(1) Victoria University Institute of Technology (VUIT) is committed to recognising the existing skills and experience of its students through a well-structured and streamlined Skills Recognition Process. This Procedure provides guidance and advice in the provision of Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfers to students or prospective students. (2) This Procedure applies to all TAFE programs offered at Victoria University, except those undertaken through the Skilled Migrant Assessment Service (SMAS). (3) Skills Recognition is the process by which the existing knowledge, skills and experience of students and prospective students are given formal recognition. Skills Recognition includes Credit Transfer (CT). Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Recognition of Current Competency RCC). (4) Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses the competency/s of an individual that may have been acquired through formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual meets the requirements specified in the training package or VET accredited courses. (5) Credit Transfer is credit given based only on documentary evidence such as statement of attainment / qualifications. (6) Recognition of Current Competency applies only where an individual is required to maintain current competency in one or more units of competency linked to a licence or regulatory requirement. To meet these requirements, individuals may present for re-assessment in units previously attained. (7) Candidate is the person seeking Skills Recognition. (8) Student Retention and Success Policy. (9) As part of the Pre-Training Review interview conducted with all students prior to enrolment, any relevant prior skills or learning should be identified. The RPL and/or CT process should be commenced immediately. (10) Current information on fees and charges for RPL must be published on VU's website. (11) Students applying for RPL in a course that is supported by VET FEE-HELP must be informed about this scheme, and particularly advised about later repayment obligations. (12) For students who are eligible for Victorian Government funding through the Victorian Training Guarantee. (13) For students not eligible for VTG funding (14) Credit Transfer applications should be processed at the time of enrolment. (15) When applying for RPL, students must enrol and pay required fees after their initial interview and completion of Section 3 of the Skills Recognition Candidate Kit. If they decide to proceed with the process after this step, enrolment should proceed before any further work is undertaken. (16) At the time of enrolment, the start and end dates for the units for which the individual is seeking RPL must be recorded on a delivery plan. If a current delivery plan is set for the qualification, then the student can be enrolled under that plan, however unit start and end dates must be modified according to: (17) For every TAFE course offered, Managers must identify a Skills Recognition expert who has the necessary vocational competency and industry currency as well as competency and currency in vocational education and learning. (18) The skills recognition expert is responsible for ensuring the development and ongoing validation of the master copies of the skills recognition tools and process. This must be in the form of either (19) The skills recognition expert is the first point of contact within the teaching area for any expressions of interest from current or prospective students in relation to skills recognition. (20) The skills recognition expert will conduct the skills recognition assessment for those units for which they are vocationally competent and current, and liaise with other appropriately qualified assessors for other units within the qualification. (21) Prior to enrolment, all students must undergo a Pre-Enrolment Review, where any prior skills or knowledge that might contribute to Credit Transfer or Recognition of Prior Learning are identified. (22) Pre-Enrolment Review forms must be checked by the course coordinator and prospective students who indicate that they have prior work or other experience relating to any part of the course must be referred to the Skills Recognition expert. (23) Potential Skills Recognition candidates must be contacted immediately and requested to attend or participate in an initial meeting. Prospective candidates must be asked to bring along a current resume if they have one, or other evidence that supports the skills and experience they have. Where possible, this meeting should be prior to enrolment and within one week of the initial expression of interest. (24) At the meeting, the Skills Recognition process and applicable fees must be discussed with the candidate to ensure they fully understand the process and their obligations. (25) The assessor must also determine whether or not the candidate has any specific needs that must be accommodated in the assessment process, or where reasonable adjustments to assessment may be required. (26) The potential candidate must be provided with Sections 1 to 4 of the master Skills Recognition Candidate Kit either before or at the time of the meeting. (27) At (or immediately after) the interview, the prospective candidate will complete Section 3 of the Skills Recognition Candidate Kit, or equivalent section in the online application. At that point, (28) Where units to be assessed are not normally included in the standard training and assessment program, the Manager must complete appropriate documentation to ensure that the unit is listed on CAMs in readiness for the candidate's enrolment. (29) Candidates who elect to continue with the RPL application must be informed that if their application for RPL in one or more of the units selected is unsuccessful, they will have to pay additional fees to enrol in an alternative training and assessment program. (30) Once the Skills Recognition Assessor confirms that the candidate's enrolment has been finalised, they should customise the master copies of both the Candidate Kit and Skills Recognition Assessor Toolkit to include the candidate's name and relevant information for the units to be assessed. (31) The candidate must be provided with an electronic copy of their Skills Recognition Candidate Kit and advised to start gathering evidence that will support their application. They must be reminded of the need for evidence to be current, authentic and valid. (32) A date should be set by which the candidate should provide their evidence to their assessor. This date should be no longer than two weeks after the candidate has completed their enrolment. (33) If the evidence requirements include a Third Party Report from a current or previous employer, the template in Section E of the Skills Recognition Toolkit should be used. (34) Once