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Vice-Chancellor Regulations 2021

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Part 1 – Preliminaries


1. Following University Council approval, this Regulation comes into operation on its promulgation upon publication on the University website.


2. A reference in this Regulation, in relation to a power of delegation, to the functions, powers or duties of a person or body is a reference to the functions, powers or duties conferred or imposed on the person or body by or under this or any other University Regulations.


3. This Regulation is made under the Governance, Academic and Student Affairs Statute 2013 and sections 28, 29 and 30 of the Victoria University Act 2010 (Vic).

Part 2 – Appointment

1. Under 26 of the Victoria University Act 2010 (Vic), the University Council appoints the Vice-Chancellor as Vice-Chancellor and President of the University.

Part 3 – Functions

1. As set out in the Governance, Academic and Student Affairs Statute 2013, the Vice-Chancellor is responsible to the University Council for the management of the University, including:
  1. the academic, administrative, financial and other business of the University;
  2. the supervision, either directly or indirectly, of all persons in the service of the University;
  3. the welfare and discipline of staff and students of the University, and
  4. maintenance of good order at the University.
2. As the most senior management position within the University the Vice-Chancellor is accountable to the University Council for providing reports on the leadership, management and administration of the University to enable University Council to undertake its duties and functions.
3.    Subject to any limitations set out in the Victoria University Act 2010 (Vic) and the  Governance, Academic and Student Affairs Statute 2013, University Council confers on the Vice-Chancellor the powers, functions and duties necessary to undertake the leadership, management and administration of the University.
4. The Vice-Chancellor may establish, restructure or close down any University academic, research or administrative portfolio division or group including:
  1. colleges and faculties;
  2. schools;
  3. institutes;
  4. centres; and
  5. departments.
5. The Vice-Chancellor has the authority to obtain from any staff member information related to the exercise of any of the Vice-Chancellor's powers, functions and duties. 
6. The Vice-Chancellor may exercise any powers of University Council which are:
  1. necessary for or incidental to the proper administration of the University;
  2. are of a routine or minor nature; or
  3. which by reason of an emergency require immediate action.
7. The Vice-Chancellor oversees the implementation of the University plans, frameworks, strategies and policies.
8. The Vice-Chancellor has authority to approve management policies, and procedures that relate to the human resources, financial and administrative areas of the University not reserved by University Council.
9. The Vice-Chancellor oversees and manages all divisions and campuses of the University including management portfolios.
10. The Vice-Chancellor is responsible for overseeing safety and well-being of staff and students and implementing mechanisms to monitor risk and compliance with statutory, legislative and regulatory requirements.
11. The Vice-Chancellor may delegate such functions as is necessary to perform the Vice-Chancellor's functions and must oversee and monitor delegations to:
  1. any appropriate qualified member of staff; and
  2. any committee established from appropriately qualified members of staff.

Part 4 Educational Regulatory Environment

Schedule 1 to this Regulation contains an overview of the regulatory framework within which the University operates.