(1) This document outlines the application process and other requirements for eligibility for the Special Studies (SSP) Program, and must be read in conjunction with the Special Studies Program Policy. (2) This Procedure applies to all matters associated with the application and approval of SSP applications to eligible staff. (3) Nil. (4) Special Studies Program Policy (5) The Special Studies Program releases a staff member from normal duties for periods of one month up to a maximum of six months in order to pursue planned projects/activities which: (6) These projects/activities can be pursued under one or more of the following themes: (7) The granting of SSP is merit based. (8) Academic and professional staff at level HEW 9 or above who; (9) Applications from professional staff below HEW 9 may be considered in exceptional circumstances where a persuasive case is made. (10) Staff members on pre-retirement contracts or formal performance management plans are ineligible to apply for SSP. (11) SSP leave is accrued at the rate of one month for half a year of service and up to six months after three years of service. (12) A subsequent period of SSP will not normally be considered until at least twelve months has elapsed after resuming normal duties following the conclusion of any previous SSP period. (13) A request to postpone an approved SSP application is subject to the Executive Dean's approval or the relevant Senior Executive Group member in the case of professional staff. (14) A staff member on approved SSP is expected to resume full normal duties at the University for a time not less than the period of the SSP, on its completion. (15) If the staff member does not comply with this requirement, repayment of salary, allowances and an amount equal to the employer superannuation contribution paid during the period, or a pro rata proportion of the amount, is to be made to the University within one month from when the breach occurred. (16) A staff member who has completed a period of SSP must submit a report on the activity/project no later than six weeks after the completion of the period, using the SSP Report template located on the People and Culture intranet site. (17) The report must contain sufficient detail to enable the success of the SSP project/activities to be assessed. If the SSP as reported differs significantly from the approved program, reasons for the variation must be given. The Executive Dean and/or Manager will be required to sign off and comment on the report, especially on the extent to which the aims of the approved program have been achieved. (18) The report, including the Executive Dean or Managers comments, which must have been seen by the staff member, must be submitted by the Executive Dean and/or Manager to the Chief Human Resources Officer for inclusion on the staff member's personnel file and uploading to the VU intranet for publication. (19) Failure to submit a satisfactory report within six weeks of returning from SSP will preclude the staff member from consideration for further SSP and will be considered a serious breach of duties. (20) The University expects high quality outcomes and the development of professional expertise from all periods of SSP. For this reason, these outcomes will normally be taken into account when assessing an academic staff member's application for promotion or a professional staff member's application for an advertised position. (21) Eligible staff may apply for the Special Studies Program under any of the categories listed in clause 5 above. (22) The SSP Committee will assess applications against the following criteria; (23) Applications for periods of SSP of between one and six months will be considered. Applicants are required to justify the length and timing of the proposed SSP, as mutually agreed with their Supervisor and Executive Dean, or Manager for professional staff. (24) Periods of SSP are inclusive of public and University holidays occurring during the period. (25) For their wellbeing, staff are expected to use any annual leave accrued during SSP within the period and indicate when it will be taken. (26) Confirmations from host institutions must be attached to an application. Normally written confirmation from the host is required; however, an email confirmation indicating the sender's authority to make an offer (with a formal letter to follow) will be considered where the author's name, title and institution are clearly evident. Where the appropriate confirmation is not provided, the application will not be considered. (27) If the application includes a proposal to write a book, the applicant must provide evidence of a contract or advanced negotiations with a publisher. Where such evidence is not provided, the application will not be considered. (28) An SSP application for accelerating the completion of a higher degree must specifically document the work to be undertaken and the outcomes to be achieved. At the conclusion of the SSP, the staff member's report must indicate the extent to which the work plan has been achieved and the contribution made to the completion of the higher degree. Any reason for not achieving the intent of the program must be clearly documented as such a failure of achievement may adversely affect future applications for promotion. (29) Allowances, as outlined in clause 38 below, for approved programs will be met from the SSP fund in the case of both academic and professional staff. The number of SSP programs approved in any year will be constrained by the funds the available. (30) SSP funding is not available to replace a staff member granted SSP. In respect of workload management it is incumbent on relevant Executive Deans and/or managers to consider workloads before supporting an application, and to manage any workload issues during the period of SSP. (31) Ten percent of the salary which is payable to a staff member on overseas or interstate SSP may, at the staff member's request, be paid in advance with the remainder being paid as salary at ninety percent of the normal fortnightly rate. (32) When an SSP allowance has been granted it will be available, on request, thirty days in advance of departure, unless earlier payment is approved by the relevant Executive Dean or manager. (33) For SSP based in Melbourne - While normal base salary is usually paid if the approved program is adhered to, the University reserves the right to pay less than the normal base salary to a staff member, who while undertaking an SSP, will receive outside remuneration. A staff member will be eligible to earn up to 20% above their normal base salary only if the extra income is used to cover the costs associated with taking the SSP, over and above costs that might reasonably be expected to be incurred. Applicants must disclose any possibility of such remuneration in their application and declare it on their return. (34) For SSP based