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Council - Implementation of Council Responsibilities Guidelines

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) Nil

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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(2) Nil

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Section 3 - Definitions

(3) Nil

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(4) Council Policy

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Section 5 - Procedures

(5) Nil

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Section 6 - Guidelines

Strategic Planning

(6) The Council approves the mission and strategic direction of the University, as well as the annual budget and business plan.

(7) The Council will have input into the development and approval of the University's Strategic Plan. The Vice-Chancellor provides regular updates to Council on the implementation of the plan.

(8) All strategic decisions are submitted to Council for decision. Examples include decisions regarding student contributions principles, campus master plans, capital works etc. The Resources Committee (often with all members of Council invited), will consider the financial implications of strategic proposals before they are referred to Council.

(9) The Council approves the University Annual Budget after extensive input from the Resources Committee and Senior Management.

Legislation, key policies and compliance

(10) The Council:

  1. makes relevant University legislation.
  2. establishes policy and procedural principles, consistent with legal requirements and community expectations.

(11) Except where regulation-making power has been conferred by Statute on the Vice-Chancellor, the Council makes all University legislation.

(12) The Compliance Audit and Risk Committee of Council exercises active oversight over the Risk Management framework including the University's compliance framework.

Academic activities

(13) The Council oversees and monitors the academic activities of the University. Council established the Academic Board and determined that the University's Academic Board is the principal academic and education advisory body in the University.

(14) In order to maintain commitment to excellence in teaching, training, research and scholarship the Council shall at least annually obtain a report from the Academic Board, addressing relevant achievements. Each year the Council shall receive a detailed report analysing the University' performance in teaching and research against key indicators (for example via the Vice-Chancellor's reports).

(15) The Council will request the Vice-Chancellor to provide regular reports on the University's academic activities. The Council receives advice on the University's academic activities from the Academic Board. The Academic Board reports to Council after each meeting.

Appointments and performance monitoring

(16) The Council appoints the Vice-Chancellor and President as the chief executive officer and oversees and reviews the management of the University and its performance.

(17) The Remuneration Committee annually reviews the performance of the Vice-Chancellor and President against pre-determined criteria. The Vice-Chancellor reports to each meeting of the University Council.

(18) Standing Committees of Council (particularly the Resources Committee and the Compliance, Audit and Risk Committee) have scheduled regular comprehensive reports on various management matters which are in turn reported to Council.

(19) The Council receives presentations on key areas and initiatives in the University, and on its strategic plan and annual plan, with sufficient detail to evaluate performance.

Council structures, processes and performance

(20) The Council:

  1. establishes its own procedures and standing orders.
  2. elects the Chancellor, Deputy Chancellor and appoints relevant members of Council.
  3. ensures clear delegations to the Vice-Chancellor and any relevant committees of Council.
  4. assesses Council's operation and performance.
  5. approves a professional development program for Council members and identifying skills and expertise for the future.

(21) Council has approved its own Standing Orders, procedures and committee structure. These are articulated in the Conduct of Council Business and Standing Orders Procedure .

(22) Council has approved a Council Induction, Development and Review Procedure .

Risk management

(23) The Council:

  1. oversees and monitors the assessment and management of risk across the University, including commercial undertakings;
  2. ensures compliance with appropriate laws.

(24) The Compliance, Audit and Risk Committee of Council exercises active oversight of risk management across the University. This committee receives and reviews regular reports on those areas identified in the University's Risk Management Plan and reports to Council after each meeting.

(25) Council receives a briefing session at least once a year on risks faced by the University and how to best manage them. Every significant proposal submitted to Council for approval includes a mandatory risk assessment.

Financial Performance Accountability

(26) The Council:

  1. Approves and monitors systems of control and accountability, including general overview of any controlled entities. (A controlled entity is one that satisfies the test of control in s.50AA of the Corporations Act).
  2. approves significant commercial activities of the University.

(27) The Resources Committee and Council receive Financial Management Reports pertaining to University finances, together with an annual financial forecast for the forthcoming year. All proposals for capital works, other major financial/commercial initiatives and joint ventures are scrutinised first by the Resources Committee and then submitted to Council for approval.

(28) Before the University forms or participates in a controlled entity (including a corporation, association, partnership or joint venture), a Council resolution is required under section 48 of the Act.

(29) The Resources Committee receives annual reports on controlled entities and part-owned entities and subsequently reports to Council for noting. The annual business plans and corporate board report arrangements of controlled entities and part-owned entities, and the University's annual report, are submitted to the Resources Committee and Council.

External accountability, promotion and advocacy requirements

(30) The Council:

  1. oversees the requirements of the State and Federal Government in terms of annual reporting and assumes final accountability for the actions and operations of the University and their compliance with statutory requirements.
  2. establishes and enhances links between the University and the wider community.

(31) The Council reports to the State Government each year via the University Annual Report.