(1) Victoria University (VU) recognises that effective consultation with employees about health and safety is an important part of its commitment to providing a safe place to work and study. (2) The Universities legislated Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) obligation includes: (3) HESF: Standard 2.3 Wellbeing and Safety (4) This Procedure applies to all staff, students, contractors and others who may be impacted by VU activities at workplaces under the management or control of VU. (5) Note: Contractors have a responsibility to ensure that consultative arrangements are in place for their employees and their workers. (6) Designated Work Group — (DWG) is a group of employees who share similar workplace health and safety concerns and conditions. The employees can be from one or more workplaces operated by single or multiple employers. (7) Employee Health and Safety Representatives — (HSRs) elected by the membership of their designated work group to represent them. Elections and eligibility will be in direct compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), Division 4 — Sections 54 to 57. All rights and powers of the Health and Safety Representative/ Deputy Health and Safety Representative are detailed in the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic), Division 5 — Sections 58 to 66. (9) The Vice-Chancellor, Vice-Principals, Deputy Vice-Chancellors, Executive Deans, Head of University Services, Executive Directors, Directors, Associate Directors, Heads of divisions, Managers and Supervisors are management representatives. (10) Once elected as an HSR, a person cannot concurrently be a management representative. (11) The functions and actions resulting from management representative responsibilities may be delegated, but ultimate accountability cannot be delegated to others. (12) Through existing agreements between staff and the University, DWGs are in effect throughout the University. (13) Negotiations, agreements and/or determinations to establish or alter a DWG may establish if an HSR will represent independent contractors, employees and/or their workers. (14) The HSW Unit will publish on the Safety website a current register of DWGs. This list will include: (15) Staff may request that the HSW Unit establish or vary DWGs in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic). (16) The University may initiate negotiations with staff to establish or vary DWGs, in accordance with the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (Vic). (17) The Director, Workplace Relations and Safety, or nominee is the only management representative of the University authorised to negotiate the establishment or variation of DWGs. (18) Within 14 days of being notified of a request to establish or vary a DWG, the Director, Workplace Relations and Safety or nominee will commence negotiations with the staff member(s) and consult the management representative(s) about the establishment of or variation to the DWG. (19) Negotiations concerning a DWG, staff may be represented by any person authorised by the staff member(s). (20) The HSW Unit will update the University's register of DWGs upon any agreement to alter the DWG, including the number of HSRs or DHSRs. (21) Members of DWGs elect an HSR to represent them. Members of each DWG may determine how an election is to be conducted in their DWG. (22) Any member of a DWG may request advice on the conduct of an election from their Health and Safety Business Partner, WorkSafe or another representative. (23) If the members of the DWG do not reach an agreement within a reasonable time (two weeks in most cases) any member of the DWG may request the assistance of their Health and Safety Business Partner, or a WorkSafe inspector. (24) At the conclusion of an election, the returning officer for the election must notify the Director, Workplace Relations and Safety or their nominee of the result of the election. (25) HSRs and DHSRs cease to hold office if: (26) The role of the HSR is to: (27) Within their DWG, the employee HSR has the power to: (28) All VU workplaces must have systems in place to ensure that employees (in particular Health and Safety Representatives) are consulted when decisions are being made that may affect health and safety. (29) Consultation - a two-way exchange between employers and employees that involves: (30) Consultation is required when: (31) There should be trust and mutual respect in the approach between people involved in the consultation of OHS concerns and conditions. (32) The University will consult with staff members including HSRs through the following arrangements: (33) Consultation with staff must involve: (34) The University will facilitate consultation with independent contractors, contractor’s employees and workers. This may be achieved by: (35) Where staff members are represented by an HSR, the HSR must be involved in the consultation, with or without the involvement of the others. Involving the HSR (or another representative) in consultation includes: (36) Managers and supervisors are not obliged to agree with the views of the HSR or others; however, the manager or supervisor must take their views into account. (37) Managers and supervisors may maintain a written record of the local consultation with staff or others in their work area. Where managers and supervisors maintain a written record it should include: (38) VU wide implementation guidance material and OHS procedures will be maintained by the HSW team. Procedures will be reviewed at least every 3 years and involve consultation with affected employees and HSRs. The consultation will occur via email to the HSR email distribution list, OHS Committees, other specific working groups and the VU Policy Bulletin Board. Where employees and HSRs are consulted about policies and procedures via the Bulletin Board, any feedback must be provided via the Bulletin Board system to ensure a record is kept of the consultation and feedback. (39) The OHS team will provide information on the OHS management system via OHS committees and the VU intranet site.Health and Safety - OHS Consultation and Participation Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Top of PageSection 2 - TEQSA/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
(Management) Directors, Managers, Supervisors and Heads of Units
Ensure compliance with this Procedure and the requirements for consultation with all affected parties when planning changes to facilities, plant and equipment, work procedures etc.
Make OHS information available and disseminate it to employees and employee representatives to facilitate compliance and improve safety standards within their relevant business units.
Ensure staff, students, contractors and visitors are adequately provided with OHS information that takes into account their communication requirements; and provide an opportunity for cooperative and enhanced decision making.
Ensuring elected HSRs are trained and have adequate time and resources allocated to fulfil their role.
Share OHS information with other interested parties, in consultation with the OHS Team.
To be proactive and contribute to discussions about health and safety in their workplace. This can include the identification of hazards and reducing risks.
Follow requirements as communicated to them, for example, requirements contained in VU Health Safety and Wellbeing procedures, safe work procedures and workplace signage.
Provide feedback to the University on the effectiveness of consultation and communication arrangements.
Report to their supervisor instances where they or other persons, for example, employees/visitors, have difficulty understanding health and safety information.
HSW Team
Promote and support the consultative framework, maintenance of DWG, Committees and the election process for HSRs.
Assist the University to comply with the legislation.
Engage with external stakeholders including Safety Regulators as required to facilitate communication, consultation and cooperation.Part B - Representation
Management Representatives
Designated Work Groups (DWGs)
Employee health and safety representatives
Part C - Consultation
What is Consultation?
When is Consultation required?
Consultation with staff members
Consultation with independent contractors, contractor’s employees and workers
Involving the HSR in consultation
Managers and supervisors in consultation
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Please note: Consultation does not necessarily result in an agreement between the participants and the decision-makers.