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(2) Higher Education Standards Framework: Standard 7.2 Information for Prospective and Current Students (3) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth) (5) This Policy does not apply to: (6) Affiliation: A formal recognition by Victoria University that allows Student Groups to access resources, funding, and institutional support. Examples include but are not limited to Clubs, College Societies, and Student Associations. (7) Club: A group of people who share a common objective, interest or involvement in an activity. These types of groups may be categorised as Religious & Spiritual Groups, Academic Groups, Hobby & Special Interest Groups, Cultural Groups, Community Groups. (8) Clubs Officer: The VU staff member who supports students to set up and manage their club. (9) College Society: A student group dedicated to representing students enrolled in a particular college of the University. (10) Executive members: Office holders of Student Groups who have been elected to Executive positions in accordance with their relevant Student Group’s Constitution. (11) Sport Club: A club based on sporting activities that may be competitive or social in nature. These are managed by VU Sport. (12) Student Association: a student group which represents students belonging to a particular cohort connected to their enrolment. (13) Student Groups: VU associated groups of students and/or VU-affiliated groups; including VU Clubs, VU College Societies, and VU Student Associations. All types of these organisations will be defined as “Student Groups” and will be typically chartered to provide an opportunity for students to be involved in leadership activities, engage with their fellow students and other members of the University community. They are intended to advance the education and/or student experience. (14) VUSU: Is the Victoria University Student Union which is the democratically elected representative student body, which provides representation and general services to students. VU recognises VUSU as the peak student representative body and the VU branch of the National Union of Students. VUSU is an incorporated association, with a legal personality separate and distinct from VU. (15) VUPA: The Victoria University Postgraduate Association, which represents postgraduate students at Victoria University. VUPA is an independent entity, governed by its own constitution and operating under a distinct funding agreement with Victoria University. The association advocates for the interests and needs of postgraduate students, providing specialized services and support to enhance their academic and professional development. (16) VU is committed to supporting and encouraging students to be leaders - people who are empowered to make, and encourage others to make, a positive difference in their communities, chosen career and broader society. (17) VU provides opportunities for students to assume leadership positions in VU Clubs, VU College Societies, VU Student Associations and other representation bodies. (18) VU commits to fostering an inclusive environment where diverse student voices are heard and respected. Efforts will be made to ensure leadership opportunities are accessible to all students, including those from underrepresented and marginalised groups. (19) VU is committed to genuine and meaningful student engagement. VU acknowledges that this requires a culture of student partnership, co-creation and respect for the student voice. (20) VU provides opportunities for students to be involved in the governance of the University, including as members of the University Council and Academic Board. Further information can be found on the Governance & Secretariat Student Elections site. Students are advised of such opportunities via email during the annual election process. (21) In accordance with the Student Services, Amenities, Representation and Advocacy Guidelines, VU engages its students in its decision making by: (22) Student groups provide an opportunity for students to be involved in leadership activities, engage with their fellow students and other members of the University community. They are intended to advance the education and/or student experience. (23) There are three types of formal VU Student Groups: (24) All official VU Student Groups must be affiliated to Student Life & Leadership; College Societies and Student Associations must affiliate with VU via VUSU. (25) The affiliation process is detailed in the Student Groups Leadership and Representation - Student Group Establishment, Affiliation and Funding Procedure. (26) In order to be eligible for affiliation, a Student Group must: (27) VU will not affiliate a Student Group that it considers to be serviced by an existing Student Group. (28) Student Groups must re-apply for affiliation annually. Affiliation automatically lapses each year on the date prescribed in the Student Groups Leadership and Representation - Student Group Establishment, Affiliation and Funding Procedure. (29) As VU College Societies are intended to represent all students within a specific College, VU will only affiliate one VU Society per College/TAFE. However, in circumstances where Colleges merge or where College disciplines are considered sufficiently separate and distinct, VU may allow multiple College Societies at the discretion of Manager, Student Life & Leadership. (30) Only affiliated Student Groups will be considered to have an association with VU and can publicise that association by using VU’s registered trade marks (e.g. ‘Victoria University’ or ‘VU’). Unaffiliated groups of students cannot hold themselves out to have a formal connection or association with VU. (31) All newly affiliated Student Groups will include ‘VU’ or ‘Victoria University’ in their name, such as 'VU [insert name] Club', ‘Victoria University [insert name] Society’ or ‘[insert name] Association of VU’. (32) Affiliated Student Groups must: (33) Affiliated Student Groups who do not comply with this Policy, may be disaffiliated in accordance with the Student Groups Leadership and Representation - Student Group Establishment, Affiliation and Funding Procedure. Individual members or officers may also be referred to other University processes (e.g. Student Misconduct). (34) Affiliated Student Groups can apply for and may receive university funding and/or support in accordance with the Student Groups Leadership and Representation - Student Group Establishment, Affiliation and Funding Procedure. (35) The funds VU provides affiliated Student Groups are from the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF). There are strict legislative requirements placed on VU in terms of what SSAF funds can be spent on. (36) University SSAF funds provided to Student Groups must not be used to directly or indirectly support: (37) University funds provided to Student Groups must only be used towards those activities specific in the Higher Education Legislation Amendment (Student Services and Amenities) Act 2011. These are specified on the government website: (38) No student can profit from or gain any direct personal material benefit from their participation in or management of a VU Club, VU College Society or VU Student Association. (39) All actual and potential conflicts of interests must be declared by the individual with the conflict, or a representative Student Group Executive Member to VU via the Clubs Officer who will provide guidance as to the appropriate management of such a conflict and will also notify VUSU President of any conflict of interest reported as they pertain to College Societies or Student Associations. (40) Student Groups that receive university or other funding must manage, account for and acquit the funds they receive in accordance with the Student Groups Leadership and Representation - Student Group Establishment, Affiliation and Funding Procedure. (41) Any money provided by VU which is not spent on the activity for which it was provided, or for activities which do not meet the SSAF requirements, must be immediately repaid to the University. (42) Affiliated Clubs must follow directions of the Clubs Officer to run their events safely and must mitigate risk to an appropriate level. (43) Affiliated Clubs must run a minimum of 4 events/activities for their members in an academic year. Clubs who affiliate after Semester 2/Block 1/Week 1 will be required to deliver a minimum of 2 activities/events per year. (44) Specific policies apply to the provision of alcohol and/or food. (45) Student Life & Leadership are available to provide advice and support regarding how students groups can run and manage events. (46) While affiliated Student Group activities will generally be covered by VU's insurance policy, it is the responsibility of all affiliated Student Groups to ensure that their activities are covered by VU’s insurance policies in consultation with the Clubs Officer and/or the VUSU General Secretary. (47) Student Groups Leadership and Representation - Student Group Establishment, Affiliation and Funding ProcedureStudent Groups Leadership and Representation Policy
Section 1 - Summary
Top of PageSection 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy Statement
Part A - Student Leadership
Part B - Student Representation
Part C - Affiliated Student Groups
Part D - Affiliated Student Group Responsibilities
Part E - Funding for Student Groups
Part F - Club Events and Activities
Part G - Insurance
Section 6 - Procedures