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Remission of Debt and Post Census Amendment of Enrolment Procedure

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Section 1 - Summary

(1) This Procedure outlines the administration of the remission of HECS-HELP and VET Student Loans, the re-credit of FEE-HELP and VET FEE-HELP loans, the refund of upfront fees, and the post-census amendment of enrolment.

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Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment

(2) HESF: 7.2 Information for Prospective and Current Students

(3) ESOS Act: Part 3 Division 2; Part 5 Division 2.

(4) Standards for RTOs: Standard 5; 7; Schedule 6.

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Section 3 - Scope

(5) This Procedure applies to:

  1. All students and former students;
  2. Staff who administer enrolments and remissions.
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Section 4 - Definitions




(9) VET Student Loans

(10) SA-HELP

(11) OS-HELP

(12) Student Services and Amenities Fees (SSAF)

(13) VET

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Section 5 - Policy

(14) See Remission of Debt and Post-Census Amendment of Enrolment Policy.

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities



VUHQ Accept and date-stamp application and documents forward to Enrolments and Student Financials.
Coordinator Student Financials Assess application and take appropriate action.
Review Officer Review application as requested. 

Part B - Procedures

Lodgment of Applications

(15) Completed application forms, along with supporting original or certified documentation attached must be lodged as per the Remission of Debt Policy via:

  1. VUHQ, where they will be stamped and forwarded to the Coordinator Student Financials (CSF); or
  2. Registered/certified post to the Coordinator Student Financials, Victoria University, PO Box 14428, Melbourne, Vic, 8001.

(16) The CSF will assess the application and will either:

  1. Decline the application because it falls outside the guidelines; or
  2. Remit the student’s debt (HECS-HELP); or
  3. Re-credit the student’s debt (FEE-HELP, VET FEE-HELP, SSAF payment when paid up front and VET Student Loans);
  4. Refund tuition where paid up front. 

Assessment of Application

(17) Applications for post-census remission of debt in exceptional circumstances will be considered by the CSF as per legislative requirements and Appendix 1. Assessment of Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances.

(18) Students can find more detail in Appendix 1. Assessment of Compassionate or Compelling Circumstances.

Timeframe for Making Decisions

(19) The CSF must consider the student’s application as soon as practicable, but no later than 14 days after receipt.

(20) If escalated, the Director, Student Administration must consider the student’s application as soon as practicable, but no later than 28 days after receipt.

(21) VUHQ must forward the application to the CSF within two days of receipt.

Notification of Decision

(22) The CSF must notify the student of the decision within 14 days of a determination being made. The notification must include:

  1. The basis for the decision; and
  2. The right to a review of the decision if the student is unsatisfied with the outcome.

(23) Where a decision results in the remitting, re-crediting or refunding of a student’s balance, the RAO will:

  1. Notify Student Financials;
  2. Notify the student of the decision in writing; and
  3. Ensure that the approved decision is reflected in the student’s enrolment record;
  4. Arrange appropriate documentation and processes to refund or remit where appropriate; and
  5. Forward documents to Student Records for filing:
    1. Successful applications must be kept for seven years.
    2. Unsuccessful applications may be discarded after one year.

(24) Any refund will be made from the ledger account(s) originally credited with the funds.

(25) The Manager, Student Lifecycle Operations and Reporting or nominated staff member will:

  1. Advise the relevant government department(s) of the remission.

Review of Decisions

(26) Students have a right to a review of the decision not to remit, re-credit or refund fees.

(27) The Review Officer must occupy a different and more senior position to the officer who made the original decision, and must not have been part of the original decision. The Review Officer is the Director, Student Administration, or delegate.

(28) The review application must be made within 28 days from the decision notification. The student must state why they are seeking a review.

(29) The Director, Student Administration, or delegate must acknowledge receipt of the review request.

(30) The Director, Student Administration, or delegate may:

  1. Confirm the decision;
  2. Vary the decision; or
  3. Make a new decision.

(31) The Director, Student Administration or delegate will notify the student in writing of the reviewed decision, and the reason for reaching this decision with 45 days of receiving the application for review.

(32) The Director, Student Administration or delegate will also notify students of:

  1. Their right to appeal to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (the AAT) if the student is unsatisfied with the outcome; and
  2. The details of the nearest AAT registry.

(33) If the decision is reviewed by the AAT, the Director, Student Administration or delegate must supply the AAT with all application documents via courier or Express Post within five days of notification.

Requested Post-Census Enrolment Amendments by Colleges or Students

(34) The University may only make amendments to a HE enrolment after the census date when:

  1. Exceptional circumstances apply; or
  2. An administrative error has occurred.

(35) A College representative may forward a request for post-census amendment to the Manager Enrolments and Student Financials for consideration.

(36) The request must include the circumstances of the amendment, and may include:

  1. A requested enrolment update was not processed in a timely manner;
  2. The unit of study is not being delivered in this study period/year.

(37) Each request is considered on its own merits and a fee determined by the Fees Policy is charged for each amendment made to contribute to administrative costs.

  1. Amendments made as the result of data entry error do not attract a fee.