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VET Non-School Senior Secondary Provider - Integrity, Accuracy and Currency of Student Records Procedure

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Section 1 - Summary

(1) This Procedure outlines the requirements for maintaining the integrity, accuracy and currency of student records in Victorican Certificate of Education (VCE) and Victorian Certificate of Applied Learning (VCAL) programs.

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Section 2 - HESF/ASQA/ESOS Alignment

(2) Standards for Registered Training Organisations (RTOs) 2015 (Cth)

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Section 3 - Scope

(3) This Procedure applies to all student records relating to non-school senior secondary programs delivered by the Polytechnic.

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Section 4 - Definitions

(4) VCAA – Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority.

(5) VASS – Victorian Assessment Software System - managed by the VCAA. This database stores personal and enrolment details for all students enrolled in VCE or VCAL programs.

(6) Home School – The senior secondary school provider where a VCE or VCAL student is enrolled for one or more VCE or VCAL units.

(7) Full Student Details Report – A report generated from VASS that specifies the personal and enrolment details for an individual student.

(8) GAT – General Assessment Test.

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Section 5 - Policy/Regulation

(9) Nil

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Section 6 - Procedures

Part A - Summary of Roles and Responsibilities

Roles Responsibilities
Director Oversee the implementation of the Procedure.
Manager Approve VASS access for relevant staff.

Ensure appropriate training for VASS administration officers.

Monitor the implementation of the Procedure and the maintenance of accurate records.

Sign completed attendance registers.
Manager and VCE and VCAL Team Leaders Access VASS notifications and circulate to relevant staff.

Approve amendments to results for VASS entry.

Check attendance registers for accuracy.
VCE and VCAL Team Leaders Develop calendar of VCAA administrative dates and provide to teachers and administration officers.

Review enrolment data with students and ensure amendments are processed.

Review results data with teachers.
Teachers (including ongoing or fixed-term, sessional or teaching contractors) Enter student results on the VASS class printout and return to the relevant VASS/ VCE/ VCAL Administration Officer within required timelines.

Complete attendance registers.

Verify student identity as required for assessment purposes.

Check results entry with the VCE/VCAL Team Leader and amend as required.

Approve all results entry by signing and dating the VASS class printout.
SITE Administration Team Leader Allocate appropriate administration staffing to support maintenance of student records.
VASS/ VCE/ VCAL Administration Officers Enter student details and amendments in VASS.

Process student and course amendments in VU’s Student Management System.

Print Full Student Details Reports as required.

Create individual student files.

Create class attendance registers.

Pre-print class result lists from VASS.

Enter approved results and result amendments on VASS.

Provide student results and records from VASS on written request from the named student.

Process transfers of VASS records to new home schools.

Store and archive records as per Records Management procedures.
Assessments and Completions Conduct external VCE examinations and maintain associated student documentation in line with the VCAA’s Agreement to Conduct and Administer VCE External Assessments.

Part B - VASS Access and Release of Records

(10) The Manager identifies staff members who require VASS access and ensures that they are provided with appropriate training from the VCAA.

(11) The Manager ensures that all VASS Officers sign the VASS User Acceptance Agreement form prior to being given access to the system. The original signed agreement must be retained by the Manager.

(12) Individual VASS login details are not shared with other staff members.

(13) Student records on VASS are made available to the named student upon request to the relevant VCE/VCAL Team Leader.

(14) Student records from VASS are released to a third party only with the written consent of the named student. Records of the request and consent are stored in the student file.

(15) Where the Polytechnic receives notification of a request to transfer student records to another home school, the relevant VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer contacts the student and the proposed home school to confirm the request. Once confirmed, the VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer actions the request on VASS.

Part C - Enrolment and Course Documentation Records

(16) In addition to completing the standard Polytechnic enrolment form, all students complete the VCE and VCAL Student Personal Details form prior to course commencement and provide acceptable identification documentation (birth certificate, passport, proof of age card, driving licence or Medicare card).

(17) The VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer checks details on the identification document against the information on the Student Personal Details form and clarifies any inconsistencies with the student. The identification document is copied and retained in the student file.

