(1) The systematic gathering and analysis of learner feedback is a key feature of the continuous improvement strategy for the Polytechnic. This Procedure describes the processes for the management and administration of a range of tools and processes to gather learner feedback, and defines responsibilities for the rectification activities resulting from the findings. (2) This Procedure applies to all nationally accredited VET training programs at Victoria University. (3) Learner Evaluation of Training (LET) is an internal survey tool used to gather feedback from learners at the unit or cluster level. It covers many aspects of the student's learning and assessment experience. (4) National Quality Indicator, Learner Engagement Survey is a standard national survey to be administered by all Registered Training Organisations annually. The outcomes and rectifications arising from this survey must be submitted to ASQA and published on Victoria University's website annually. (5) Nil (6) Teachers, support staff or any service area of the Institute may request feedback from students or may be the recipients of unsolicited feedback at any time. Such feedback must be captured and acted on in the same way as feedback gathered through more structured means. (7) Student complaints fall into this category. After addressing the student's issue (via the VU Complaints Management Procedures), every effort must be made to establish the root cause of the issue raised by the student in their complaint, and take the necessary action to reduce the likelihood of the same issue occurring in the future. (8) Managers must develop a VET Program Area LET Evaluation Plan for each training product offered in their area of responsibility. The strategy must: (9) Conducting the Learner Evaluation of Training (LET) Survey (10) Once received by the Survey and Evaluations Unit, the LET surveys will be processed and a collated report provided to the relevant Manager within 10 working days. (11) This survey is administered annually by the Survey and Evaluations Units to all VET students who are scheduled to complete their course in the current year. (12) The Survey and Evaluations Unit will distribute (or make available via their intranet page) to Managers a Program Area Course Completion Spreadsheet. Managers are responsible for populating the spreadsheet with the relevant details of all student scheduled to complete their enrolled course in the current year. (13) Scheduling of QI Learner Engagement Surveys must be based on the information provided in the survey. (14) Surveys can be administered in paper based form while students are in class. (15) Surveys can also be administered electronically by the student logging in to the survey via the VU website. (16) Managers are to update their Program Area Course Completion Spreadsheet after each group has undertaken the survey. This spreadsheet must be regularly monitored to ensure all groups of students whose course is scheduled to complete in the current year have been provided with the opportunity to participate. (17) The Survey and Evaluations Unit is responsible for collating the data and responses received from the QI Learner Engagement Surveys. Reports are finalised no later than the end of February in the year following the year in which the data was collected. (18) The Polytechnic Leadership Team receives collated reports on Learner Feedback from both LET and QI Learner Engagement surveys for review. Based on these, areas of strength and weakness must be identified and strategic, Institute wide initiatives are introduced to address areas of concern. (19) Polytechnic Managers receive data collated at the course level from the QI Learner Engagement Surveys, as well as at the class/group levels from the LET surveys. (20) These must be analysed in detail and any areas of concern must be recorded onto the relevant Program Area Continuous Improvement Register. (21) Staff must be involved in the consideration of these items and in the development of rectification plans to improve outcomes for future students. Any such rectification strategies must be consistent with strategies identified from the Polytechnic Leadership Team. (22) Defined actions to address items on the Continuous Improvement Register must be monitored regularly to ensure to ensure their completion, and any changes embedded into future offerings. (23) Examples of how Learner Feedback has been used to improve the training program must be listed on the Training and Assessment Strategy for the relevant courses. (24) Nil (25) ASQA General Direction — Quality Indicators http://www.asqa.gov.au/news-and-publications/publications/general-directions/general-directions.html (26) Learner Evaluation of Training (LET) General Information http://www.asqa.gov.au/news-and-publications/publications/general-directions/general-directions.html (27) VET Program Area LET Evaluation Plan https://kit.vu.edu.au/service/vefequality/ReviewImproveQualityProcesses/default.aspx (28) VET Program Area Course Completion Spreadsheet http://www.asqa.gov.au/news-and-publications/publications/general-directions/general-directions.html (29) Continuous Improvement Register https://kit.vu.edu.au/service/vefequality/ReviewImproveQualityProcesses/default.aspxVET Learner Feedback Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Responsibilities
Survey and Evaluations Team
1. Provide advice to the Polytechnic Managers in the conduct and administration of learner feedback tools and processes, and also on the interpretation of outcomes.
2. Maintain an intranet page with all relevant information for Managers to successfully implement learner feedback tools.
3. Customise LET survey tools for particular program areas, as requested.
4. Collate information gathered via LET surveys and provide meaningful reports to Managers and Teachers
5. Collate and interpret / present data from the Quality Indicator Learner Engagement Surveys at the course, centre and Institute level.
Polytechnic Leadership Team
Review learner feedback data and identify areas of weakness across the Institute. Consult with relevant staff, develop and communicate strategic approach to improving outcomes.
Polytechnic Managers
1. For each training program, develop and maintain a schedule for unit / cluster evaluation, ensuring that every unit or cluster is evaluated at least once every five years.
2. Ensure teaching staff are aware of their responsibilities in the administration of learner feedback surveys and ensure that surveys are carried out according to plan
3. Conducted detailed analysis of findings from learner feedback activities, identify appropriate actions and monitor their completion.
1. Ensure someone other than the teacher/s involved in delivery and assessment of particular units or clusters do not administer the surveys for those groups.
2. Carefully consider feedback provided and work with Manager and other staff in the development of actions to address areas of concern.Part B - Informal Feedback
Part C - Learner Evaluation of Training Survey
Part D - National Quality Indicators, Learner Engagement Survey
Part E - Continuous Improvement based on Learner Feedback
Section 6 - Guidelines
Section 7 - References
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