Document Feedback - Review and Comment
Step 1 of 4: Comment on Document
How to make a comment?
1. Use this to open a comment box for your chosen Section, Part, Heading or clause.
2. Type your feedback into the comments box and then click "save comment" button located in the lower-right of the comment box.
3. Do not open more than one comment box at the same time.
4. When you have finished making comments proceed to the next stage by clicking on the "Continue to Step 2" button at the very bottom of this page.
Important Information
During the comment process you are connected to a database. Like internet banking, the session that connects you to the database may time-out due to inactivity. If you do not have JavaScript running you will recieve a message to advise you of the length of time before the time-out. If you have JavaScript enabled, the time-out is lengthy and should not cause difficulty, however you should note the following tips to avoid losing your comments or corrupting your entries:
DO NOT jump between web pages/applications while logging comments.
DO NOT log comments for more than one document at a time. Complete and submit all comments for one document before commenting on another.
DO NOT leave your submission half way through. If you need to take a break, submit your current set of comments. The system will email you a copy of your comments so you can identify where you were up to and add to them later.
DO NOT exit from the interface until you have completed all three stages of the submission process.
(1) This Policy provides for the fair and prompt handling of complaints by members of the public about any aspect of the University, its staff, students or operations. (2) This Policy applies to complaints by members of the public or organisations about the University, its staff, its students, or third parties providing services to or on behalf of the University; including businesses and their direct supply chain. This includes complaints made by past(whose enrolment was completed or withdrawn prior to lodging the complaint) and future students. Complaints made by future students regarding admission decisions must be lodged within 6 months of the decision's outcome. (3) This Policy does not apply to students eligible to complain under the Student Complaints Policy; Clients of VU Clinics (who may complain under the Student Clinics Policy); Staff of the University (who may complain under the Staff Complaints Resolution Policy); or People wishing to lodge a complaint relating to Animal Welfare (who may complain under the Animal Welfare Complaints Procedure). (5) The University welcomes all forms of feedback, including complaints, regarding its services, activities, and operations. (6) The University is committed to a culture of continuous improvement, and values comments from the public. The University will handle complaints in a manner that is: (7) The University will acknowledge complaints made under this Policy in writing. (8) The following principles will be applied to handling complaints received: (9) If a member of the public wishes to raise an issue, they may do so by: (10) The Staff member or Student Services Centre will endeavour to resolve the matter in the first instance. If this is not possible or becomes inappropriate, they will refer the matter to the appropriate part of the University for response or local level resolution. (11) If the matter cannot be resolved at a local level, the member of the public may lodge a complaint, they may make their complaint through the Integrity Office using the University online complaint form. (12) Members of the public unable to use the online complaint form may contact the Integrity Office or Student Services Centre for assistance to provide a hard copy form. They may lodge the form at or submit via a Student Services Centre in a sealed envelope addressed to: Integrity Office, Footscray Park Campus, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, VIC, 8001. (13) The Integrity Office will refer the matter for review to the appropriate senior staff member. (14) Where a complaint involves a staff member's conduct, the appropriate senior staff member may refer the complaint to People and Culture who may address the matter as a personnel issue. (15) Acknowledgement in writing will be sent to complainants to their nominated mailing or email address within 15 University business days. (16) The University process for addressing complaints made by a member of the public will be concluded within 60 days. If this is not possible, the University will inform the complainant of the reason for the delay, and the expected timeframe for completion. (17) Any remediation proposed by the University will be implemented as soon as is practicable. (18) Members of the public dissatisfied with the outcome of the University-managed resolution may then contact the Victorian Ombudsman (which reviews the University processes for adhering to complaints). (19) Depending on the subject matter of the complaint, other external complaint avenues may also exist. These include, but are not limited to:Public Complaints Policy
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Definitions
Top of PageSection 4 - Policy Statement
Part A - Principles of Complaint Handling
Part B - Local Level Resolution
Part C - University-managed Resolution (Complaint)
Part D - External Review
Top of PageSection 5 - Procedures