(1) This Procedure details the process by which: (2) HESF: 7.2 Information for Prospective and Current Students (3) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth) (4) This Procedure applies to: (5) This Procedure does not apply to: (6) (7) Executive members – Office holders of Student Groups who have been elected to Executive positions in accordance with their relevant Student Group’s Constitution. (8) Student Groups – VU associated groups of students and/or VU-affiliated groups (VU Clubs, VU College Societies, and VU Student Associations). All types of these organisations will be defined as “Student Groups” and will be typically chartered to provide an opportunity for students to be involved in leadership activities, engage with their fellow students and other members of the University community. They are intended to advance the education and/or student experience. (9) (10) (11) (13) Students who are interested in establishing an affiliated Student Group should contact the Clubs Officer in the Student Life & Leadership team to express their interest. The Clubs Officer will advise if there is already an affiliated Student Group that services the purposes of the proposed Student Group. (14) Prospective Student Groups will need at least 10 currently enrolled VU student members to attend their Inaugural General Meeting (IGM) to be eligible for affiliation. (15) The Clubs Officer will support the prospective Student Group to set up an IGM to affiliate. (16) In order to be eligible for affiliation or re-affiliation, a Student Group must: (17) When a Student Group wishes to apply for affiliation for the current year, they must hold an IGM prior to the commencement of the Semester 2 Block 3 Teaching Period. The purpose of the IGM will be to: (18) The Clubs Officer will consult with the applicant group if further information is required to consider the application. (19) Once all necessary information has been received, for Clubs, the Clubs Officer will determine whether the affiliation criteria have been met. For College Societies and Student Associations, the Clubs Officer will email affiliation documents to the VUSU General Secretary and VUSU Executive Officer. The VUSU General Secretary will review the affiliation documents and determine whether the affiliation criteria have been met. The Clubs Officer or the VUSU General Secretary will refer applications to the Manager, Student Life & Leadership for determination where it is unclear whether the affiliation criteria have been met. (20) For Clubs, the Clubs Officer will send the elected Executive member of the prospective Student Group an email advising whether the Student Group has been affiliated within 10 business days of the completed application and supporting documents being received. For College Societies and Student Associations, the VUSU General Secretary will send the elected Executive members of the prospective Student Group an email advising whether the Student Group has been affiliated within 10 business days of the completed application and supporting documents being received. (21) Unless renewed, affiliation of the Student Group will end on 1 November annually. (22) Executive members of affiliated Student Groups must complete the compulsory Student Group training facilitated by the Student Life & Leadership team, as well as undertake any relevant additional training modules as prescribed by VU. Failure to complete the compulsory training will disqualify the Student Group from receiving funding. (23) Affiliated Student Groups must include the unmodified VU and/or VUSU logo and the SSAF statement in all communications and material produced by the Student Group, and all Student Group collateral using the VU Brand must be approved by the Clubs Officer or VUSU President before publishing. (24) Affiliated Student Groups must create a dedicated email account from which they can communicate with their members. The email address must show association with VU (for instance: ‘vuclubname@gmail.com’ or ‘vucollegesocietyname@gmail.com or ‘vuassociationname@gmail.com’). (25) Student Group members’ details must be provided to the Clubs Officer, who will provide these details to the VUSU General Secretary and VUSU Executive Officer only for VUSU affiliated Student Groups. Member’s details may not be provided to anyone else without the individual’s express consent. Any requests for personal information from external parties must be forwarded to the Clubs Officer. (26) Affiliated Student Groups must hold an Annual General Meeting (AGM) in accordance with their relevant Student Group’s Constitution, and resolve to apply for re-affiliation prior to 1 November, otherwise affiliation will lapse. (27) Following the AGM, Student Groups must submit AGM minutes along with completed re-affiliation documents (Club Executives Registration form, bank signatory paperwork, updated membership list, etc.) to the Clubs Officer within 10 business days in order to complete the re-affiliation process. (28) Once all necessary information has been received, for Clubs, the Clubs Officer will determine whether the re-affiliation criteria have been met. The Clubs Officer will refer applications to the Manager, Student Life & Leadership for determination where it is unclear whether the affiliation criteria have been met. For College Societies and Student Associations, the Clubs Officer will email re-affiliation documents to VUSU General Secretary and the VUSU Executive Officer. The VUSU General Secretary will review the re-affiliation documents and determine whether the re-affiliation criteria have been met. (29) For Clubs, the Clubs Officer will send the elected Executive members of the prospective Student Group an email advising whether the Student Group has been re-affiliated within 10 business days of the completed application and supporting documents being received. For College Societies and Student Associations, the VUSU General Secretary will send the elected Executive members of the prospective Student Group an email advising whether the Student Group has been re-affiliated within 10 business days of the