(1) This Procedure outlines the process by which Victoria University (VU) assesses requests from international students wishing to transfer to or from a VU course, prior to students completing six months of their principal course of study. This Procedure is in accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (Cth). (2) HESF Standards: 1.2 Credit and Recognition of Prior Learning; 2.4 Student Grievances and Complaints; 7.2 Information for Prospective and Current Students (3) ESOS National Code of Practice: Standard 1.5, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10. (4) Standards for RTOs: Standard 6. (5) This Procedure applies to international onshore students studying on a student visa who request a transfer between Registered Education Providers prior to completing six months of their (6) (7) Registered Education Provider: A registered higher education provider or VET provider or ELICOS or Foundation Programs provider that provides courses to international students. (8) Release: If an international student wishes to transfer to another provider before completing six months of their principal course, the student must either obtain a release from their registered provider, or meet one of the conditions specified in Standard 7 of the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth). After completing six calendar months of the principal course, a student can transfer without needing to meet particular conditions. (9) Student Transfer: When an international student withdraws from one Registered Education Provider in order to take up study at another Provider. (10) International Student Transfer Policy (11) In accordance with the Education Services for Overseas Students National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (Cth), VU must not knowingly enrol an international student wishing to transfer from another registered provider’s course prior to the international student completing six months of their principal course of study, except where any of the following apply: (12) Students coming to VU from another registered provider are required to provide their documentation during the admissions process. Admissions staff validate students’ eligibility to transfer to VU. (13) A transfer request is not required for an international student to change registered providers in the following circumstances: (14) In all other circumstances a transfer request will be required. (15) Information for Students on how to request a transfer is available at this website [https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/enrolment/change-your-enrolment/transfer-to-another-course#goto-transfer-from-victoria-university=1]. (16) VU will grant the transfer request when it is deemed to be in the best interests of the student, by meeting one or more of the following criteria: (17) All transfer requests must include the following attachments: (18) Evidence to support claims for transfer requests may include documents from registered counsellors, psychologists or medical practitioners. All claims from medical practitioners need to include a statement that due to the illness, the student is medically unfit to continue their studies at VU and that a transfer to another provider is recommended and including the grounds for the recommendation. (19) The evidence to be assessed with Transfer Requests: (20) If the international student is under 18 years of age: (21) Transfer requests will be assessed within ten VU business days of receipt. (22) VU may refuse a transfer request when the international student: (23) The submission of a release request form by an international student does not preclude the international student from enrolling in the VU course, and thus meeting visa conditions. VU will report students who do not enrol and maintain a full-time study load as this may have implications for a student’s visa status. (24) The submission of a release request by an international student does not preclude the international student from maintaining required course attendance, and thus meeting visa conditions. (25) The Enrolment Team will record all transfer requests in the Provider Registration International Students Management System (PRISMS). (26) VU Enrolment Officer will: (27) VU Enrolment officer will provide the international student with an unsuccessful outcome letter via email which includes the following: (28) If a transfer request is refused, the student has the right to request a review of the decision made. (29) A student can request a review of a decision by completing the Request A Review Of Decision To Transfer To Another Provider (Release) (A20) form as per the instructions on the form. (30) A review of the decision will be made by the Director, Student Administration. (31) The Director, Student Administration will review the decision made and the student will be notified of the outcome within five VU business days. (32) If an issue cannot be resolved by the Director, Student Administration or where a student is dissatisfied with the decision, they may lodge an appeal in accordance with the Student Appeals Regulations 2019. (33) If the review outcome maintains the original decision and the student meets the prescribed grounds as set out in the Student Appeals Regulations 2019 and the Student Appeals Procedure, a student may lodge an appeal with the Director, Governance and Secretariat within 20 working days of the review decision. (34) The student’s refusal status in PRISMS must not be finalised unless the appeal finds in favour of the registered provider; or the international student has chosen to not access the appeals process within the 20 university business day period; or the international student withdraws from the process. (35) Students or other eligible persons may seek an external review of a VU decision, including an appeal decision, from an appropriate, independent external body such as the Victorian Ombudsman. (36) The student visa holder who wishes to make a complaint to an external body must provide evidence of the lodgement of their complaint to the Director, Student Administration within 20 VU business days from the date of the VU Appeal Panel decision. (37) Students receiving a successful outcome letter, approving transfer to another institution, will have their enrolment cancelled by VU. (38) Students with credit in their student fees account can apply for a refund of fees according to the Fee Adjustments Procedure. Also see VU’s website for further information: https://www.vu.edu.au/current-students/your-course/fees/refunds/international-refunds. (39) For students under 18 years of age, please see VU’s obligations under the Education Services for Overseas Students Act 2000 (Cth), National Standard 5.6, outlined in Part G of the Safety and Welfare of Children and Young People - International Student Welfare Procedure.International Student Transfer Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Director, Student Administration
Final determination of reviews of international student transfer requests, if necessary.
International Students
Read and understand this Procedure prior to lodging an International Student Release form. Complete the form and provide all necessary documentation in support of the Transfer Request.
Submit the International Student Release form.
Co-operate with VU staff and attend any interviews or appointments directed by VU staff.
Enrolment Team
Record the outcome of the transfer request.
Respond to the student when a transfer request decision has been made.
Record all information in relation to this Procedure in accordance with VU Records Management Policy and associated procedures.
International Student Advisers
Provide assistance and support to international students regarding student transfer requests.
International Admissions
Validate students’ eligibility to transfer to VU via PRISMS.
International Recruitment
If requested by Enrolment Team, validate students’ background and Genuine Student (GS) assessment and outcome.
Part B - Request to transfer to VU from another Registered Education Provider
Part C - Request to Transfer from VU to another Registered Education Provider
Situations when Transfer Requests are not required
What to do when a Transfer Request is required
How to Request a Transfer
The Grounds upon which a Transfer request will be granted
Evidence to be Provided with Transfer Requests
Evidence to be assessed with Transfer Requests
Students Under Eighteen Years of Age
Timeframe for Assessment
Situations when VU may Refuse a Transfer Request
Enrolling and Attendance
Provider Registration International Students Management System
Actions following Transfer Request decision
Reviews and Appeals Process
Refusal Status in PRISMS
External Appeal
Cancellation of Enrolment and Refunds
Students under 18 Years of Age
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The Enrolment Team are the decision makers who are responsible for the primary assessment of all transfer requests.
Follow Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for assessing and processing Release/Transfer Applications for International Students.
All complete transfer requests will receive an outcome within 10 VU business days from submission following the requirement outlined in National Code Part D, Standard 7.
Assess the transfer request and determine the circumstances in which a transfer request will be denied or approved in line with regulatory guidelines and related VU policies and procedures.
Verify and document the offer letter and supporting documents submitted with form A216 with the education provider and other relevant bodies.
Read and understand this Procedure prior to advising international students on transfer requests.
Provide guidance to international students required to complete intervention meetings and student support activities.