(1) This Procedure: (2) HESF: 2.3 Wellbeing and Safety (3) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth): Standard 8 (4) This Procedure also aligns with ISO 45001:2018 Clause 6.1,7,8.1.2,8.1.4. (5) This Procedure applies to all VU premises and all staff, contractors, students and visitors (i.e. external academics, researchers who come to use VU facilities) who undertake activities involving chemicals. (6) This Procedure does not cover “Radioactive” or “Asbestos Containing” materials which are managed under separate procedures. (7) Carcinogen - Chemical which may cause cancer. Incidence of cancer is usually dose related. (8) Chemicals - Includes all compressed gases, cryogenic liquids, dangerous goods, combustible liquids, hazardous substances, hazardous chemicals, paints, glues, solvents, fluxes, scheduled poisons, fuels, glues, laboratory chemicals, epoxy resins, thinners, cement powder and swimming pool and cooling tower water treatment chemicals. (9) Chemical Register - The chemical register lists all chemicals, their classification/category, hazardous status, storage location/s and maximum expected quantities stored. The register also provides links to the current chemical SDSs. Each location chemical register must list all the chemicals currently in use and/or storage in the correct folder locations. The VU chemical database (Chemwatch) is the inventory tool for the management of chemicals used and stored on all University premises. Chemwatch can be accessed through the intranet under the Useful Links of the Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) information section. (10) CWC Chemicals - Chemical Weapons Convention Chemicals - Australian Government - Australian Safeguards and Non-Proliferation Office. (11) Cytotoxic Drugs - Therapeutic agents intended for, but not limited to the treatment of cancer. These drugs are known to be highly toxic to cells. Many are carcinogens, mutagens or teratogens. (12) Dangerous Goods - Substances or articles that pose an immediate risk to people, property or the environment (e.g. flammable, toxic, corrosive). Defined under the Australian Dangerous Goods Transport Regulations. (13) Hazardous Chemicals - Under the Federal Model Work Health and Safety (WHS) Regulations, a hazardous chemical is any substance, mixture or article that satisfies the criteria of one or more Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling of Chemicals (GHS) hazard classes, including a classification in Schedule 6 of the WHS Regulations. (14) Hazardous substances - Pure chemicals or chemical mixtures that are hazardous to your health, both short term and long term chronic exposure. Generally classified under previous legislation and recorded in the Safe Work Australia Hazardous Substance Information System data base. (15) High Consequence Dangerous Goods - High consequence dangerous goods are those that have the potential for miss-use in a terrorist incident and which may, as a result, produce serious consequences such as mass casualties or mass destruction. (16) Occupational Exposure Limits - Average material concentration levels below which personnel should not experience any adverse health effects during a working lifetime. Refer to Safe Work Australia Hazardous Substance Information System data base. (17) Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) - Refers to anything used or worn to minimise risk to workers’ health and safety. Examples include safety glasses, gloves, respiratory protection, and safety boots. (18) Scheduled Carcinogens - Carcinogenic chemicals are hazardous substances that may cause cancer. Two schedules of carcinogenic chemicals have been declared under the Victoria OHS Regulations 2017. These are: Schedule 10 -Prohibited carcinogenic substances; and Schedule 11 – Restricted carcinogenic substances. (19) Scheduled Poisons - Substances listed on the Commonwealth Standard for the Uniform Scheduling of Medicines and Poisons (SUSMP) are chemicals and pharmaceuticals that have special controls applied to how they are packaged, labelled, dispensed and used to ensure the safety of the community. (20) Safety Data Sheet (SDS) - A document of prescribed format providing physical, chemical, toxicological and safe handling instructions for any given chemical. As far as is practicable all safety data sheets must be of Australian Format, (16 Sections) with Australian contact details and reviewed within the last 5 years. (22) The procurement of chemicals must be controlled by the relevant local manager. (23) Approval to purchase a chemical will only be provided if: (24) Chemicals must be purchased in the smallest quantities necessary as the cost of chemical storage, management and waste disposal is often greater that the cost saving achieved by bulk purchasing. Ordering needs to consider the capacity of the stores so they do not exceed the minor quantities (as per the relevant Australian Standard) for each category or class of chemical. (25) All chemicals must be stored in designated chemical stores, laboratories, studios or workshops. No chemicals shall be stored in personal lockers, desks or offices. (26) Chemicals should be stored as indicated on the relevant SDS taking into account the quantity being stored. (27) Separation of material classifications or classes for Dangerous Goods is mandatory - Refer to the Dangerous Goods Classes Segregation Chart. (28) Major storages where quantities exceed limits for minor storage as determined in the relevant Australian Standard or the Dangerous Goods Regulations for the dangerous goods class require placarding and signage. Depending on the quantity stored, these chemicals may be included on the site manifest and notification to Worksafe may be required. This must be carried out