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VET Domestic Student Progress Review Procedure

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Section 1 - Summary

(1) This Procedure sets out the process by which the Polytechnic will monitor and manage the progress of domestic students enrolled in all Polytechnic award courses.

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Section 2 - Accountability

Accountable/Responsible Officer


Accountable Officer Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Vocational Education
Responsible Officer Pro Vice-Chancellor, Vocational Education and Pathways
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Section 3 - Scope

(2) This Procedure applies to domestic students enrolled in Polytechnic award courses.

(3) This Procedure does not apply to international students enrolled in Polytechnic award courses or domestic students enrolled in Polytechnic non-award courses.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(4) Unsatisfactory progress (VET - domestic students) – Not successfully completing 50% of course requirements within the review period and/or at risk of not completing a course within the timeframe documented in the Training Plan.

(5) VCE VET – Is defined nationally as any recognised vocational education or training that is counted as credit towards a senior secondary certificate.

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Section 5 - Policy Statement/Regulation

(6) This Procedure is governed by the Victoria University Academic Progress Regulations 2016.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities



Manager/ Coordinator Conduct scheduled review of students’ progress.
Convene Course Progress Review meetings.
Record outcomes of Course Progress Review meetings .
Where sessional teachers identify non-participation, contact the student and the school for VCE VET students.
Coordinators/ Teachers Monitor student attendance.
Attempt to contact student/s,  employers and /or parents/guardians as applicable, where student/s have missed two consecutive classes / workshops or have not logged into VU Collaborate for more than two weeks.
Meet with students and agree on actions.
Document agreements and monitor progress.

Part B - Identification of Students making Unsatisfactory Progress 

(7) Managers/Coordinators are responsible for conducting a scheduled review of each student’s progress at least twice during the delivery of a 12 month course (pro rata for courses of shorter duration).

(8) The outcomes of this scheduled review are documented on the VET Student Progress Review Form, and completed forms are placed on the local student file. This Procedure does not substitute normal monitoring of progress and withdrawals.

(9) Where a student is identified to be at risk of not completing their course within the scheduled timeframe as documented in their Training Plan, or is deemed to have had unsatisfactory progress for the review period, the following steps are taken:

  1. The student is contacted in writing using the applicable VET Formal Communications with Students template, and invited to a Course Progress Review meeting. 
  2. If the student is a trainee or apprentice, a copy of the communication is sent to their employer.
  3. If the student is enrolled in a VCE VET program, the student’s school is sent a copy of the communication.
  4. For all student under 18 years of age, other than VCE VET students, the student’s parent or guardian is sent a copy of the communication.

(10) The Course Progress Review Meeting includes discussions about:

  1. suitability of the course for the student;
  2. opportunities for re-assessment (this may include re-enrolment in some units);
  3. additional learning or personal support that may assist the student re-engage with their studies;
  4. amendments that need to be made to the individual’s training plan. 

(11) The Course Progress Review Meeting outcomes must be documented using a VET Student Progress Intervention Strategy Record.  This includes:

  1. Issues identified.
  2. Strategies or actions to be taken.
  3. Monitoring schedule.

(12) Other than scheduled semester reviews, teachers have the primary responsibility for identification of students at risk of non-completion. Typical indicators for concern include:

  1. Students not attending class or other scheduled activities on a regular basis.
  2. Students not actively participating when in class or in other scheduled activities.
  3. Students experiencing difficulty in completing required work.
  4. Students not submitting required work.

(13) The teacher must take immediate action if a student is: 

  1. absent without prior notice for two consecutive classes in a particular unit or cluster; or
  2. is undertaking a flexible program and misses two scheduled workshops or other scheduled activities; or
  3. is undertaking an online program and does not log in to the VU Collaborate system for more than two weeks. 

(14) Where any of the events listed in the point above occur, the teacher must attempt to actively engage with the student and try to facilitate their return to study.  The Manager/Coordinator should be notified as soon as possible.  

  1. For sessional teachers, and students enrolled in VCE VET programs, the Manager/Coordinator will be responsible for follow up with the student and the school.
  2. For other teachers, the teacher must try to make contact with the student directly by phone or email. For apprentices and trainees the teacher should also try to contact the employer. For students under 18 years of age, other than VCE VET students, the teacher should also try to contact the parent/guardian.
  3. Contact or attempted contact with the student, the employer, the parent/guardian or the school must be documented and placed on the local student file (for example, copies of emails, notes of a telephone conversation or a message left for student).

(15) If the student has fallen behind due to their absence or non-participation, or other personal issues, they should be invited to a meeting with the teacher or coordinator to discuss their course progress and to establish a plan to support course completion. At the meeting:

  1. Issues should be identified.
  2. Strategies to best address the issues should be discussed and agreed.  These may include one or more of:
    1. Provision of learning support (refer to VET Learning Support Procedure), including providing access to scheduled campus sessions for learning support.
    2. Referral to student services for personal support (counselling, disability support, aboriginal liaison etc.).
    3. One-to-one catch-up sessions with the teacher and ongoing individual mentoring.
    4. Rescheduling of assessments (this may involve requesting changes to unit start and/or end dates). 
    5. Reasonable adjustments to teaching and/or assessment strategies.
    6. Consideration of options to transfer to a different course .
    7. Withdrawal from the course.
  3. The Coordinator/Teacher and student agree on the identified strategies and set a date for a follow up meeting to consider the effectiveness of the strategies.
  4. Agreed actions should be documented, signed by both parties and placed on the local student file. A copy of the agreed actions should be sent to the employer for all apprentices and trainees; to the relevant school contact for all VCE VET students and to the parent/guardian of all students, other than VCE VET students, under the age of 18 years.

Part C - Polytechnic Initiated Withdrawal of Students

(16) Where a student cannot be contacted after at least two separate attempts, and it is 2 weeks since the last engagement or participation in the course, a formal written communication, using the applicable VET Formal Communications with Students template, must be sent to the student, notifying them of the likelihood of being withdrawn from the course. A copy of this notification should be sent to the employer for apprentices and trainees; the relevant school contact for VCE VET students and the parent / guardian for all students, other than VCE VET students, under the age of 18 years,.

(17) If there is still no contact with the student, and it has been 4 weeks since the last engagement or participation, the Manager should initiate withdrawal of the student from the course.  A further communication confirming this action must be sent to the student, using the applicable VET Formal Communications with Students template.

(18) If the student has successfully completed one or more units in their course before ceasing participation, the Manager must ensure that a request for a Statement of Attainment to be issued to the student must be made.

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Section 7 - Guidelines

(19) Nil