(1) This Procedure specifies the key approval stages and responsibilities involved in the management of the CRICOS Register for Higher Education (HE) Award and Non-Award courses. (2) This Procedure ensures VU's compliance with the National Code of Practice for Providers of Education and Training to Overseas Students 2018 (The National Code 2018) specifically: (3) This Procedure ensures VU's compliance with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (Cth) (as it relates to CRICOS registration) specifically: (4) This Procedure applies to all HE Award and Non-Award courses (now referred to as HE course/s) that are: (5) This Procedure does not apply to Vocational Education and Training (VET) Award and Non-Award courses that are regulated, and CRICOS registered, by the Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA). (6) (7) (8) (9) Distance Learning (for ESOS purposes only)– Any learning that an international on-shore student undertakes off-campus that does not require them to physically attend regular tuition at a Victoria University (VU) campus. (10) (11) (12) (13) Online Learning (for ESOS purposes only) – Is where the teacher and international on-shore student primarily communicate through digital media; technology based tools; and/or IT networks. It does not require the international on-shore student to attend scheduled classes, or maintain contact hours. For the purposes of the ESOS Framework, online learning does not include the provision of online lectures; tuition; or other resources that supplement scheduled classes or contact hours. (14) Overseas Student (for ESOS purposes only) – At VU this is an international on-shore student. (15) (16) (17) (18) (19) Work-Based Training (for ESOS purposes only) – This is training and/or assessment that will occur in the workplace other than in VU's own simulated workplace environment. (20) Refer to Courses Lifecycle Policy. (21) The National Code 2018 sets standards to ensure that education services meet the needs and expectations of overseas students who come to Australia and satisfy the objectives of the ESOS Act. Compliance with the standards is required at the point of CRICOS registration and throughout the CRICOS registration period. (22) The approval period of CRICOS courses is aligned to the provider CRICOS registration date. (23) In relation to the management of the CRICOS Register VU must comply with Standard 11 - Additional Registration Requirements specifically: (24) VU must submit to TEQSA for approval information on any proposed changes to the registration of the course (as outlined in Clause 23a) at least 30 days prior to the time at which those changes are proposed to take effect. (25) In relation to the management of the CRICOS Register VU must comply with the Higher Education Standards Framework (Threshold Standards) 2021 (Cth) specifically: (26) A College can apply for CRICOS registration of a HE course anytime in the course lifecycle. An internal application is completed in the Course Approval Management System (CAMS) and Academic Quality and Standards (AQS) will determine the most appropriate CRICOS registration action. (27) Normally, brand new HE courses in their first year of offer will not be CRICOS registered. This will enable a demonstration of course viability so to ensure that the course is offered on an ongoing basis, and reduce the risk of provider default. (28) A HE course that has been approved as exit course from an undergraduate course (Associate Degree or Diploma) or a postgraduate HE course (Graduate Diploma or Graduate Certificate) must be CRICOS registered. International students cannot be conferred with an exit award if the exit course is not CRICOS registered. (29) If an Active HE course has had no international enrolments (or pending) for three years VU will withdraw the course from the CRICOS Register so as to reduce the risk of provider default. (30) A new HE course must be CRICOS registered where there are changes to the: (31) A HE course listed on the CRICOS Register may be updated by TEQSA where there: (32) All applications to add a HE courses to the CRICOS Register must be processed via the TEQSA Provider Portal, using CRICOS templates that have been developed by TEQSA. (33) The CRICOS code is added into CAMS as soon as AQS receives notification of approval from TEQSA. At the same time, CRICOS stakeholders will be advised of CRICOS registration in order to update applicable VU systems. (34) AQS will transfer a CRICOS code from a superseded HE course, to a new HE course, when the following conditions are exactly the same in both courses: (35) Routine course lifecycle changes that result in a change in HE course status are also reflected in the status of the CRICOS code eg. Active to Teach Out. (36) When the College requests an amendment to the CRICOS status this change must be approved by the Chief International Officer or Principal, Victoria University Sydney. Once approved the CRICOS code status is changed immediately to Teach Out (and the course withdrawn from the CRICOS Register as soon as is practicable). (37) When VU Global or VUS requests an amendment to the CRICOS status this change is made immediately (and the course withdrawn from the CRICOS Register as soon as is practicable). (38) A change in HE course status from Active to Suspended is not a routine course lifecycle action. The CRICOS code is changed immediately to Suspended and will be updated to reflect subsequent changes in HE course status. (39) On an annual basis AQS aligns the CRICOS data in CAMS (internal source) with the CRICOS Register (external source). (40) This audit will be conducted for both Melbourne and Sydney Registers. (41) As a result of this audit VU will (only if required): (42) On an annual basis AQS reviews the end dates of all courses on PRISMS to ensure that they are aligned to the provider registration end date. (43) HE Courses can only be withdrawn from the CRICOS Register if they have: (44) Twice each academic year (after census date) AQS undertakes a review of all CRICOS registered teach out courses. This review will ascertain if the HE course can be withdrawn from the CRICOS Register, subject to the above conditions. (45) The CRICOS code will be withdrawn from the HE course in CAMS as soon as AQS receives approval from the PEO.Courses Lifecycle - Management of the CRICOS Register (HE) Procedure
Section 1 - Summary
Top of PageSection 2 - Scope
Section 3 - Definitions
Section 4 - Policy
Section 5 - Procedures
Part A - Roles and Responsibilities
Executive Dean of College
- Identifies the need for a HE course to be CRICOS registered.
Director, Academic Quality and Standards (AQS)
- Manages the addition, transfer, amendment and withdraw of all HE courses on the CRICOS Register.
- Minimises the risk to VU by developing CRICOS registration applications on behalf of Colleges, and submitting them to TEQSA on behalf of the University.
- Provides the central point of advice for CRICOS registration of HE courses.
- Liaises with TEQSA is relation to CRICOS registration issues for HE courses.
- Maintains internal source of CRICOS information of HE courses in CAMS.
Chief International Officer
- Endorses the addition of HE courses to the Melbourne CRICOS Register based on assessment of potential international student demand, viability and compliance with the ESOS Act.
- Endorses the withdrawal of HE courses from the Melbourne CRICOS Register based on review of information on PRISMS.
Principal, Victoria University Sydney (VUS)
- Endorses the addition of HE courses to the Sydney CRICOS Register based on assessment of potential international student demand, viability and compliance with the ESOS Act.
- Endorses the withdrawal of HE courses from the Sydney CRICOS Register based on review of information on PRISMS.
Principal Executive Officer (PEO) for ESOS
- Approves all VU applications for addition, and withdrawal, of all HE courses from the CRICOS Register, for both Melbourne and Sydney locations.
- This role is currently undertaken by the Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer.
Deputy Vice-Chancellor Finance
- Determines course fees for CRICOS registered courses, pre and post registration.
Senior Deputy Vice-Chancellor and Chief Academic Officer
- Provides information to TEQSA on VU's intention to re-locate; add a new campus; or delivery location.
Part B - Regulatory Compliance
Part C - Principles of CRICOS Registration (Internal)
Part D - Adding a HE Course to the CRICOS Register
Part E - Amending the Status of a CRICOS Registered HE Course
Part F - Auditing the CRICOS Register
Part G - Withdrawing a HE Course from the CRICOS Register
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