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Courses Lifecycle - Concept Proposal and Business Case (HE) Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) This Procedure provides requirements for the development of the Concept Proposal and Business Case for new:

  1. Higher Education (HE) Award courses;
  2. majors in a HE Award course;
  3. Non-Award courses (for HE Colleges only);
  4. interstate or overseas delivery of a HE Award course or major;
  5. online delivery of a HE Award course;
  6. dual Awards;
  7. joint Awards;
  8. double degrees;
  9. double qualifications.
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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(2) This Procedure applies to all HE Award and HE Non-Award coursework courses at Victoria University.

(3) This Procedure does not apply to:

  1. Courses that have completed a Comprehensive Course Review (CCR) as they are entering into the re-accreditation phase.
  2. New Vocational Education and Training (VET) Award courses.
  3. New VET-run Non-Award courses.
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Section 3 - Definitions

(4) Award Course

(5) Double Degrees

(6) Double Qualifications

(7) Dual Award

(8) Joint Award

(9) New Course

(10) Non-Award Course

(11) Major

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Section 4 - Policy

(12) Courses Lifecycle Policy

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Section 5 - Procedures

Part A - Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities
Proposer (within College/s)
Presents idea to College Director of Learning and Teaching for initial feasibility assessment.
Prepares Concept Proposal and Business Case according to instructions and template.
Director of Learning and Teaching (Proposing College)

Director Learning & Teaching, Partnerships and Innovation
Evaluates ideas for feasibility and suitability.

Recommends further development of ideas to the Dean.

Recommends the Concept Proposal and Business Case to the Dean and if relevant, the Executive Director, Partnerships and Innovation.

(NB: For delivery at VU Sydney, offshore and partnered delivery, the Director Learning & Teaching, Partnerships and Innovation must be included in this process.)
Dean (Proposing College)

Executive Director Partnerships and Innovation
Approves the development of suitable ideas into a Concept Proposal and Business Case.

Endorses the Concept Proposal and Business Case.

(NB: For delivery at VU Sydney, offshore and partnered delivery, the Executive Director, Partnerships and Innovation must also endorse the Concept Proposal and Business Case.)
Provost Leadership Group (PLG) Considers the Concept Proposal and Business Case and either:

-  recommends endorsement, or
-  does not recommend endorsement (which may result in the Concept Proposal and Business Case being sent back to the Proposing College for further development).
Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost Endorses the Concept Proposal and Business Case.
Vice President, Engagement Marketing and International Endorses the Concept Proposal and Business Case where international students in Melbourne are involved.

Part B - Before the Concept Proposal and Business Case

(13) Before developing the Concept Proposal and Business Case, Proposers must obtain preliminary approval to go ahead with the development.

(14) Proposers:

  1. Prepare a short (one-page) outline of the idea for the proposed new Award course or major, Non-Award course, or new delivery location or mode. This short outline should cover the discipline or content area, some indication of potential market, and any identified synergies with existing courses or units. Detailed evidence is not required at this stage.
  2. Present this idea to the College Director of Learning and Teaching (or equivalent).

(15) The College Director of Learning and Teaching (or equivalent) must evaluate the idea against: 

  1. the College's goals and strategic direction;
  2. existing offerings by the College or any other part of VU;
  3. feasibility for delivery within the College's existing parameters.

(16) Where the Concept Proposal and Business Case involves partner delivery, the Director Learning & Teaching, Partnerships and Innovation must be engaged as part of this initial assessment.

(17) In performing this evaluation, the Director of Learning and Teaching (or equivalent) may consult with whomever they see fit. Colleges may opt to discuss ideas within the context of existing committees or purpose-built groups if this is useful.

(18)  After evaluating the idea, the Director of Learning and Teaching: 

  1. recommends to the Dean that the idea is suitable for development; or
  2. indicates to the Proposer that the idea is not suitable for further development. 

(19) The Dean then: 

  1. approves proceeding to develop a Concept Proposal and Business Case; or
  2. does not approve proceeding to develop a Concept Proposal and Business Case.

(20) If the Dean approves the idea, the Proposer begins preparation of a Concept Proposal and Business Case.

Part C - General

(21) Preparation of a Concept Proposal and Business Case is mandatory for all items listed at (1) above.

(22) The Concept Proposal and Business Case must be presented within the specified template.

Part D - Concept Proposal and Business Case: Structure

(23) The Concept Proposal and Business Case consists of: 

  1. a textual section; and
  2. financial modelling.

(24) All Concept Proposal and Business Cases must include both the textual section and the financial modelling.

Part E - Concept Proposal and Business Case: Text

New HE Award and Non-Award Courses, Majors, Double Degrees, Double Qualifications and Dual Awards

(25) The Concept Proposal and Business Case must include:

  1. A summary rationale for the introduction of the new offering, including relevance to the College's goals.
  2. A course outline.
  3. Details of proposed course structure (may be represented in an image if appropriate).
  4. Details of proposed cross-College units, including evidence of consultation with other affected Colleges.
  5. Summary evidence of demand:
    1. Demand analysis must show new demand, rather than taking student numbers from existing VU courses.
    2. Evidence may include details of VTAC and other offers made for similar courses in Victoria; evidence of industry growth or change.
  6. Competitor analysis, ie. who else delivers the same or similar courses in Victoria/ Australia.
  7. Details of course profile and transition impact.
    1. Summary of internal pathways and relationship to existing VU award or non-award courses.
    2. Summary of external pathways and relationships to existing off-shore and partner award or non-award courses. 
  8. Details of any nested and exit qualifications (exit points) within the proposed new award or non-award course or major.
  9. Evidence regarding the employment and other graduate outcomes expected from the new award or non-award course or major. Evidence may include:
    1. Employment and job vacancy figures within the industry or professional discipline related to the proposed award or non-award course or major.
    2. Details of new industry expansions, initiatives or government policy and funded projects which are anticipated to generate new demand for skilled workers.
    3. Expert opinion from industry peak bodies or research bodies indicating employment trends or outcomes.
    4. Details of how the content and coverage of the proposed award or non-award course or major aligns with the needs and expectations of relevant industries or disciplines.
    5. Other information as directed.