outside of Melbourne - In order to offset costs associated with SSP, an applicant may wish to undertake some teaching, contract research or consulting during the SSP and accept remuneration for that work. In such a case the applicant is expected to make a case for the SSP under the appropriate categories and to state explicitly in their application the proportion of the total working time to be taken up by the income generating duties. Remuneration received from teaching, contract research or consulting will be considered under the terms of clause (35) below. (35) Estimates of the proposed extra income and costs must be included in the SSP application. Upon return the staff member will be required to certify the accuracy of the estimates of extra income and costs incurred and provide a full statement of extra income and costs. Adjustments may be made to the base salary on the basis of extra income earned that was not expended on extra costs associated with the program. Decisions on adjustments to base salary will be made by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, People and Organisation on the recommendation of the Chief Human Resources Officer. (36) Paid work that is not approved as part of the applicant's SSP, other than that set out in clause (35) may not be undertaken. (37) The savings achieved by the University in withholding a proportion of a staff member's salary shall be credited to the staff member's organisational unit. (38) In addition to their normal salary, members of staff granted SSP will receive an allowance as follows: (39) For staff members on fractional appointments, the allowances will be prorated. (40) Staff members will be able to take shorter, more frequent SSPs when appropriate, but only the first two in each six year period will be supported by any travel or financial assistance. (41) Applicants must submit an electronic copy of their signed application to ssp@vu.edu.au by the nominated closing date. (42) Applications must be signed by the relevant Executive Dean/Manager. (43) Applications must include: (44) Intending applicants are strongly advised to consult with their Executive Dean and/or Manager regarding their submission and the timing of their SSP. The Executive Dean and/or Manager's comment, advice and recommendation will be provided to the applicant prior to submitting their application. It is the responsibility of the applicant to enhance or amend their application as a result of any advice they receive from their Executive Dean and/or Manager, peers or mentor. (45) Applications for SSP from academic and professional staff will be considered by separate University committees. The role of the committees is to decide; (46) People and Culture may designate an officer to attend the deliberations of the Committees for both Academic and Professional staff, as an equity observer, and to have access to all documentation. (47) The Committee for Professional staff applications will be appointed by the Chief Human Resources Officer and will comprise: (48) The Committee for Academic staff applications will be appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, People and Organisation and will comprise: (49) An observer nominated by the President of the NTEU VU Branch will be invited to attend any meetings of an SSP committee as per the Enterprise Agreement. (50) It will be the responsibility of the chairs of the SSP committees to ensure that due consideration is given to discipline and gender balance in the committee. (51) Except for the Chair, SSP Committee members for both academic and professional staff committees will serve for a period of two years and a maximum of two consecutive terms. The Deputy Vice-Chancellor, Research & Impact and/or Chief Student Officer may serve for a longer period at the Chair’s discretion. (52) Unsuccessful applicants may request verbal feedback from the Chair of the committee. (53) The SSP committees' decisions must be justified in a report submitted to the relevant Executive Dean and/or Manager. The report must clearly state the committee's assessment of the merit of each of the applicant's proposed outcomes. The report to the Executive Dean and /or Manager should be presented within 10 working days of the meeting of the Committee. (54) A staff member whose application for SSP is unsuccessful may appeal against the decision in writing to the Chief Human Resources Officer, within one month of the date of notification. Applicants may appeal against SSP decisions only on the grounds that the Panel has not followed correct procedure, that is, has failed to comply with the provisions in the SSP Policy and these Procedures. (55) Appeals cannot be based on an applicant’s disagreement with the Panel’s decision or views regarding the merit of their application. (56) The case will be considered by an SSP Appeals Committee appointed by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor, People and Organisation and comprising: (57) The SSP Appeals Committee may consult with the Chair of the University committee, or with any other person who may be able to provide information on the process followed during the initial SSP Committee meetings. (58) The decision to uphold or reject an appeal rests solely with the SSP Appeals Committee. In the case of an appeal that is upheld, the application will be referred back to the original Committee for reconsideration. (59) The University will provide general information to prospective applicants to assist them with the preparation of their application for SSP. (60) Information will be available on the relevant intranet page and information sessions will be conducted on dates specified on the SSP intranet site. (61) Applicants are strongly encouraged to speak to their supervisor/manager for general advice. (62) The application form and other specified templates/materials identified above are available from the SSP section of the People and Culture intranet site.Special Studies Program Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy/Regulation
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Staff Member
Provide advice during the planning stage and agreement to the proposed SSP once it is finalised.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor, People and Organisation
Accountable for content, compliance and adherence to this procedure.
Chief Human Resources Officer or nominee
Responsible for the operational implementation of this procedure.
Part B - General
Part C - Conditions of SSP
Part D - Criteria for Assessment
Part E - Period and Location of SSP Leave
Part F - Financial Support
Part G - SSP Application Submission
The Application
Part H - University Special Studies Program Committees
Part I - Appeals
Part J - General Advice and Support
Part K - Forms
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Ensure the application for SSP is submitted before the closing date.