the evidence portfolio (including any third party reports) has been received, the assessor must: (35) Once satisfied that the evidence gathering stage of the process is complete, the assessor must schedule an assessment interview as early as possible. (36) The candidate must be advised to review and prepare responses for the interview questions that have been provided in Section 4 of the Skills Assessment Candidate Kit. The candidate must also be advised that follow up questions (not documented on the kit) may be asked at interview where the assessor seeks further information or clarification. (37) When conducting the interview, the assessor must be monitoring the responses provided by the candidate, and determine whether or not their response demonstrates the required skills and knowledge by using the Interview Questions Response Guides in Section B of the Skills Recognition Assessor Kit. (38) Following the assessment interview/s, the assessor must map the assessment interview outcomes against unit requirements in the assessment mapping tables in Section D of the Assessor Guide, and record outcomes in the Skills Recognition Assessor Kit. (39) Interim outcomes for each unit must then be determined, based on the evidence portfolio and interview/s. (40) Where practical assessment is required, the assessor must develop (or customise existing) tasks for the candidate, so that the identified gaps are fully addressed. These should be documented in Section 5 of the Skills Recognition Candidate Kit along with specific assessment criteria for each task. Each criteria listed must be linked to specific items within the task. (41) Section 5 of the Skills Assessment Candidate Kit must then be provided to the candidate so they have the opportunity to review the task requirements prior to the practical assessment occurring. (42) For each task, the assessor must develop a performance guide to assist in assessing the candidate performance, and document this in section C of the Skills Assessment Assessor Kit. (43) The practical assessment/s must be scheduled as soon as possible, to help ensure completion of the Skills Recognition process within one month of the candidate's enrolment. (44) The practical assessment must be conducted, and the candidate's performance assessed using the Performance Guides in Section D of the Skills Recognition Assessor Kit. (45) After completion of the assessment, the candidate's performance must be documented in both the Candidate Kit and Assessor Kit, and then mapped against the unit requirements in the mapping tables in Section D of the Skills Recognition Assessor Kit. (46) The assessor must provide an opportunity for re-assessment for any criteria not demonstrated, as described in the TAFE Assessment and Resulting Procedure. (47) The candidate must be informed of the assessment task outcomes and both candidate and assessor must sign on the relevant pages in Section 5 of the Skills Recognition Candidate Kit. (48) Final unit outcomes can now be determined and documented in Section 6 of the Skills Recognition Candidate Kit, and signed by both candidate and assessor. (49) At this stage, the candidate has the opportunity to request a review of their assessment if they believe the process or assessment judgement has not been fair. The review process as described in the TAFE Assessment and Resulting Procedure must be followed in this circumstance. (50) A copy of the completed Skills Assessment Candidate Kit must be provided to the candidate for their records, and a copy must be retained by the assessor to place on the student file. (51) The A80 Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer must be finalised and sent to the Student Connections together with the: (52) Student Connections Team must process A80 Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer must be processed according to the internal operating procedure. (53) Nil (54) TAFE Assessment and Resulting Procedure — VU Policy Library / VET Programs (55) Guidelines for TAFE Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer Procedure https://kit.vu.edu.au/service/vefequality/ConductAssessment/default.aspx (56) TAFE Skills Assessment Candidate Kit https://kit.vu.edu.au/service/vefequality/ConductAssessment/default.aspx (57) TAFE Skills Assessment Assessor Kit https://kit.vu.edu.au/service/vefequality/ConductAssessment/default.aspx (58) Application for Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer http://www.vu.edu.au/student-tools/student-formsTAFE Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) and Credit Transfer (CT) Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Responsibilities
1. Ensure that there is appropriate and clear information on the website to explain the Skills Recognition Process, including fees and charges to prospective students.
2. Ensure there is reference to Skills Recognition options on each TAFE course program on the website.
3. Ensure that marketing materials developed for any course include information on Skills Recognition
1. Ensure that students seeking admission to courses are given the opportunity to apply for Skills Recognition prior to enrolment.
2. Develop and submit delivery plans for individuals seeking skills recognition if required.
1. Prepare master Skills Recognition Candidate Kit and Skills Recognition Assessor kits for the course. Alternatively, set up the online Skills Recognition Kit.
2. Contact students who declare existing skills or experience prior to enrolment.
3. Conduct initial interview and self-assessment, prior to enrolment if possible.
4. Prepare enrolment documentation for candidates deciding to proceed with Skills Recognition Process.
5. Conduct the Skills Recognition Process according to guidelines provided in this Procedure and in the Skills Recognition Assessor Kit, within one month of the finalisation of the candidate's enrolment.
6. Ensure final outcomes of Skills Recognition Process, along with supporting documentation are provided to the Student Service Centre for processing. Include request for Qualification or Statement of Attainment as appropriate.
Student Connections
1. Develop and maintain an internal procedure for the processing of applications for Recognition of Prior Learning and Credit Transfer for TAFE courses.
2. Process results of Skills Recognition Process according to documentation provided and issue letter confirming outcomes to candidate.
3. Process any requests for Qualifications or Statements of Attainment within 30 days of the completion of the Skills Recognition Process.Part B - Fees, Charges and Enrolment
Part C - Preparing for Skills Recognition
Part D - Conducting Skills Assessment
Part E - Finalisation of Skills Recognition Process
Top of PageSection 6 - Guidelines
Section 7 - References
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