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TAFE Marketing Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) This Procedure outlines the processes and responsibilities in relation to the marketing and promotion of nationally recognised Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses at Victoria Polytechnic.  It also outlines the processes in relation to branding and external media for VET products and services.

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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(2) This Procedure applies to marketing and promotion of all Vocational Education and Training programs based on nationally accredited training products and any media relating to Victoria Polytechnic.

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Section 3 - Definitions

(3) Training Product means any qualification, skill set, unit of competency, accredited short course and module that is listed on Victoria University’s Scope of Registration.

(4) CAMS is Victoria University’s Course Approval Management System.

(5) Media refers to Social Media as well as news articles, television and radio.

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(6) Nil

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Section 5 - Procedures

Part A - Roles and Responsibilities

Vice-President, Vocational Education
  1. Exercise overall responsibility for the quality and compliance of all VET marketing and promotional materials used across Victoria Polytechnic.
Marketing Manager
  1. Maintain register of approved marketing products.
  2. Work with Victoria Polytechnic Managers and department staff in the development of effective and compliant marketing materials.
  3. Conduct periodic audits of course marketing material to ensure compliance with relevant regulatory standards and this Procedure.
Digital and Communications Coordinator
  1. Conduct  monthly audits of social media activity against the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist and record results in the Victoria Polytechnic Social Media Monthly Audit Register.
  2. Develop draft course web pages and updates to ensure full compliance with internal policy and external regulatory requirements.
  3. Receive and process all requests for use of approved Victoria Polytechnic social media platform for marketing purposes
Victoria Polytechnic Managers
  1. Ensure only approved marketing products are used within each teaching area.
  2. Ensure that course information in CAMS is current and accurate.
  3. Work collaboratively with Marketing Team in the development and publication of marketing collateral.
  4. Complete compliance check prior to submission of marketing product to Marketing Manager for approval.
  5. Monitor relevant course web pages to ensure they remain compliant and accurate.

Part B - Overview

(7) The Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 and the Victorian Government Department of Education and Training Funding Contract include stringent guidelines for the marketing of Vocational Education and Training programs.  In particular, Victoria Polytechnic must ensure that:

  1. prospective students are fully informed about -
    1. the products and services offered (including clear information on fees / charges and refund policies), to enable them to make an informed choice between training providers;
    2. individual rights and responsibilities while studying at Victoria Polytechnic;
    3. their repayment obligations, especially in relation to VET FEE-HELP, VET Student Loans or other fee loan options.
  2. its Registered Training Organisation Code (3113) and, where relevant, Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS) is clearly displayed;
  3. any programs promoted are on VU’s Scope of Registration;
  4. the national code and title (in that order) of relevant training products, as it appears on the National Register, are clearly displayed;
  5. students are not misled in relation to possible employment or licencing outcomes from training programs.

(8) The Vice-President, Vocational Education holds overall responsibility for the quality and compliance of all marketing and promotional material used across the Polytechnic. This includes print based materials, Victoria Polytechnic website content and the use of social media for the purpose of promoting Victoria Polytechnic and its programs.

(9) Victoria Polytechnic Marketing team must maintain a register of approved marketing material.

(10) Victoria Polytechnic Managers must complete a Victoria Polytechnic Value Proposition Tool (P016- F03) and Victoria Polytechnic Sales and Marketing Strategy Tool (P016-F02) before engaging the Marketing Team.

(11) Victoria Polytechnic Managers may only use marketing or promotional materials that have been approved by the Marketing Manager and are registered on the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Register (P016-T01).

(12) Marketing Team must communicate with relevant Victoria Polytechnic and broader University departments when planning to conduct promotional campaigns to enable support teams to be appropriately prepared for customer response.

(13) Victoria Polytechnic Managers and Directors must communicate to the Marketing Team -

  1. any external comments made to media;
  2. involvement with external publications that may profile Victoria Polytechnic programs or staff.

Part C - Victoria Polytechnic Course Pages on VU Website

(14) All Victoria Polytechnic course pages must be structured according to the PO16-G01 Victoria Polytechnic Anatomy of a Course Page.

(15) Much of the information that populates course pages comes from CAMS, and Victoria Polytechnic Managers have responsibility to ensure that information drawn from CAMS and published on course pages on the VU website is current and accurate.