completed application and supporting documents being received. (30) In the event of a vacancy in an Executive position, or if Executive members are swapping positions after affiliation or re-affiliation has already occurred for the year, the Executive committee will be required to hold a Special General Meeting (SGM) to elect a student into the vacant position, or to ratify the swapping of positions until the next AGM is held. If the nominated student is uncontested, they will be automatically appointed to the position. If more than one student is nominated for the position, a ballot vote (secret or otherwise) will take place and a majority vote will decide. The vacancy must not be left open for more than six weeks, otherwise the Student Group’s affiliation status will lapse. (31) If a Student Group does not apply for re-affiliation prior to 1 November, affiliation will lapse and they will be considered to have disaffiliated from that date, unless the Student Group has contacted the Clubs Officer prior to this date and has been granted an extension. (32) For Clubs, the Clubs Officer will email the Executive members to notify them that affiliation has lapsed. For College Societies and Student Associations, the VUSU Genera Secretary will email the Executive members to notify them that affiliation has lapsed. (33) Where an affiliated Student Group breaches a condition or conditions of affiliation, they may be disaffiliated by VU. (34) Where an affiliated Club has breached or appears to have breached an affiliation condition, the Clubs Officer will meet with the Executive members to seek their response(s) in relation to the alleged breach. Where an affiliated College Society or Student Association has breached or appears to have breached an affiliation condition, the VUSU General Secretary will meet with the Executive members to seek their response(s) in relation to the alleged breach. (35) Depending on the nature/severity of the alleged breach, and the response from the Executive member(s), the Clubs Officer or VUSU General Secretary may: (36) If the Manager, Student Life & Leadership or VUSU President is satisfied that a breach has occurred, they may disaffiliate the Student Group and must provide written notice of this decision to the Executive members of the Student Group. (37) The Executive may seek a review of this decision within 10 business days by contacting the Director, Student Services. The Director, Student Services will consider the matter and provide their response within 10 business days. (38) Where a VU Club is disaffiliated, it must meet with the Clubs Officer or where a College Society or Student Association is disaffiliated, it must meet with the VUSU Executive Officer as soon as practicable to ensure that the following occurs within 10 business days: (39) Once disaffiliated, the Student Group must not hold itself out to be connected to VU. (40) As part of the affiliation process for Clubs, the Clubs Officer will assist the Executive members to set up an approved bank account. The bank account must list an approved VU staff member as an administrator and all funds received by the Club must be deposited into the approved bank account. (41) As part of the re-affiliation process for Clubs, the Clubs Officer and the outgoing Executive members will assist the incoming Executive members to update access to the Club bank account. (42) There are three main types of funding that Clubs are eligible to receive from VU: (43) College Society and Student Association funding is allocated through the Student Services and Amenities Fee (SSAF) Consultative Committee and managed by a Funding Agreement between VUSU and VU. (44) VUSU will determine the allocation of funds to College Societies and Student Associations through the mechanisms outlined in the VUSU Constitution as adopted by the VUSU Board. (45) As part of the affiliation process for College Societies and Student Associations, the VUSU Executive Officer will assist the Executive members to set up an approved bank account. The bank account must list an approved VU staff member as an administrator and all funds received by the College Society or Student Association must be deposited into the approved bank account. (46) As part of the re-affiliation process for College Societies and Student Associations, the VUSU Executive Officer and the outgoing Executive members will assist the incoming Executive members to update access to the College Society or Student Association bank account. (47) College Societies and Student Associations will only be eligible to receive funding through VUSU, not from Student Life & Leadership. Funding will be subject to the VUSU budget for the allocated year. (48) Clubs affiliation funding may be requested via the Activity Registration form. (49) For affiliated Clubs, the Clubs Officer will determine whether to grant the affiliation funds in full or in part within five business days of receiving a completed Activity Registration form and Risk Assessment. (50) If approved, the Clubs Officer will deposit the funds into the Club approved bank account as soon as reasonably practicable and generally within 10 business days from the date of the decision. (51) To access funds, College Societies and Student Associations must complete a VUSU Motion form and attend a VUSU Board Meeting to present the Motion and discuss their proposed budget. (52) The VUSU Board will determine whether to grant requested funds in full or in part during the Board Meeting. The VUSU General Secretary will provide Board Meeting minutes including details of all tabled Motions to the VUSU Executive Officer. (53) If approved, the VUSU Executive Officer will deposit funds into the approved bank account as soon as reasonably practicable and generally within 10 business days from the date of receipt of the VUSU Board Meeting Minutes from the VUSU General Secretary. (54) Funding is conditional upon: (55) Affiliated Student Groups may charge their members an annual membership fee. (56) The annual membership fee, and the date on which it is due, will be set by the Student Group in accordance with their