(18) The VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer enters the information from the Student Personal Details form on VASS and, within 30 days of enrolment, prints the Full Student Details Report from VASS for each student.

(19) The VCE and VCAL Team Leaders check each student’s Full Student Details Report, including the subjects to be completed in the current year, with the student.

(20) The student signs and dates the report to indicate that the details are correct. The VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer places the signed record in the student’s file and provides a copy to the student.

(21) Any subsequent changes to a student’s personal and /or course enrolment details must be actioned on VASS and on the Victoria University (VU) student management system. Following any updates, the Full Student Details Report must be printed and signed by the student. The original endorsed form must be retained in the student file and a copy provided to the student.

(22) All records entry and maintenance must comply with the VCAA’s administrative dates and any relevant VCAA notifications.

(23) A student file must be created for every enrolled student. A hard copy of all enrolment documentation is stored in the student’s individual file. Student files are to be stored in a secure staff environment cabinet in the office. Access to student files is provided by the Team Leader to administrative and teaching staff as required.

(24) All course–related documentation pertaining to the student must be stored securely in the student file.

(25) Access to student files is governed by VU’s Privacy Policy, Records Management Policy and related procedures.

Part D - Attendance Registers

(26) The VCE/VCAL Administration Officer prepares an attendance register for every commencing group and subject/unit, using the Polytechnic Attendance Register template.

(27) The class teacher completes the register at the commencement of each class, using the designated Polytechnic attendance codes.

(28) The class teacher must ensure that the attendance register is returned to the relevant staff office and stored securely, after each class.

(29) Attendance registers must not be removed from the VU campus where delivery is scheduled. Attendance registers must remain on site at all times.

(30) At the completion of delivery, the class teacher returns the attendance register to the relevant Team Leader.

(31) The Team Leader and the Manager review the attendance register for accuracy and return to the class teacher for any required additions or amendments.

(32) All amendments must be made in ink, dated and signed by the person making the amendment.

(33) The completed register is signed by the Manager and stored as per VU’s Records Management - Physical Records Storage Procedure.

Part E - Internal Assessment

(34) Before conducting any assessment activity, the teacher must ensure that the student is the correct person. An identification check may be required. ID is checked at enrolment so if a teacher has been working regularly with the student then no formal identification processes are required.

(35) All assessment items completed outside scheduled class time must be submitted with a signed assessment cover sheet, affirming that the work is that of the named student.

(36) For VCE internal formal examinations, papers should be printed by the class teacher immediately prior to the examination. Examination papers must be stored securely in the VCE staff office.

(37) Completed assessment items must be retained in the student file and archived as per VU’s Records Management - Disposal of Records Procedure.

Part F - VCE External Examinations

(38) External examinations, including the General Assessment Test (GAT), are conducted at the St Albans Campus.

(39) All VCAA examination materials must be stored in a locked cabinet in the VCAA approved secure room. Only authorised personnel may access the secure room.

(40) VU’s Assessments and Completions Department administers examinations and manages completed examination papers in line with the VCAA’s Agreement to Conduct and Administer VCE External Assessments.

Part G - Results Entry and Monitoring

(41) Two weeks prior to the scheduled results entry date, the VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer preprints a class list from VASS and provides it to the relevant teacher/s.

(42) Teacher/s enter the results on VU’s student management system and on the VASS class list. The class list is signed and returned to the VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer who enters the data on VASS.

(43) The VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer prints the results record from VASS and provides it to the relevant VCE/VCAL Team Leader.

(44) The Team Leader and teacher check the results record from VASS against the teacher’s records. When the accuracy of the data has been confirmed, the teacher signs and dates the VASS results record. A copy of the results record is retained securely by the VCE or VCAL Team Leader.

(45) The teacher documents any amendments on the VASS results record and provides it to the VASS/VCE/VCAL Administration Officer for updating in VASS. The updated record is printed for checking and signing by the teacher.

(46) Where an amendment to result is required, the VCE/VCAL Team Leader completes and signs the Result Amendment sheet from VASS. The form is then sent to the Student Records and Results Unit for processing. A copy of the amendment form is retained in the student’s file.

(47) All results entry activities must comply with the VCAA’s administrative dates and relevant VCAA notifications.