with the HSW team. (29) Chemical Storage inside a working teaching or research laboratory should comply with the Maximum Chemical Storage in a Laboratory Guidance. (30) Chemical Storages must be equipped and maintained in accordance with the relevant legislative National and State requirements and Australian Standards. Refer to HSW Guidance Note Legislative Compliance. (31) Scheduled drugs and poisons must be stored and managed according to the relevant poisons control plan and legislation and secured inside compliant locked cabinets in locked and secure rooms. Refer to the Purchase and Storage of Scheduled Poisons and VU HSW Safe Operating Procedure - Poisons Management. (32) All chemical storage cabinets must have spill collection trays (which are not used for storage), appropriate signage and open or closed ventilation as is recommended for their contents. (33) All flammable liquid storage cabinets shall have self-closing and self-latching doors. To minimise corrosion, it is recommended that all corrosive cabinets are plastic. (34) A register of use of scheduled carcinogens must be maintained and contain: (35) Chemical stores must be inspected at least weekly in order to identify any spills, broken containers or chemical stored in inappropriate locations. (36) Reconciliation audits of quantities of S8 and S9 chemicals must be completed at least quarterly with discrepancies, losses or thefts reported via the procedure in the guidelines. (37) Where poisons are stored and used the Poison Control Plan must be reviewed at least annually with retention of records of each review. Stands should be provided for poison safes which must be secured to the floor (rather than a wall) to minimise ergonomic risks. (38) All major chemical stores and minor mixed storages must be audited at least annually by the person who is responsible for approving purchases to the storage location or their delegated representative or a member of the HSW team. Audits must ensure that chemical registers reflect actual storages. Chemical storage audit findings must be entered into the VU HSW Hazard/Incident Reporting System. (39) Any hazardous substance or dangerous goods contained in a pipe, piping system, process vessel, reactor vessel or any plant must be identified by signs and labels to staff and contracted personnel who might be exposed to the substance. (40) Where dangerous goods or combustible liquids are stored, the tanks and associated pipework must be regularly maintained and the integrity of the tank inspected at least every 10 years or shorter depending on the tank type and relevant Australian Standard. Documented records of system inspections, maintenance and integrity testing must be retained. (41) Facilities where chemicals are used and stored must exhibit compliance with: (42) Facilities for the storage, preparation and consumption of food and drinks must be provided outside of workshops, classrooms, chemical storage areas and laboratories. (43) Hand washing facilities with hot and cold water must be provided. (44) Areas separate from storage and use of chemicals for writing up and office work must also be provided. (45) VU Chemical Database (Chemwatch) is the chemical register (see Definitions) for all VU chemical storages. Chemwatch can be accessed through the intranet under the Useful Links of the HSW information section. Maximum quantities are used to determine dangerous goods storage, site placarding and the manifest requirements. It is essential that these quantities are current and correct. (46) Chemical Register requirements: (47) Staff working on premises which are not controlled by VU are required to: (48) All chemicals and chemical solutions must be labelled to identify their contents and provide basic health and safety information. (49) Chemicals decanted from a manufacturers' container to another container and prepared solutions must have the following on the label: (50) Information for the chemical can be obtained from the manufacturer's original label and the SDS. (51) If the SDS for the chemical or chemical solution is listed in the VU Chemical Database (Chemwatch), the database can be used to print a compliant label. (52) Reused containers must have one correct and clear label. (53) Cleaned containers must have all labels removed, marked over or covered, whatever is most practicable. (54) No reused food or beverage containers (e.g. drink bottles) are permitted to be used as chemical containers. The single exemption is for the chemical testing of foods and beverages where the food containers shall be clearly marked as for chemical testing ONLY. (55) Non-hazardous and non-dangerous goods containers must legibly display the contents name. This includes water containers. (56) SDSs must be readily available to all staff and students who may be exposed to that chemical. It is acceptable to keep printed mini SDSs or to store the SDSs electronically, provided they are readily accessible. (57) The VU Chemical Database (Chemwatch) provides access to supplier SDSs which can be viewed and printed in a standard format. (58) SDS must be: (59) Only staff and students who have a legitimate need and who have undertaken an induction (i.e. cleaners) should have access to chemicals. Unauthorised access and activities must be prevented. Basic security controls for chemicals include: (60) The presence of unknown persons in laboratories or chemical store rooms should be investigated so as to establish the reasons for these persons presence. (61) Regular checks and maintenance of a current inventory of all chemicals, biological agents and equipment. Any discrepancies must be reported. (62) Access to scheduled poisons, controlled drugs and precursor chemicals must be restricted in accordance with licensing and