager must assign a different, qualified assessor who was not involved in the delivery or assessment of this student for the relevant unit/s. This second assessor must review the assessment completed by the student and the assessment judgements of the original assessor. If absolutely necessary, the second assessor might request that the student demonstrate their skills and knowledge by repeating a practical assessment. The second assessor's review must be fully documented and presented to the Manager when complete. (50) The assessment review must be completed within 15 working days. (51) All documentation related to the assessment review is to be stored with the relevant student's Unit/Cluster Assessment Record Book, and retained for the same period as this book (2 years). (52) Unit end dates must be set to consider any planned post-class assessments or work placements that will contribute to the overall outcome for the unit. (53) Results for units of competency must be entered onto VU's Student Management System within 10 days of the unit end date. (54) The appropriate grade set to use for a particular unit is determined by the following points. Note that grade sets described in a) and b) below must not be mixed within the one qualification: (55) Withdrawals: (56) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) (57) New staff into the program area must be inducted into the process for determining and processing results. (58) Only those staff approved by the Manager may enter student results. Such staff must have completed the VU resulting training program. (59) Those teachers not approved by the Manager (for example sessional teachers or teaching contractors) must pass on their final results to a designated person within the program area for entry. A Unit Results Summary template is to be used for this purpose. (60) Once results are entered, a printed list of the final results must be reviewed for accuracy by the original teacher. Once satisfied that the results have been accurately entered, the printed copy must be signed and dated by the teacher and then placed on the course file. (61) No person is to enter or amend results unless the results or amendments are recorded on official VUIT source documents. Entering or amending results based on an email or verbal request is not permitted. Approved documentation includes (62) Periodically there are valid reasons for a unit end date to be extended: These include (but may not be limited to): (63) Any request to extend a unit end date must be approved by the Manager and forwarded to the enrolment centre for processing. (64) Where such an extension means that a unit end date is extended into the following calendar year, there may be funding implications so this step should only be taken when there are no other options. (65) Managers must monitor the resulting within their program areas, ensuring that staff have completed their resulting prior to taking scheduled leave. (66) During peak periods (i.e. end of semester) GRSS must issue missing result reports daily to Directors and Managers for immediate action. (67) During non-peak periods, GRSS must issue fortnightly reports to Managers, highlighting missing results for units whose end dates have passed or are approaching. Managers must take action when results are overdue. (68) Where a student submits work after the results have been published without valid reason or a formal extension, see section earlier on Student submitting work after the due date. (69) Otherwise, the only way an amendment after publication can occur is where an error was made in the initial results entry. Such errors are minimised by teachers reviewing entered results for accuracy and signing and dating these reports for storage in the course file. (70) Where there is a need to amend a result after publication, the Manager must document the circumstances and gain approval from both the relevant Centre Director and the Vice-President Vocational Education before requesting the amendment. (71) The Manager must notify the student in writing if a result is amended after publication. (72) All documentation relating to the amendment must be retained and stored on the student file.VE Assessment and Resulting Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Responsibilities
Ensure all teachers are inducted into this procedure and the course and assessment documentation requirements of VUIT.
Establish a compliant Y: drive structure within the program area for the storage and version management of all course and assessment documentation
Provide advice and guidance on assessment and resulting to teachers, as needed
Ensure assessment reviews are completed within 15 working days
Monitor assessment resulting to ensure assessment results are processed within 10 days of the unit end date
Teachers (including ongoing or fixed-term, sessional or teaching contractors)
Design and conduct assessments, record assessment outcomes and process results according to the requirements within this procedure.
Communicate task and unit outcomes to students, and obtain their acknowledgement of this.
Monitor student attendance and/or participation, make contact with non-participating students and initiate withdrawal processes where necessary.
Undertake relevant system and compliance training so that resulting is accurate and entered onto the SMS.
Ensure teaching and assessment is finalised by the unit end date, and initiate unit end date extension processes if required. Part B - Requirements for Assessment
Part C - Reasonable Adjustment
Part D - VUIT Assessment System
Part E - Providing Information to Students on the Outcomes of Assessment
Part F - Assessment Extensions
Part G - Re-assessment
Part H - Student non-participation in scheduled assessment
Part I - Student submitting assessment after the due date
Part J - Assessment Review
Part K - Resulting
Part L - Entering Result Units
Part M - Extending Unit Dates
Part N - Results Monitoring
Part O - Amending Results After Publication
Section 6 - Guidelines
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