Status and Details

Status and Details


Public Interest Disclosures Policy

Status Current
Effective Date 27th March 2020
Review Date 27th March 2026
Approval Authority Vice-President, Planning and Registrar
Approval Date 24th February 2020
Expiry Date Not Applicable
Responsible Officer John Lambrick
Head of Legal Services
+61 3 9919 5280
Accountable Officer Lucy Franzmann
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance
+61 3 9919 5256
Enquiries Contact John Lambrick
Head of Legal Services
+61 3 9919 5280

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

2/4/20: Accountable Officer updated to Senior Vice-President and Chief Operating Officer (previously Vice-President, Planning & Registrar). 


27/3/20: Amendments to the Policy have been made as a result of changes to legislation relating to Victoria’s integrity system which facilitates the confidential disclosure and investigation of improper conduct in relation to public bodies (including universities) and public officers (including university staff). The key changes are: • The Protected Disclosure Act 2012 changed in name to the Public Interest Disclosure Act 2012. • The term “protected disclosure” has been replaced with “public interest disclosure”. • The term “protected disclosure complaint” has been replaced with “public interest complaint”. • The definition of “improper conduct” has been revised. • Conduct which is trivial has been excluded from the definition of improper conduct.

Clauses Amended:Policy: All