regulatory requirements. Records of use, quantities booked out and quantities remaining in store must be maintained at each storage location. (63) Chemicals must be disposed of via VU's hazardous waste disposal arrangements. (64) This Procedure refers to any waste that is generated from any research, industrial, commercial, hospital, laboratory or trade activity and that has the potential to be harmful to humans and/or the environment. (65) Chemical waste must be categorized with reference to the SDS and disposed of in accordance with the VU Chemical Waste Disposal Guidance Notes. (66) All chemicals for disposal must be - (67) A VU approved and appropriately licensed provider must be engaged for disposal of hazardous and non-hazardous waste. (68) All staff and students who work with chemicals must be provided with sufficient training and supervision so they can work competently and safely. Training must be provided at appropriate periods and cover the following: (69) The student or staff member being trained must demonstrate competence in safely undertaking the task(s) involving chemicals before being deemed competent. The attainment of competence must be documented and the records maintained indefinitely. Ongoing general supervision must also be provided. (70) Specific online Chemical Training courses for all staff, postgraduate and honours students are listed below under Clause 112. These courses are accessible in VU Develop and VU Collaborate. (71) Further information can be sourced from the Chemical Management Intranet Webpage and the HSW team. (72) Risk assessments must be completed for tasks involving hazardous chemicals. Risk controls measures must be identified and followed. Where necessary relevant safe operating procedures need to be established and documented. (73) The risk assessment process for tasks involving hazardous substances and dangerous goods will include the following steps: (74) The risk assessment must be reviewed following a near miss, spill or incident and when there are changes to the chemicals, procedure, location and or equipment used. Records of review and changes shall be recorded in the risk assessment. (75) Emergency drench showers and eye wash stations must be available in all laboratories and adjacent to some major chemical storage depending on the quantities and types of materials being stored. Further advice can be sought from the HSW team. (76) Fume control equipment must be used when work is undertaken with volatile chemicals, solvents, fume generating activities, some powders or reactions in open processes, unless the risk assessment indicates that fume extraction is not necessary. (77) Fume cabinets or local exhaust ventilation shall be flow checked regularly; fans and ancillary equipment must be maintained at least annually. Maintenance records must be retained. (78) Fume extraction filters for ventilation systems must be inspected and replaced on a regular basis or at least annually according to the frequency of use and concentrations present. (79) Gas monitors (portable and built in) and gas detection devices must be calibrated by a NATA accredited supplier at least 6 monthly unless an area risk assessment determines otherwise. At least annual calibration is mandatory. Some locations and gases may specify that more frequent gas monitor calibration is required. Monthly calibration checks are recommended for portable gas monitors. (80) The filter cartridges for negative pressure respirators in use must be changed at least every 6 months or more frequently depending on exposures. (81) Risk assessments must be undertaken in order to determine if any additional controls e.g. respiratory protection, face shields, glove boxes, mobile extraction units, specialist spill kits etc. are required. (82) The type of PPE and clothing required when working with chemicals varies depending on the chemicals being handled, the tasks being undertaken and the facilities being used. The SDS must be reviewed when deciding the appropriate PPE. It must be documented in the risk assessment. (83) The minimum PPE and clothing required when working with chemicals is as follows: (84) PPE must be maintained in good condition, stored appropriately and users must be trained in correct fit and care of the PPE. (85) Personnel using reusable negative pressure respiratory protection should be fit tested to ensure the correct size is purchased and trained in the use and care of the respirator. (86) Disposable respiratory protection (masks) shall not be used as a control when using severely toxic chemicals. (87) All respiratory protection purchased shall be compliant with AS/NZS 1716:2012: Respiratory protective devices or the relevant sections of the new standard series AS ISO 16900.11:2015 to AS ISO 16900.4 Respiratory protective devices. (88) Staff and students who work with chemicals must be prepared for emergencies. Each individual or workgroup that use chemicals must be prepared to: (89) For further details refer to the Emergency Management web site. (90) Exposure prevention is the first priority when working with chemicals. Health surveillance must be conducted when risk assessments identify exposures which are uncertain or may exceed Safework Australia occupational exposure limits. (91) All Staff and Students are required to immediately report to their supervisor or lecturer any health effects for example, dizziness, nausea, rashes, skin or eye irritation or respiratory discomfort that may be attributed to chemical exposure. Add as incident to the incident reporting system. Contact the HSW Team for further information by logging any queries using People First HR Service Requests. (92) Transport of Dangerous Goods on public roads must be in accordance with the Dangerous Goods