(1) This Procedure outlines the responsibilities of staff in the management of the welfare and wellbeing of students in VRQA registered non-school accredited foundation and senior secondary programs. (2) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth) (4) This Procedure applies to all staff and students in non-school foundation and senior secondary programs at Victoria University (VU). (5) VRQA – Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority. (6) Nil. (7) Students are provided with information about VU’s Welfare Support Services through: (8) Prior to enrolment applicants must complete a pre-training review (PTR) and literacy and numeracy (LN) assessment. Additional support needs are identified through this review. (9) All staff in non-school foundation and senior secondary programs are provided with information about VU’s Welfare Support Services and how to access them. (10) All staff, including teachers, senior educators, managers or support staff, who become aware that a student is in need of personal support should assist them in accessing the VU services they require, where appropriate. (11) Course Progress Review Meetings should include consideration of any existing and/or emerging support needs and access to relevant support services. (12) As part of the pre-training review and during information and enrolment sessions, all students are advised of the supports available and the processes to access them. (13) If disability support is requested, the student is provided with the contact details for Accessibility Services to arrange an appointment. (14) Where appropriate an, Access Plan is developed by Accessibility Services and shared with teaching staff. (15) Access Plans are reviewed regularly and as needed during the student’s enrolment. Accessibility Services are responsible for communicating any changed support requirements to relevant staff. (16) Where the need for literacy and numeracy support is identified, a referral to Learning Support is made in line with the Admissions - Course Admissions and Pre-Training Review Procedure (VET). (17) All students must complete a Medical and Emergency Information Form at enrolment. These are stored securely in the student file on the student management system. For students under the age of 18, this form must be signed by the parent / guardian. (18) Where the student has a medical condition such as asthma, epilepsy, diabetes or anaphylaxis, an appropriate management plan must also be provided by the student (or parent / guardian for students under 18) to the Education Manager and/or Senior Educator. In an emergency situation a first aider can administer required medication. (19) In emergency situations, an ambulance should be called immediately, before summoning a first aid officer. (20) If a student requires first aid, a designated first aid officer must be called. A list of first aid officers is available on the People and Culture First Aiders Intranet site and staff notice boards. All teachers should ensure that they know who the first aid officers are in relevant campus locations. (21) The first aid officer will administer general first aid according to their training and will then: (22) For students under the age of 18 years, the Education Manager must notify a parent/guardian of any first aid incident that occurs while the student is on campus or participating in an off-campus activity. (23) Where possible, student medication should be self-administered by the student or be administered by parents/guardian at home. (24) Staff may supervise the administration of medication for a student who is under 18 years of age with the written authority of parents/guardians. Written authorisation should be provided to the Education Manager on the Medical and Emergency Information Form and kept on the student’s file. (25) Medications for administration under supervision should be given to a staff member when the student arrives on campus. The medication should be stored securely in the Education Manager’s office. All medication must be properly labelled, showing the name of the medication, the name of the student and the appropriate dose and frequency. For conditions such as anaphylaxis and asthma, the student should keep their medication securely on their person at all times. (26) Parents of students under the age of 18 must be informed that during timetabled class breaks students are not directly under the supervision of a teacher. Parents / Guardians must confirm their understanding of this information as part of the enrolment process. (27) Where an off-campus activity is planned, students and parents/guardians of students under 18, must be notified in advance of the activity and must sign the Off-Campus Day Activity Student Medical Information, Emergency Contact and Permission Form. Students under the age of 18 years may not participate in the off-campus activity if the signed form has not been provided. Alternative arrangements must be made for them during the relevant time. (28) Students are expected to comply with Student Charter Policy at all times.VET Non-School Foundation and Senior Secondary Provider - Student Welfare Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Director / Education Manager
Ensures that all staff are provided with information about Victoria University’s (VU) student welfare support services.
Education Manager
Notifies parent/guardian of any first aid incident involving a student under 18 years.
Advises parents / guardians of supervision arrangements for students on campus.
Ensures medication is secured in a staff office.
Education Manager / Teachers
Advises prospective students / students about available support services.
Ensures that all required documentation is obtained and filed in the student file.
Implements strategies identified in Access Plans.
Contributes to reviews of Access Plans.
Supervise student self-administration of medication for students under 18 years or those with a disability requiring such support.
First Aiders
Provide a First Aid response in line with VU training.
Accessibility Services
Meet with students requiring support.
Develop, communicate and review Access Plans.Part B - Student Welfare/Support
Students with Additional Needs
Part C - First Aid (including the management of student medication)
First Aid
Part D - Supervision of Students
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