(1) This Policy outlines principles regarding the setting, amendment, variation and review of tuition and non-tuition fees for all students. (2) HESF: 7.2 Information for Prospective and Current Students (3) ESOS Act: Part 3 Division 2; Part 5 Division 2. (4) Standards for RTOs: Standard 5; 7; Schedule 6. (5) This Policy applies to Students of the University, at onshore locations. Arrangements for Offshore locations are the responsibility of the Partner Institution. (6) This Policy does not apply to: (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) (13) (14) All fees and charges levied by Victoria University are governed by the provisions of the Fees and Charges Regulations 2013. (15) This Policy and associated Procedures comply with the requirements of relevant legislation including the Higher Education Support Act 2003 (Cth), Education Services for Overseas Students 2000 (ESOS Act), Dual sector VET Funding Contract and Higher Education Provider Guidelines. (16) The University sets and reviews fees based on the following principles: (17) Fee setting recommendations will be influenced by broader analysis of factors such as: (18) VU is committed to full disclosure and transparency of the costs of undertaking a Course. (19) All fees and charges are published on the VU website in an accessible manner in a timely fashion and in time for student enrolment. (20) Fee information will be transparent and clearly state all costs entailed in a course or unit of study or activity. (21) Tuition fees will be reviewed annually and set at a level in accordance with Clause 16. (22) As part of the annual fees review, tuition course fees for international full-fee paying students must be established two academic years ahead to ensure timely fee advice for prospective students. (23) All tuition course fees will be approved and published in an accessible manner within timeframes specified in the Fee Setting Procedure and in line with relevant legislation. (24) The University establishes fees and charges for services it delivers to students related to the provision of education. (25) Colleges and Research Institutes (HE) and Centres (VET) responsible for the delivery of the course or unit recommend fee charges annually for approval by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance (for HE) and Chief TAFE Officer (for VET). (26) Where fees are wholly or part established by an external body (e.g. SSAF), the relevant business area is responsible for ensuring recommendations comply with current external requirements. (27) All non-tuition fees once approved are published in an accessible manner within timeframes specified in the Fee Setting Procedure and in line with relevant legislation. (28) The University acknowledges students may experience exceptional circumstances causing substantial and unforeseen financial hardship during their study. To assist, some students may be eligible for (as detailed in the Fee Adjustments Procedure): (29) The University may offer a sponsorship (fee discount) to individual students or targeted cohorts as part of a student recruitment or retention strategy. (30) Where a sponsorship (fee discount) for a cohort or individual is approved the discount is borne by the College or Research Institute (HE) or Teaching Centre (VET) for the course or unit. (31) Where a sponsorship (fee discount) is applied, fees charged must cover all direct and administrative costs. (32) Where fees are not paid, the University may: (33) The University will inform the Department of Home Affairs where an international student’s enrolment is cancelled or suspended due to non-payment of fees; (34) The University recognises students’ entitlement to a full or partial refund of certain fees and charges where relevant circumstances apply. Criteria and procedures for refunds are detailed within the Fee Adjustment Procedure. (35) Tuition (HE & VET) fees are approved by the Vice-Chancellor on endorsement of the CFO and Chief TAFE Officer. (36) Non-tuition (HE) fees (including SSAF) are approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance annually following recommendations from the relevant areas (see Fee Setting Procedure). (37) VET Non-tuition fees (excluding SSAF) are approved by the Chief TAFE Officer (where courses are fully costed and fees are set at a level where the University remains financially viable). (38) Fee setting at VU Sydney is determined by the Joint Management Committee as described in the VU/ECA Partnership Agreement, following the Principles of Fee Establishment in Part A of this Policy. (39) For Fee Adjustments, see the Fee Adjustments Procedure. (40) Students who dispute their fee obligation may apply to have the matter reviewed by the Director, Student Administration or the Campus Director and Principal (for VU Sydney students). (41) Students who wish to dispute the application of a library fine may apply to the Associate University Librarian, Education & Research Services as per the Fee Adjustments Procedure. (42) Students may apply to have a fee refund determination reviewed by the Director, Student Administration or nominee; or the Campus Director and Principal (for VU Sydney students). (43) Students who are denied a fee extension may apply to have this decision reviewed by the Senior Manager, Wellbeing Services or nominee; the Director, VU College (for VU English students); or the Campus Director and Principal (for VU Sydney students). (44) Students who are denied a fee waiver may apply to have this decision reviewed by the Director, Student Services or nominee. (45) These nominated review avenues represent the final University review available in fee matters. External appeal avenues are available to all students who wish to dispute fee determinations on relevant legal grounds.Fees Policy
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - Accountability
Key Decision Making powers under the Policy
(Delegated) Power
Power to approve tuition fees.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance
Power to approve non-tuition fees (HE).
Chief TAFE Officer
Power to approve VET non-tuition fees (excluding SSAF), where such courses are fully costed and fees are set at a level where the University remains financially viable.
Director, Student Administration
Power to determine review applications for decisions concerning fee refunds.
Director, Student Services
Power to determine review applications for decisions concerning fee waivers.
Campus Director and Principal, VU Sydney
Power to determine review applications for decisions concerning fee refunds and fee extensions (for VU Sydney).
Associate Director, Students, VU Sydney
Power to approve fee refunds and fee extensions.
Associate Directors, Flagship Research Institute
Power to approve Fee Waivers for international higher degree by research students.
General Manager, VU English
Power to approve refund of tuition fees after course commencement date for VU English students on extraordinary humanitarian grounds.
Power to determine applications for fee extensions (VU English).
Director, VU College
Power to determine review applications for decisions concerning fee extensions (VU English).
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
Power to approve refund of tuition fees after Census date for international students (excluding VU English) on extraordinary humanitarian grounds.
Senior Manager, Wellbeing Services
Power to approve Fee Waivers as per the Fee Adjustments Procedure.
Power to determine review applications for decisions concerning Exceptional Circumstances Fee Extension.
Senior Coordinator, Student Support & Advocacy
Power to approve Exceptional Circumstance Fee Extensions.
Director Library Education and Research Services
Power to determine applications for review of a library fine.
Section 3 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 4 - Scope
Top of PageSection 5 - Definitions
Section 6 - Policy Statement
Part A - Principles of Fee Establishment, Review and Publication
Tuition Fees
Non-Tuition Fees
Part B - Principles of Fee Adjustment
Part C - Fee Establishment, Approval and Adjustment
Part D - Reviews
Section 7 - Procedures
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