relevant Student Group Constitution. (57) The Student Group Secretary must keep a register of members’ details, which shows the date on which each member paid their membership fee (if applicable) and provide this information to the Student Group Treasurer and to the Clubs Officer and VUSU Executive upon request. (58) Student Groups may raise funds from external parties (e.g. corporate sponsorship) only with the prior written consent of the Clubs Officer and/or VUSU General Secretary. (59) In accordance with the Student Groups Leadership and Representation Policy, all members must disclose any actual or potential conflict of interest in relation to seeking or obtaining external funding. (60) Student Groups must not engage in event sponsorship arrangements with any entity that is involved with any of the following: (61) In accordance with SSAF legislation and guidelines, Student Groups must not use their funds to subsidise non-member participation in events and activities. Non-members must be charged cost-price or greater for participation in club activities. (62) All funds (including membership fees) received by the Student Group must be paid into the Student Group’s approved bank account within 10 business days. (63) The Treasurer is responsible for keeping records of each transaction, including membership fees. (64) Money must be immediately repaid/reimbursed to VU if the money: (65) Within 10 business days from the conclusion of an approved Student Groups activity, Clubs must report to the Clubs Officer and College Societies or Student Associations must report to the VUSU Board, by completing a Post-Activity Feedback form detailing: (66) The financial year for Student Groups is from November 1 to October 31 of the following year. (67) Each VU Student Group will be audited in September each year, on dates set by the Clubs Officer. This is to ensure the financial integrity of each affiliated VU Student Group at VU. Each Student Group must comply with any reasonable direction given to it by VU to enable this to occur. Clubs will be audited by the Clubs Officer and College Societies and Student Associations will be audited by the VUSU Executive Officer. (68) The following will need to be provided to the auditors by the date set by the Clubs Officer:Student Groups Leadership and Representation - Student Group Establishment, Affiliation and Funding Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Top of PageSection 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Top of PageSection 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Manager, Student Life & Leadership
disaffiliate a Club where a breach of affiliation conditions has occurred and give notice to Club Executive members
Clubs Officer
advise prospective Student Groups if there is already an existing Student Group that services the proposed purpose
VUSU Executive Officer
assist College Societies and Student Associations with setting up and managing bank accounts including timely processing of approved funding applications
arrange annual financial audits for College Societies and Student Associations
VUSU President
investigate and respond to alleged breaches of VU Policy and Procedures by College Societies or Student Associations
disaffiliate a College Society or Student Association where a breach of affiliation conditions has occurred and give notice to the Student Group’s Executive members
VUSU General Secretary
review College Society and Student Association affiliation requests
inform College Societies and Student Associations of the outcome of affiliation process
approve funding applications and requests to set up external sponsorship for College Societies and Student Associations
receive regular post-activity reports from College Societies and Student Associations
VUSU Board
authorise funding requests for College Societies and Student Associations through Motions at monthly Board Meetings
VUSU Grievance Officer
facilitate in the resolution of any College Society or Student Association grievance in accordance with the Student Charter Policy.
Part B - Expression of Interest and Establishment
Part C - Affiliation and Re-affiliation
Conditions of Affiliation
Induction, Training and Other Obligations
Student Group Communications
Vacant Executive Positions
Lapsed Affiliation
Breach of Affiliation Condition(s)
Obligations upon Disaffiliation
Part D - Student Group Funding
VU Clubs Funding
College Society and Student Association Funding
Accessing Funding
Conditions of Funding
Fundraising from Other Sources
Membership Fees
Fundraising and Sponsorship
Ticketed Activities and Events
Part E - Managing Student Group Funding
Fund Management
Post-Activity Reporting
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This is the current version of this document. To view historic versions, click on the 'Historic Versions' tab above.
consider applications for Student Groups seeking affiliation
consult with the Student Group if further information is required in relation to their application for affiliation
advise regarding Risk Assessment and University Public Liability Insurance for Student Group activities
inform Clubs of the outcome of affiliation process
investigate and respond to alleged breaches of VU Policy and Procedures by Clubs.
assist Clubs to carry out their obligations if they are disaffiliated
assist Clubs with setting up and managing club bank accounts including timely processing of approved funding applications
approve funding applications and requests to set up external sponsorship for Clubs
receive regular post-activity reports from Clubs and arrange annual financial audits
assist College Societies and Student Associations to carry out their obligations if they are disaffiliated
Within 10 business days of the IGM, prospective Student Groups must submit IGM Minutes along with completed affiliation documents (Student Groups Executives Registration form, bank signatory paperwork, and membership list etc.) to the Clubs Officer.
Funding will be subject to the Student Life & Leadership Clubs budget for the allocated year and additional funding is allocated at VU’s discretion.