(16) The development and publication of new course web pages occurs according to:

  1. Marketing team consults with key stakeholders, including the Centre Director, Teaching Department Manager and the Victoria Polytechnic Manager Administration and Service Provision. 
  2. Digital and Communications Coordinator develops draft web page and completes the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01) to ensure that the course webpage is fully compliant.
  3. Any compliance issues will be resolved through communication with the relevant Victoria Polytechnic Manager and other key stakeholders.
  4. Written approval for publication must be provided by -
    1. Vice-President, Vocational Education or Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Manager and
  5. The completed Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01), written approvals from above, and a link to the new web page must be sent to the Marketing Manager for final approval.
  6. The web page is published after receiving written approval from the Marketing Manager.
  7. The Marketing Manager adds the appropriate reference to the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Register (P016-T01).

(17) Updates to existing course web pages (including news, events, information sessions, course transition arrangements etc.) must be approved and published according to:

  1. The responsible Victoria Polytechnic Manager must email request / editable content to, including all necessary information.  Attach MS Word document with tracked changes.
  2. Digital and Communications Coordinator will make the requested updates and then use the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01) to ensure that the course webpage with included updates is fully compliant.
  3. Any compliance issues will be resolved through communication with the relevant Victoria Polytechnic Manager.
  4. The completed Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01) and a link to the updated page must be sent to the Marketing Manager for final approval.
  5. The Marketing Manager adds the appropriate reference to the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Register (P016-T01).

(18) Vice-President, Vocational Education, Marketing Manager and VU Web Services will review and improve the standard structure of Victoria Polytechnic course web pages from time to time, based on input from relevant stakeholders, feedback from users or updates to Victorian Government Department of Education Funding Contract or other changed regulatory requirements.

Part D - VE Marketing Collateral

(19) Prior to the development of any marketing collateral, Victoria Polytechnic Managers must refer to and complete the steps of the Victoria Polytechnic Sales and Marketing Strategy Tool (PO16-F02). If it is determined that a course flyer is needed, the Victoria Polytechnic Value Proposition Tool (PO16-F03) is to be included.

(20) Standard Course Flyers are to be created using the Victoria Polytechnic Course Marketing Template (P016-T02).

  1. Victoria Polytechnic course managers complete a Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01) to ensure new or updated flyer is fully compliant
  2. New flyers or updates to existing flyers are to be submitted to the marketing team
  3. Any identified issues are to be resolved between the marketing team and the relevant Victoria Polytechnic Manager.
  4. The completed Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01) and a copy of the flyer must be sent to the Marketing Manager for action.  The flyer is released after receiving written approval from the Marketing Manager (note that a request to add flyer to web page must be made according to earlier Part C – Victoria Polytechnic course pages on VU website).
  5. The Marketing Manager adds the appropriate flyer to the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Register (P016-T01).

(21) The Marketing Manager in conjunction with the Senior Manager Quality and Compliance (VET)is responsible for conducting periodic audits of teaching areas to ensure that course collateral in use is compliant with the requirements of the Standards for Registered Training Organisations, 2015 and the VET Funding Contract. Where non-compliant material is identified, the Marketing Team will work with the relevant Manager to remove the material from circulation and to update it according to the above procedure.

(22) Other course or teaching area promotional materials (for example capability promotions to industry) must also be approved by the Marketing Manager prior to use.   The Marketing Team can provide support in the development of such marketing collateral.

  1. Victoria Polytechnic Manager raises the need for marketing collateral with the Marketing Manager
  2. Victoria Polytechnic Manager works with the Marketing Team to develop the product.
  3. Victoria Polytechnic Manager completes Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01) and forwards completed checklist and developed product to Marketing Manager for action. 
  4. The product is released after receiving written approval from the Marketing Manager (note that a request to add marketing product to web page must be made according to earlier Section C – Victoria Polytechnic course pages on VU website).
  5. The Marketing Manager adds the appropriate flyer to the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Register (P016-F01).

Part E - Use of Social Media for Marketing Purposes

(23) Request for use of approved Victoria Polytechnic social media platform for marketing purposes must be made to the Digital & Communications Coordinator, or the use of social media for marketing purposes can be initiated by the Marketing Team.

(24) Marketing team to provide advice and support to Victoria Polytechnic Managers in the development of content for social media posts.

(25) Victoria Polytechnic staff are not permitted to post Victoria Polytechnic related content that may appear to represent the views of Victoria Polytechnic without going through the above approval process.  This excludes re-posting official Victoria Polytechnic posts.   

(26) The Digital and Communications Coordinator will conduct a monthly audit of social media activity against the Victoria Polytechnic Marketing Collateral Checklist (P016-F01) and record results in the Victoria Polytechnic Social Media Monthly Audit Register (PO16-T03)- maintained by Marketing Manager. 

Part F - External Partner Marketing and Social Media

(27) All Polytechnic agreements with external partners must ensure that any marketing or promotion activity related to the partnership is subject to this Procedure.