Transport Regulations. (93) In most cases the preferred option is to use a contracted specialist licensed Dangerous Goods courier. (94) There are maximum quantities which can be carried and not constitute a placarded load. Placarded loads require the driver to have a special licence to transport Dangerous Goods. Refer to Dangerous Goods Transport Regulations. (95) Portable mobile devices can be sources of contamination (into or out of laboratories), may distract scientists during critical tasks and may interfere with some laboratory equipment. (96) Lap tops and portable tablets must not be carried around and used inside laboratories unless a risk assessment has deemed this acceptable and appropriate control are implemented. (97) Where devices must be used, designated clean zones for computers/iPad/laptops with protective covers over the key boards are required. (98) Where smart phones must be carried they - (99) Care must be taken when operating electronic analysis equipment to ensure equipment touch points are not contaminated by chemicals and that electrical components are protected from liquid spills. (100) These are chemicals which develop hazards not present in the original formulation when they are stored for prolonged periods or are not stored correctly. There are four general categories of time-sensitive chemicals and these categories are based on the unsafe properties that the time-sensitive chemical can develop. These are: (101) If the chemical is expected to become unstable over time, this must be identified prior to purchase and arrangements must be made to manage the risk. The recommended practice is to date all new chemicals as they arrive into storage and to include a use by date for time sensitive chemicals. This enables chemicals to be monitored and ready identification of lapsed storage periods. (Refer to Guidance on Time Sensitive Chemicals for more information). (102) Additional security measures are required when purchasing chemicals and/or apparatus that are known to be used in the manufacture of illicit drugs. (103) The intended purchase of precursor chemicals and/or apparatus that could be used in the manufacture of illicit drugs must be identified using the Pre Purchase Checklist. An End User Declaration must be completed as defined in the Drugs Poisons and Controlled Substances (Precursor Supply) Regulations 2021 (Vic). The 'End User Declaration' form is provided by the chemical supplier. (104) These types of chemicals shall only be purchased by the relevant area technical manager or nominated responsible person. These materials have additional special requirements for their procurement and use. (105) All staff must refer directly to the WorkSafe internet site for licensing and other requirements for the purchase and use of carcinogenic substances. All License documentation shall be retained by the College or Campus in a central and secure location. (106) Staff who manage S8 and S9 chemical stores and sign these materials in and out of storage, but are not registered medical or veterinary practitioners, shall complete a National Police records check. (107) This Procedure is required to support the legislation pertaining to chemicals, Dangerous goods, drugs poisons and controlled substances and the Occupational Health and Safety Act. For details see HSW Guidance Legislation. (108) The following Policy documents have been referenced in this procedure: (109) HSW Guidance Documents (110) Posters and One Page Information (111) SOP (112) HSW Chemical Training (113) HSW Intranet WebpagesHealth and Safety - Chemical Management Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Top of PageSection 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment
Section 3 - Scope
Section 4 - Definitions
Please note Asbestos is treated under the HSW - Asbestos Management Procedure.Section 5 - Policy/Regulation
Top of PageSection 6 - Procedures
Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities
Everyone working at VU
• Attend and complete relevant safety training that is provided.
• Follow safe working procedures and practices.
• Perform risk assessments prior to using chemicals.
• Notify your Health & Safety Representative (HSR) or Manager if you identify any new hazards.
• Use appropriate risk controls such as PPE and safety systems as required.
• Use the VU Chemical Database (Chemwatch) to access the list of chemicals and their SDSs in use at the University. Chemwatch can be accessed through the intranet under the Chemwatch Portal button of the HSW information section.
• Report and record, using the VU HSW Hazard/Incident Reporting System, any near miss, or hazard with potential to, or incident which has caused injury, illness or damage to the work environment. This includes all chemical spills.
Managers and Supervisors
• Providing information, instruction, training and supervision to all employees regarding chemical usage.
• Ensuring risk assessments and standard operating procedures have been completed, controls are in place and adhered to.
• Ensure all area chemical registers in the VU Chemical Database (Chemwatch) are current.
• Prohibited substances are not used or stored in the workplace.
• Relevant safety signage is displayed.
• Control the purchase of all hazardous chemicals by:
-Ensuring poisons permit and scheduled carcinogens license parameters are met.
-Via approval processes ensuring purchase requests meet the procurement requirements listed in this Procedure to ensure compliant chemical storage quantities are not exceeded.
• Ensure the safe storage and disposal of all hazardous chemicals is planned and implemented.
• Ensure all disposal of chemicals is completed using the VU Chemical Waste Disposal Guidance and the VU approved waste disposal provider.
