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Courses Lifecycle - Externally Accredited Course Approval Procedure

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Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives

(1) This procedure relates to the internal and external course approval processes for courses that are endorsed by national accreditation authorities (externally accredited courses).

(2) This procedure specifies the key development, consultation, endorsement and approval steps and responsibilities involved in the internal approval of externally accredited courses at Victoria University.

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Section 2 - Scope / Application

(3) This procedure:

  1. Applies to externally accredited award courses only.
  2. Does not apply to internally accredited courses, higher degree by research courses or non-award courses.

(4) This procedure applies to two forms of externally registered courses:

  1. Training packages qualifications that are developed by National Industry Skills Councils (ISCs) and endorsed by the National Skills Standards Council (NSSC) in accordance with national policy and standards.
  2. Accredited courses are developed to meet training needs that are not addressed by existing training package qualifications and can comprise units of competency and/ or new curriculum material.

(5) This procedure provides clear direction to staff involved in the administration, development and approval of externally accredited courses and should be read in conjunction with the Courses and Pathways Lifecycle Policy .

(6) This procedure includes processes related to the amendment of Victoria University's Scope of Registration, as regulated by the Australian Quality Skills Authority (ASQA).

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Section 3 - Definitions

(7) Nil

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Section 4 - Policy Statement

(8) Courses and Pathways Lifecycle Policy.

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Section 5 - Procedures

Part A - Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities
Deputy Vice Chancellor Engagement and Commercial (DVC EC) Reviews each Course Business Case and Scope of Registration and CRICOS documentation (as appropriate) as Principal Executive Officer.
Senior Leadership Team (SLT) Provides advice to the Vice Chancellor and the Deputy Vice Chancellor Engagement and Commercial (DVC EC) at key steps in the approval path for externally accredited courses.
Centre for Collaborative Learning and Teaching (CCLT) Works collaboratively with the discipline teaching teams in Colleges to assist in the development of internal course approval documentation and alignment with regulatory requirements.
Deans of Colleges Endorse and approve proposals as appropriate.
Dean's Advisory Group (or equivalent) Provides advice to the Dean on the academic quality and strategic alignment of the externally registered courses in each College.
Academic Board Responsible to the Council for academic oversight of the University's research, academic programs and courses of study in further education, vocational education and higher education.
College teaching teams Provide discipline specific content in the development of course resources, whilst working collaboratively with the CCLT.
VET Course Registration and Liaison Officer Works collaboratively with each College to complete the Scope of Registration documentation required by ASQA.

Part B - General

(9) The approval by Victoria University of a new, replacement or modified externally accredited course must comply with the Standards for NVR Registered Training Organisations. The Standards compliance piece is therefore the most important component to be submitted through the external registration process.

(10) Once the Australian Quality Skills Authority has approved the amendment to the Scope of Registration, Victoria University has the authority to deliver and assess the course with sign-off by Senior Management as outlined in Figures 1-4 attached .

(11) Course proposal information requires the externally registered course to be customised to meet the strategic curriculum objectives of the University. The course proposal is therefore the most important component to be submitted through the internal course approval process.

(12) Training packages consist of three nationally endorsed components: units of competency, qualifications framework and assessment guidelines.

(13) Units of competency will be approved as per the endorsed Training Package or curriculum documents but can be customised to reflect different course outcomes through course specific delivery and assessment documentation, provided course packaging rules are met.

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Section 6 - Guidelines

(14) Figure 1: Scope of Registration Process for Externally Accredited Courses at Victoria University

(15) Figure 2: Key steps and responsibilities involved in the approval of new externally accredited courses at Victoria University

(16) Figure 3: Key steps and responsibilities involved in the approval of changes to externally accredited courses at Victoria University

(17) Figure 4: Key steps and responsibilities involved in the approval of new awards to supersede old externally accredited courses at Victoria University