Status and Details

Status and Details

This page contains information about the status, approval and implementation of this document, contact details for the relevant Manager and, on the right, a brief summary of changes between this and the previous version.

Third Party Arrangements - Online Partnerships Procedure

Status Current
Effective Date 6th August 2019
Review Date 13th August 2025
Approval Authority Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor
Approval Date 5th August 2019
Expiry Date Not Applicable
Responsible Officer Deborah Tyler
Director, Academic Quality and Standards
+613 9919 4310
Accountable Officer John Germov
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
+613 9919 5077
Enquiries Contact Deborah Tyler
Director, Academic Quality and Standards
+613 9919 4310
Tertiary Education Portfolio

Summary of Changes from Previous Version

8/5/24: Summary of Roles & Responsibilities table, Clause 34-36, 53 - ‘Data Insights’ changed to Business Intelligence’.

27/1/23:  Reference to College Dean replaced with Executive Dean. 

9/6/21: Title update – references to Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor (clauses 18 and 46) were changed as approved by the Senior Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global (Interim).

21/4/21: Accountable Officer updated to Senior Vice-President and Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Global (Interim). 

The purpose of this Procedure is to provide detailed direction regarding the delivery of Victoria University Higher Education award and non-award courses online in partnership with any providers.



30/08/2022: Position name changed from Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Higher Education (DVCHE) to Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Higher Education (DVC HE)



09/01/2024: Position name changed from Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Higher Education (DVC HE) to Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Tertiary Education (DVC TE)