• Direct the immediate response to chemical spills using spill kits supplied, if required, minimise the exposure of any person present when chemicals are uncontrolled.
• Promote regular consultation and discussion regarding safe chemical management.
• Arrange for personal exposure or workplace monitoring where occupational exposure limits may be uncertain or exceeded.
Executives and Leaders
• Ensure responsible and compliant chemical management, hazardous chemical risk assessment and control implementation.
• Set objectives and goals for improvement in safe chemical management at VU.
• Monitor compliance with this Procedure and ensure risk mitigation systems are reviewed and allocated reasonable resources for implementation and ongoing maintenance.
Teachers, Academic Staff and Researchers, Demonstrators and Technical staff
• Consider the hierarchy of controls when devising experiments and teaching experiences with the overall aim of the reducing risk of injury or potential exposures.
• Ensure required PPE, closed shoes, safety glasses, and/or any other requirements are used every time they are required in documented risk assessments and safe work methods and job safety analyses.
• Provide induction, instruction, training and supervision to eliminate and/or minimise risk within tasks.
• Ensure demonstrations are delivered in compliance with risk assessments and safe operating procedures for the activity.
• Use pre purchase checklist prior to any purchase and/or before introducing any new task or equipment or chemical to University activities.
• Ensure all area chemical registers in the VU Chemical Database (Chemwatch) are current.
Research Students
• Complete the relevant laboratory, workshop or work area Safety Induction.
• Follow safety instructions from technical support personnel, supervisor, demonstrator or lecturer. Complete additional chemical management training as required.
Undergraduate Students
• Follow safety instructions from supervisor, demonstrator or lecturer.
Health, Safety and Wellbeing (HSW) Team
• In consultation with key stakeholders provide information, instruction and training on chemicals management including development of risk assessments.
• Provide and administer the VU Chemical Database as the official chemical register for the University. This includes provision of training.
• Provide advice to ensure Dangerous Goods requirements for campus signage, placarding and manifests are correct and current.
• Ensure Dangerous Goods notifications are submitted to WorkSafe as required.Part B - Procedure
Chemical Procurement
Chemical Quantities
Compliant Chemical Storage
VU Chemical Database (Chemwatch)/Chemical Register
Labelling of Chemical Containers
Safety Data Sheets (SDS)
Access to Chemicals
Disposal of Chemicals
Risk Assessments
Safety Equipment - Engineering Controls
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
Health Surveillance
Transport of Chemicals
Use of Mobile and Electronic Devices
Time-sensitive chemicals
Precursor Chemicals and Apparatus
Scheduled Poisons, Controlled Drugs, Carcinogenic Substances, CWC-Scheduled Chemicals, Chemicals of Security Concern and High Consequence Dangerous Goods, Importing Industrial Chemicals
Top of Page
Required records
Types of Records
Record Kept by
Record retention time
Chemical Registers
Chemical registers - Chemwatch
Maintained by: Academic/ administrative unit
Retained by Chemwatch30 years or until review
Retained by Chemwatch
Safety Data Sheets
Vendor or Chemwatch
30 years or until review
Retained by Chemwatch
Risk Assessments
Documented risk assessment
Academic/administrative unit
5 years or until review
HSW Training records
Attendees, content, completed answer sheet with signature of candidate
General VU Training P&C
In LMS system
Area specific - Academic/administrative unit7 years or as long as the staff member is employed
Use of Scheduled Carcinogens
Names of carcinogens used, Time periods each scheduled carcinogen used
Academic/administrative unit
50 years - Archive to VU Records Management
Poisons Records
Log books, names and addresses of users, destruction records
Academic/administrative unit
5 years
EPA prescribed waste transport
EPA prescribed waste transport certificates
Academic/administrative unit
7 years
Health Surveillance results
Exposure measurements, Exposure reports
Medical surveillance recordsHSW
50 years
Tank and Pipeline Maintenance
Maintenance and Testing records
Facilities/Technical Services
7 years
Section 7 - Supporting Documents and Information
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As a staff member, you have a duty to take reasonable care for your own health and safety and to not adversely affect the health and safety of others on the work site. You also have a number of other responsibilities. These including the following:
Have additional responsibilities. Specifically, they are responsible for:
• Ensure SDS and task risk assessments which include chemical hazards are readily available to all personnel using or working with chemicals.
• Procedures and risk assessments for activities which involve chemicals are documented, reviewed by the area Technical Manager and adhered to.
• Complete the relevant laboratory, workshop or work area Safety Induction.
• Provide advice to eliminate and/or minimise hazards in relation to chemical purchasing, safe storage, transport and disposal as requested.