(1) This procedure aims to ensure the remuneration and benefits for senior staff are applied in a consistent and equitable manner and will be: (2) This document describes the process undertaken to classify and determine the level of remuneration for senior positions outside the standard classification levels contained in the relevant industrial agreements. (3) This procedure applies to all senior positions that are classified at: (4) SSC - Senior Staff Contract (5) HEW10+ - refers to positions classified higher than HEW Level 10 that fall into the Senior Leadership classification structure (see Section 6, Guidelines) (6) See Remuneration and Benefits Policy . (7) The University uses the Mercer CED job evaluation system to classify and evaluate the level of senior roles within the bands of the classification framework. The evaluation method provides for the sound and systematic evaluation of positions based on job content, skill requirements, business/organisation environment, job challenges and position accountabilities. The structure has five levels (with five being the highest) comprising positions of comparable work value. Each level has a defined remuneration range. (8) The classification structure is based on Total Employment Cost (TEC) which is the total of base salary, allowances, loadings, car benefit value (if applicable) and employer superannuation. (9) The University has set the median remuneration point for each range for fully competent and experienced staff performing at optimum level. This allows sufficient flexibility to match the market and reward people for their performance. The following factors are assessed to determine the appropriate positioning within the range for each employee: (10) The manager of the position will be provided with the remuneration range applicable for the graded position (minimum to mid-point). Any recommendations over the midpoint will need to be submitted to the Executive Director, P&C, including rationale supporting the case for increased remuneration. The Executive Director, P&C will submit a recommendation to the Vice-Chancellor for consideration and approval. (11) An existing position may be reviewed and re-evaluated in circumstances where there is significant change to responsibilities, complexity or structure of position. In these circumstances, a revised position description is to be provided by the Supervisor / Manager for evaluation. (12) A re-evaluation will not necessarily lead to a change in the classification of the position, or a change to remuneration. (13) The remuneration components included in a senior leadership position may typically include: (14) Note: 'Tools of trade' items such as laptops and mobile phones are issued as required and not included in the calculation for TEC or the individual employment contract. (15) The contractual arrangements for staff with positions evaluated within the Senior Leadership Classification Range will be one of the following: (16) Standard EA letter of appointment (17) Senior Staff Contract (SSC) (18) Executive contract (19) Senior Leadership Levels (20) Reports directly to the Vice-Chancellor (21) Usually reports to the Vice-Chancellor (22) Typically reports to a DVC or PVC (23) Provides advice that is strategic ,affecting major programs and systems (24) Recognised reference point in relation to policy, precedent, best practice and standards (25) This procedure is required to support the following: (26) The following documents have been referenced in this procedure:Remuneration - Senior Leadership Position Classification Procedure
Section 1 - Purpose / Objectives
Section 2 - Scope / Application
Top of PageSection 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy Statement
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Responsibilities
Supervisor / Manager of position
People & Culture, P&C Business Services
Vice Chancellor
Part B - Evaluation of position — MERCER CED
Part C - Review of existing position
Part D - Remuneration components
Part E - Contractual arrangements
Top of PageSection 6 - Guidelines
Top of Page
Senior Leadership Level (work value range)
Key Points
5 (1051-1360 points)
Member of the University's Senior Management Team
Determines and implements University wide strategy and policy
Defines and drives major change agenda
Recognised leader in the tertiary education sector
4 (856-1050 points)
Usually a member of the University's Senior Management Team
Provides expert advice and counsel
Actively contributes to the development of the University's Strategic Plan and accountable for faculty/function specific policies
Forward planning and strategic decision making is a key component, but not the only focus
Significant human and financial resource management accountability
3 (706-855 points)
Works within the framework of the Faculty/ Division and the broader University Strategic Plan
Actively involved in strategic and operational planning for the Portfolio/Faculty//Department
Likely to be a member of various University Committee/s
Accountable for the delivery of specific programs or projects
Likely to have human and financial resource management accountability
2 (571-705)
Works to achieve Faculty/Department/ Divisional objectives and goals
Professional position providing leadership in an important area of advice and in the supervision of other professionals
May have human and financial resource management accountability
1 (460-570)
Solves problems within established guidelines and professional knowledge
May have human and financial resource management accountabilitySection 7 - References
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