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Supervision - Development of Graduate Research Supervisors Guidelines

This is not a current document. It has been repealed and is no longer in force.

Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) Nil

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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(2) Nil

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Section 3 - Definitions

(3) Nil

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(4) Higher Degrees by Research Policy

(5) Supervision Policy

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Section 5 - Procedures

(6) Supervisor Registration and Development Procedure

Range of supervisor development offerings

(7) Program offerings for the development of Graduate Research supervisors will include workshops, seminars and similar events organised or promoted centrally through the Graduate Research Centre (GRC) that deal with generic issues related to research supervision. The workshops address a number of common issues to supervisors and candidates, including:

  1. the writing of a research thesis;
  2. research relationships, particularly between supervisors and candidates;
  3. recognising and managing the phases of a research project and the stages of candidature;
  4. interpretation and assistance with implementing the rules, regulations and policies of the University and the broader research community, as they relate to graduate research study and supervision
  5. effective supervisory practices and interventions;
  6. College-level sessions on specific issues of concern or interest, particularly those specifically relevant to the disciplinary context. Experienced supervisors from within the College will be encouraged to present or form panels at these sessions; and
  7. seminars with visiting scholars who have particular interest and experience with supervision issues.

(8) All supervisors will also have access to a bibliographic resource collection, which will identify and collect recent scholarly contributions to the process of supervision.

Types of programs to support supervisor development

New supervisors' induction program

(9) One day supervisor induction offering an introduction to Victoria University graduate research and Supervision Policy, Procedure and Guidelines.

Initial supervisor development programs

(10) The following programs are offered for the development of supervisors, and particularly those who are registered at Level 1:

  1. Demystifying Thesis Supervision (eight-module program, offered as a two-day intensive program or equivalent); and/or
  2. Supervising Student Research unit (12 credit point unit offered as an elective in the Grad Certificate in Tertiary Teaching which is open to VU academic staff);
  3. Supervision communities of practice (within each College);
  4. equivalent program/s offered by other universities.

Required supervisor development

(11) Any workshop/seminar mandated for supervisors to ensure that their knowledge of supervisory university practice is fully compliant with University and external regulatory requirements is defined as required to maintain registration.

Other supervisor professional development

(12) Other development that may be offered to supervisors includes:

  1. The "Step Up" to Principal program for advancement from Level 1 to Level 2;
  2. Themed workshops or seminars (auspiced by the GRC, College or externally) designed to support ongoing professional development as a supervisor;
  3. Supervisory 'Community of Practice' meetings (auspiced by College or GRC);
  4. Opportunities to contributions to the central or College programs designed to support the development of supervisory and/or research skills, including peer mentoring in supervision, convening/facilitating initiatives to support the development of research and research-related professional competence of graduate researchers and colleagues.