(1) The purpose of this Procedure is to implement and maintain an effective internal control framework over the establishment and management of University bank accounts to ensure balances are accurately reflected in the financial records of the University and that bank accounts are operated efficiently and effectively. (2) HESF: Standard 6.2 Corporate Monitoring and Accountability. (3) Standards for RTOs (2015): Standard 7 & 8. (4) This Procedure applies across the University. (5) Nil. (6) Financial Code of Conduct Policy (7) A University bank account is any bank account opened in the name of Victoria University or one of its controlled entities for the transaction of University business or the holding of University funds. All University bank accounts are to be operated in accordance with the following principles and procedures: (8) The University will keep to a minimum the number of financial institutions it deals with and the number of bank accounts it operates. (9) The opening of new and closure of existing bank accounts requires the written approval of the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance. (10) All University bank accounts are to be operated and managed by Corporate Finance Services (Accounts Receivable). (11) The Director, Treasury and Tax will maintain a register of bank accounts showing the number of bank accounts, the institutions used for banking and the purpose of each account. (12) The register is under supporting documentation. (13) The Director, Treasury and Tax will review the register at least annually to ensure this Procedure is being complied with. (14) The incumbent of the following positions are authorised to be signatories to University bank accounts: (15) Any additions or deletions to the signatories to bank accounts are to be approved by the Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance or the Deputy Chief Financial Officer, plus one other authorised signatory position listed above. (16) All collections of University revenue must be paid or banked into the appropriate University bank accounts completely, accurately and in a timely manner. (17) Bank accounts will be reconciled to the Accounting Systems on at least a monthly basis.Financial Code of Conduct - Bank Accounts Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles & Responsibilities
Director, Treasury and Tax
Responsible for the oversight and the effectiveness of this Procedure and the implementation and maintenance of this Procedure as the Procedure Owner.
Director, Financial Control
Responsible for the oversight and the effectiveness of this Procedure from a financial reporting perspective.
Finance Senior Management
Responsible for the oversight of bank reconciliations and the effective use of University bank accounts.
Finance — Accounts Receivable
Responsible for the receipting of monies into the bank account and limit the access to bank account transactional information to the relevant University staff.
All University staff
Responsible for familiarizing themselves with the requirements of this Procedure and responsible for acting in compliance with this Procedure at all times in their conduct as a staff member.
Part B - Procedures
Opening and Closing University Bank Accounts
Register of Bank Accounts
Signatories to University Bank Accounts
Collection of University Revenues
Bank Reconciliations
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