Interstate or overseas delivery

(26) This section relates only to the proposed delivery of an existing award or non-award course or major in an interstate or overseas location. If the proposed award or non-award course or major is new, the requirements of the first section must be completed in addition to this section.

(27) Concept Proposal and Business Cases must include:

  1. Details of the planned institutional partner/s, including: 
    1. a summary of the due diligence conducted;
    2. any existing Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) or contractual arrangements with the proposed partner/s and their current status. (Indicative schedules should be attached.);
    3. background information for the partner institution, including the legislative status in the home country;
    4. legislative requirements for offering a course/non-award in the host country, if any;
    5. If the partner institution qualification constitutes part of the delivery (as pathway or dual awards), the AQF equivalent level as guided by the Department of Education and Training Country Education Profiles.
  2. A summary rationale for the introduction of the new delivery location, including relevance to the College's goals.
  3. Summary evidence of demand (eg details of market analyses; evidence of industry growth or change).
  4. Competitor analysis ie. who else delivers the same or similar award or non-award course or majors in the proposed location.
  5. Details of award or non-award course or major profile:
    1. Summary of internal pathways and relationship to existing VU award or non-award course or majors.
    2. Summary of external pathways and relationships to existing off-shore and partner award or non-award course or majors. 
  6. The proposed delivery mode and breakdown of responsibilities for delivery.

Online delivery

(28) This section relates only to the proposed delivery of an existing award or non-award course online. If the proposed award or non-award course is new, the requirements of the first section must be completed in addition to this section.

(29) The Concept Proposal and Business Case must include:

  1. A summary rationale for the introduction of the new delivery mode, including relevance to the University's and College's goals.
  2. Summary evidence of demand for the online mode (eg details of student or applicant queries; evidence of industry growth or change).
  3. Competitor analysis, ie. who else delivers the same or similar award or non-award course online.
  4. Impact on other delivery modes. In particular, the Concept Proposal and Business Case must clearly indicate if it is intended that the online delivery be introduced in addition to, or as a replacement for, face-to-face delivery.

Joint Awards

(30) The Concept Proposal and Business Case for Joint Awards must be prepared and presented to University Council in the first instance, to obtain approval for the use of dual badging on a VU testamur, or for VU to be dual-badged on a testamur issued by another institution.

(31) Please see the Collaborative Awards Procedure [pending] for further details about this process.

Part F - Financial Modelling

(32) Financial modelling must be included within the Concept Proposal and Business Case. 

  1. Financial modelling must be performed using the University's Financial Modelling Tool.
  2. Modelling is required to cover:
    1. Workload assessment and allocation (anticipated number of new units to be developed and the planned allocation of this work).
    2. Staffing required to develop, coordinate and deliver the new award or non-award course or major or new major.
    3. Availability of facilities, equipment and other required resources to deliver the award or non-award course or major / major.
    4. If specialist equipment is required, it must be identified and costed.
    5. Enrolment targets for the first five years of proposed award or non-award course or major operation, broken down into domestic, international onshore, and international offshore students. (Financial modelling must show a minimum of break-even with the target numbers.)
    6. Summary of full financial model including costs / revenue and margin.

Part G - Consultation

(33) Evidence of consultation with all relevant stakeholders must be presented as part of the Concept Proposal and Business Case.

(34) In particular, consultation must occur with:

  1. any other College involved in delivering any units which form part of the proposed new award or non-award course or major;
  2. all other Colleges affected, or potentially affected, by the proposed new award or non-award course or major;
  3. all relevant central support units (eg Student Services, Marketing, Finance, Library, IT, Facilities); 
  4. VUI for international onshore; 
  5. Partnerships and Innovation for VU Sydney, offshore and partnered delivery;
  6. any partner institutions within Australia or overseas who have any role in delivery of the proposed award or non-award course or major.

(35) For professionally accredited award or non-award courses or majors, accrediting body advice must be sought and included within the Concept Proposal and Business Case.

Part H - Endorsements and Approvals

(36) The Concept Proposal and Business Case must be recommended by the College Director of Learning and Teaching or equivalent. 

(37) Where the Concept Proposal and Business Case includes international offshore, VU Sydney or partner delivery, it must also be recommended by the Director Learning & Teaching, Partnerships and Innovation.

(38) The Dean of the College or equivalent must endorse the Concept Proposal and Business Case.

(39) Where the Concept Proposal and Business Case includes international offshore, VU Sydney or partner delivery, it must also be endorsed by the Executive Director, Partnerships and Innovation.

(40) Once endorsed by the Dean and (if relevant) Executive Director, Partnerships and Innovation, the Concept Proposals and Business Case is considered by the Provost Leadership Group (PLG), which may:

  1. recommend endorsement by the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost; or
  2. decline to recommend endorsement by the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost. This may result in a Concept Proposals and Business Case being returned to the College for further development.

(41) If the Proposal is recommended by the PLG, it is presented:

  1. To the Deputy Vice Chancellor and Provost for endorsement (all Proposals).
  2. To the Vice President, Engagement Marketing and International for endorsement (Concept Proposal and Business Cases involving international onshore in Melbourne).
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Section 6 - Guidelines

(42) Nil