(1) The Procedure is intended to support academic staff and Colleges in decision-making where a perceived or actual conflict of interest may reasonably be anticipated. It also reflects expected good practice in institutions across Australia and internationally. (2) The Procedure sets out the University expectations for the use of staff-authored texts and other resources that are provided on a commercial (for-profit) basis, and that are required and/or recommended as learning resources for students. (3) HESF: Standards 3.3 Learning Resources and Educational Support (specifically 3.3.1; 3.3.3) (4) Standards for RTOs (2015): Standard 1 (specifically 1.1) (5) ESOS National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018: Standard 2 (specifically 2.1; 2.1.7) (6) This Procedure applies to all Higher Education and TAFE teaching staff employed by the University in any capacity, or employed by VU Online in any capacity, ie ongoing, sessional, contract. (7) This Procedure does not apply to texts and resources authored by staff that are provided free of charge to students. (8) (9) Appropriate Workplace Behaviour Policy (10) Teaching and research staff are supported and encouraged to develop, both alone and in collaboration with others, materials to support excellence in teaching. Where these materials are published it validates and confirms the expertise of the staff involved and highlights the skill of the staff member/s. (11) Where a staff member or an individual with whom the staff member has a close relationship is likely to benefit financially from the inclusion of a particular text or resource in a required or recommended list of study materials for a unit of study at Victoria University, selection must include a process of peer review and approval. (12) Executive Deans are accountable for the implementation and monitoring of the following process. (13) Staff must declare any potential, perceived or actual conflict of interest in relation to texts or resources to be included as required or recommended materials in units, as outlined in clause (11). (14) Such conflicts of interest should be presented to the College Course Advisory Group (or equivalent). This should include a justification for inclusion of the text or resource in the named unit(s), and details regarding; (15) The College Course Advisory Group (or equivalent) considers the texts or resources in relation to the provided supporting evidence, and makes a recommendation to the Executive Dean. (16) Recommendations may; (17) A record of the discussion and decision made is included in the minutes and kept for the duration of the use of the materials. (18) Following approval by the Executive Dean, any required changes are to be immediately made in CAMS. (19) Colleges have the responsibility to monitor SEU’s of all units of study, including those where staff authored texts or resources are included as required or recommended materials in units. (20) All required and recommended texts or resources are re-evaluated by the College Course Advisory Group (or equivalent) when a course, following Comprehensive Course Review is submitted for re-accreditation. (21) Academic Quality and Standards may periodically monitor compliance with the Procedure. Appropriate Workplace Behaviour - Staff-Authored Texts Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Section 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Dean (or equivalent)
Implementation of the process.
College Course Advisory Group (or equivalent)
Peer–review and recommendations for the inclusion of staff authored texts or resources as required or recommended materials.
Academic Quality and Standards
Periodic monitoring of compliance with the Procedure.
Part B - Procedures
Part C - CAMS and Academic Quality and Standards
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