(1) The purpose of the Compliance Policy is to: (2) This policy applies across the University. (3) Compliance- means adhering to the requirements of law (acts, regulations and other legislative instruments), standards, codes and policies, as well as principles of good governance and accepted community and ethical standards. (4) Compliance culture - means the values, ethics and beliefs that exist throughout the University, and interact with the University structures and control systems to produce behavioural norms that are conducive to compliance outcomes. (5) Compliance Management Framework - refers to a series of instruments, activities and processes undertaken by the University, that when combined are intended to achieve compliance, and enable an effective, co-ordinated approach to the management of compliance obligations, issues and risks. (6) Compliance Obligations Register - means the list of compliance requirements that have been identified by the University. (7) Victoria University is committed to compliance with all relevant laws (acts and regulations), standards, codes,and policies. (8) As a public body involved in teaching, training, research, community and business engagement, the University is required to comply with numerous obligations relating to its key activities and stakeholders, and effectively integrate these into day to day operations. Compliance is fundamental to the University achieving its strategic, operational and business objectives, and good governance. (9) In order to meet its obligations and objectives, and develop a proactive culture of valuing compliance, the University is committed to its Compliance Management Framework developed in accordance with the Australian Standard AS/ISO 19600:2015. (10) This policy is also consistent with the Staff Code of Conduct, which upholds the University's commitment to the highest standards of excellence, integrity and ethical behaviour. (11) This policy is based on the key principles as outlined within the Australian Standard AS/ISO 19600:2015. (12) Victoria University's commitment to effective compliance is demonstrated by: (13) The University adopts a risk-based approach to implement its Compliance Management Framework, and in doing so will ensure that: (14) The University will monitor, measure and report upon the performance of its Compliance Management Framework, and demonstrate it through documentation and practice. (15) The University's Compliance Management Framework will be reviewed on an ongoing basis in order to: (16) Annual Declaration on Compliance / Notification of Material Change / FIT and Proper Person Procedure (17) NilCompliance Policy
Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope / Application
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Policy Commitment
Policy Principles
Monitoring and Measuring
Continual Improvement
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedures
Section 6 - Guidelines
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